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Ronnie: Or should we fight to the Death.

Neither Doflamingo or Tesero are stupid as they both answered.

Doflamingo/Tesero: Negotiate.

Ronnie: Tsk. No fun.

Rode: Told you it wouldn't work.

Ronnie: Alright forget it then. I was hoping to watch you to fight against each other. But Whatever. So what do you want, how much of it and how can you ensure that we won't kill you should you miss a payment. Tesero

Tesero: I dont need much. I wish to borrow some gold, seastone, weapons as well as for you to advertise my business.

Ronnie: Oh. And what sorta business is that?

Tesero: I want to build the ultimate cruise ship. Gambling, drinking, woman, parks, and everything all on top of a gold ship.

Ronnie: Hehehehehe it all sounds quite glamorous.

Ronnie's eyes condensed as he sat up from his leisurely position. A strong pressure came off of him as he said

Ronnie: However. What are you gonna do to ensure your business doesn't get in the way of our business here in Atlantis.

Tesero with sweat on his brow said

Tesero: Unlike Atlantis entertainment island we'll be moving constantly. Never in one spot for to long. With the Seastone I'll be able to coat the bottom of the ship. This can allow me to travel the calm belt and I won't restrict myself to the new world and also go to paradise from time to time. I can also provide those people who wish to come here but can't or are to scared a ride here.

Ronnie looked towards Rode who was busy drinking wine and reading a book. Rode feeling his gaze didn't look up from the book but said

Rode: This is possible. You'll need to get those people to us every six months. Unless of course you're in Paradise. We'll list an island that those people can go to to board your ship. Also you have only six months to give us the first payment to pay off the debt. If you fail to provide the payment for whatever reason just know no one in this world will be able to protect you. Doflamingo

Doflamingo: Mine isn't as extravagant as his. I simply want weapons and weapons and seastone. They don't need to be perfect models. I'm sure your production has produced defective parts and products. I won't to sell those to the warring Kingdoms. I'll provide protection for the delivery to those Kingdoms who want to buy but can't. I'll also sell to the underworld in Paradise the four blues and calm belt.

Ronnie: This is better investment. We do have a hoard of defects in storage and set to be fixed.

Rode: What a cunning guy. No wonder you're able to usurp the dressrosa kingdom and convince Kaido to fund you. However I'll warn you of something. Linda likes the tontta tribe alot and if she finds out that you've caused them harm she'll rip you balls off and feed them to you.

Ronnie: The deals are set. We'll have the things you need and the amount ready in 3 days. You're free to do as you please until then. Of course fighting is prohibited unless you plan to stay here. If not you can leave.

Doflamingo and Tesero both got up and left. However anyone could see the tension between the two of them. Both individuals didn't take the opportunity to attack but still didn't give in to the others momentum.

Ronnie: How boring.

Rode: They're smart. They'll fight once they leave the waters surrounding Atlantis. Or they may just ignore each other. But you successfully made them understand the route the other wanted to take. They'll definitely try to sabotage each other's business. Doflamingo will eventually lose though.

Ronnie: Yeah I agree. Teseros business attracts the rich and where there are rich.

Rode: There are celestial dragons. Despite his past he still wouldn't wanna anger those guys for Tesero.

Ronnie: Mm. Let's Go. I wonder what she's calling a meeting for anyway.

Rode: Its gotta be important if she's gonna have all of us there.

Ronnie: I hope it's something fun.

30 Minutes Later

Inside the castle all strongman and important personal of Atlantis are present. 10 Saints, 8 Army Commanders, Ryan, Rachel, Sherry, Olivia and Oscar. Several members of the Ace Division are also present with multiple phone worms. These phone worms are Ace Division personnel out at sea or on post outside of Atlantis.

