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Year 1502, Ohara

Inside the tree of Knowledge that's being bombarded by cannon fire. Several people are risking their lives to throw books inside the sea. In order to preserve history these people are risking their very lives. In the middle of all this a man with normal facial features and shaggy black hair took a scroll from his chest pocket.

He also took out a snail phone and dialed a number.

PuruPuruPuru PuruPuruPuru


Susan: Are they there?

Ace Division: Yeah. They are currently bombing the tree of knowledge.

Susan: His Majesty said that the tree doesn't matter much. The people and the knowledge they posses are what's important.

Olivia: Shane what are you doing at a time like this help us throw the books out



The others also voiced their opinions but Shane tossed the scroll. He then made a hand sign and the scroll went up in smoke. When the smoke cleared a large formation spread around the entire the inner part of the tree of Knowledge.

Olivia: These symbols?

Shane: That's right I am Shane of Atlantis. I've already copied all these books. So we can leave. Miss Susan

Susan: Yeah

Olivia: Wait! I have to get my daughter.

Shane: Don't worry she's fine. She's in safe hand's.

PUFF All people in the symbol disappeared in a puff of smoke. The flames engulfed the tree burning any and everything. Also at another part of the Island a slightly injured Kuzan looked at masked man.

Kuzan: Why is Atlantis interfering with the things of the WG?

Ace Division: Atlantis doesn't care what your WG does. However Saul's father is a friend of Elder Odin. Our elder got word of Saul's actions and asked us could we do something. I'm merely doing that something. So like I said Saul will be coming with me today so you'd best get out my way.

Kuzan: And the girl?

Ace Division: You ask a lot of useless questions.


A sword wave was sent towards Saul who was in ice. The sword wave had a flame around it as it shattered all the ice. Saul who was free felt a little warm before passing out. The man of Ace Division grabbed his shirt and used moonwalk to leave from the place.

Kuzan stood in place not knowing what to think. Looking out at the sea and then towards the burning ship as well as the burning Island. His thoughts chaotic as he walked towards his ship.


Inside the Castle Susan looked at the shocked scholars as she said.

Susan: His Majesty had expected something like this to happen after learning you all are studying those stones.

Clover: Is it possible for me to meet the King of Atlantis.

Susan: Impossible. His Majesty has secluded himself, The Queen and the Sages inside the Tower to train.

Clover: I would've loved to meet such an astounding young man.

Olivia: Do you know where my daughter is?


Year 1505, Sabaody Auction House

At this moment three young girls stood on the stage chained and scared. These girls watched as a crowd of man looked pale and scared at a man in bubble space suit. This man called out 400m beli to buy them with a disgusting face. However before the auctioneer could finish another voice spoke.

Ace Division: 600m beli

The room became deathly quiet as everyone looked towards where the person who spoke. Some showed expressions of waiting to see a show. However those in the know knew that the clothing of the person came from a force no weaker than the WG. Before the celestial dragon could even voice his anger the auctioneer said

Auctioneer: 600 million beli to the man from Atlantis. Does anyone else have a better bid?

The celestial dragon hearing the name Atlantis frowned as he finally looked towards the man in elfish clothes. He himself is very knowledgeable and good at handling things unlike most CD. He also watched the fight between the ancestor and the king of Atlantis. So he knew not to provoke anyone in Atlantis no matter where one was. Taking his eyes away he said

CD: 700 million

AD: 800 million

CD: 900 million

AD: 1 billion

Everyone watched in awe and amazement. This was a battle of the two strongest forces. Not a fight to the death but a fight a wealth. Who would win. The power that's ruled for the last 800 years or the new power that's emerged with unstoppable momentum.

CD: 2.1 billion

AD: 3 billion beli.

The CD frowned as he was in thought. The auctioneer didn't dare to call it. In fact he didn't want to call it. He hoped these two could continue to up the price. He looked at these three girls like they are the biggest treasures in the world.

CD: Why fight with me over thee girls? Doesn't your Kingdom frown on such things.

AD: Kids are innocent. If the ones up there had been adults. I wouldn't care as they could only blame themselves on being weak. However kids are off limits to such things as ordered by His Majesty.

The CDs eyes went wide as he said

CD: Is your Atlantis planning to shelter all children in the world.

AD: That's right.

The CD and those various nobles showed shocked faces. Atlantis planned to cover the sky for children everywhere in the world. The CD said nothing more as he got up and left. He had no further reason at staying here as nothing else would be sold. The man of Ace Division paid for the three girls as he told them to follow him.

The three girls looked on in fright. The man gave a warm smile as he said

AD: Don't worry an elder of ours spotted you all being taken in. He normally would leave such things alone however a friend of his is also here and comes from the same place as you all.

Hancock: You know where we come from?

AD: Mh. Come on follow me.

They walked for a while before they arrived at a huge luxury ship. The three sisters looked amazed as they saw the ship. Looking around they could see various soldiers man and woman standing proudly. After getting to the deck of the ship they saw several soldiers, two more people who wore similar clothes as the man with them.

One male and one female. The two are talking very respectfully to a man with blonde hair with grey temples. Beside him a woman smoking a cigarette talked with another woman holding a snake cane. Seeing the woman with the snake cane the three sisters ran up and said.

Boa Sisters: Empress.

Nyon: Stop. I'm no longer the empress of Amazon Lilly. So there is no need for you to bow to me. Thank you again Rayleigh and you all to for saving them.

AD: It's not a problem we have been tasked with providing safety with mermaid and Sky Islanders when they visit this island.

AD: As well as to help any children who are captured and set to be sold.

Rayleigh: That guy Ryu usually tries to avoid such troublesome things. But then again it aligns with his thinking. How is he by the way?

AD: His Majesty has secluded himself inside the Tower along with the Sages and Empress Sara.

Rayleigh: Training? What could he be training for? Well nevermind doesn't matter. How much did you spend to get them back I heard a CD was there.

AD: Nothing much just 3billion

There was collective gasp as they heard the price. Rayleigh chuckled as he said

Rayleigh: Only you guys could say something like that as if it was nothing.

Year, 1509 Fishman Island

Neptune has a serious face as he looks at the three individuals in front of him. They are Jinbe, Fisher Tiger and Saint Bill. They are currently meeting due to the actions of Fisher Tiger.

Bill: You can come to Atlantis where you'll be safe from the WG.

Fisher Tiger looked at Bill with disgust as he said

Fisher Tiger: I will not become caged again. I will roam these seas freely even if it means death. Besides I have no interest in staying in a place that only helps when it's beneficial to them.

Neptune: Tiger you will not be disrespectful to our benefactors.

Bills eyes narrowed as he said

Bill: Oh and what's that supposed to mean?

Fisher Tiger: You know exactly what it means. you are indeed the benefactors of fish man island and fish man everywhere. Yet despite the power you all have you do next to nothing in helping the rest of the world. You help and allow the WG to grow stronger and oppress the rest of the world. Why does your King




Jinbe/Neptune: TIGER

Tiger slowly fell from the ceiling after receiving a uppercut from Bill. Jinbe caught him as he coughed blood. He raised his eyes towards Bill who was unleashing a lot of Killing Intent towards him.

Bill: You'd do well to watch your mouth. You don't have the right or strength to even utter the words Your King when referring to His Majesty. As for this helping the world it has nothing to do with Atlantis. We are not some saviors that the world should look to help them. We do not want nor need such a troublesome responsibility. If you feel that you wish to change the world then go join Dragons Revolutionary Army or create your own. But if I ever hear speak about such words about Atlantis or His Majesty I will kill you without hesitation.