Susan: I've gathered everyone here today for two reasons. One is that on a routine shipment of weapons. The Oraba Kingdom interfered. Despite the best efforts of the soldiers they were all captured by a rookie pirate by the name of Mobley The Tormentor. He was hired by the king to seize seize the weapons and clothing on board while Mobley kept the ship. Mobley has since disappeared. I need two teams to go out. One team will search for Mobley and capture him and his crew alive. The second team will go and destroy the entire Oraba Kingdoms Royalty leaving none alive. Which Army Commander or Ace Division would like to go.

Jeremy: I'll deal with Oraba Kingdom. Been a long time since I went to sea so I might stay awhile.

Susan: That's fine. Who will go looking for Mobley.

Tina: I'll do it. I heard the guy has the mist mist fruit. Such a fruit can come in handy.

Susan: The two should be thankful they didn't kill the soldiers or personal. Otherwise even if civilians are to be killed. I'd destroy the island myself. Now onto the second reason I called this meeting. In seven months time in accordance with His Majesties wishes. We shall hold a tournament of power. Its open to any and all from the Pirates, bounty hunters, Emperors, Revolutionary, Navy and WG. The first contest will be to claim the World's Strongest Swordsman. The second will be for the World's best sniper. Third and final if the two show up is to truly crown the fourth Emperor Of The sea. If the two don't show up then the Ace Division, Commanders or citizen can challenge any Saint for the position.

Ronnie: Oh now this is fun. But I'm curious why not make a World's strongest category. I know his Majesty and the sages are inside the tower but I doubt those five old guys and that IM will come to participate.

Susan: Their is simply no need to do such a thing. The only person crazy enough to fight Elder WhiteBeard for his title is Kaido and maybe Sakazuki but I doubt they'll wish to embarrass themselves to achieve nothing. And that's under the stipulation that they decide to show up.

Clyde: Indeed. No one's willing to show their all to the world. No matter what.

Rachel: There is also the problem of security. We wouldn't want the Government to plant any spies in the army or central control of the businesses.

Susan: Mm That's why all Saints are to come back here immediately. That includes your group of three on Fishman Island. Unless necessary all Ace Division personnel are to return to Atlantis in three months time. Only two Division members will be out on all important points each. I've marked several key positions on where everyone should be. Remember your post and make sure nothing goes wrong. Meeting over.


Inside the fleet Admirals office Sengoku sat in the fleet admirals position. Inside the room are the current three Admirals and all Vice Admirals. They all have serious faces.

Kuzan: What's the WGs assessment of this?

Sengoku: They plan to sit by and watch. Although as a marine I can't stomach it knowing what's gonna happen. However when it comes to that place it's best to stay clear away.

Borsalino: Ahhh~ why would they even do such a thing against that place.

Garp: Are we really gonna do nothing? Although I don't care for royals we should still send people to monitor the Island right.

Sengoku: There won't be an Oraba Kingdom or an island left when they get there.

Garp: What do you mean? I know that brats temperament and rules. He wouldn't destroy an entire island unless his people got hurt or killed. Neither of those two happened.

Sengoku: Initially yes. However the Royalty tried contacting the WG a few minutes ago. The prince of that country seemed to have hatred with one of the soldiers over a woman.

Garps eyes widened as he his heart dropped

Garp: You mean?

Sengoku: That's right. The prince killed the gaurd. The king is smart and has managed to keep this underwraps. However he sadly mistakes Atlantis. Every single army member has a vivre card stored in the castle. Once they find out that one of those cards has disappeared. Oraba Kingdom will be taken off the map. The WG wants nothing to do with this situation. And where are you going? Garp.

Garp: I'm not going to watch an island of civilians get killed because some idiot messed up.

Sengoku: So you plan to start a war with Atlantis. Even if you choose to take the civilians away. Will Atlantis allow you. Even if it's a slight chance they won't allow even a drop of royal blood to be left. Even if they have to kill everyone on the island and the surroundings.

Tsuru: He's right Garp. Besides we couldn't beat them then we surely can't beat them now The previous Ace Division was only a few. Now it's over twenty and maybe even more. It's not a fight we or the WG can face.

Sengoku: Once this news is learned by Atlantis. The world will watch what happens. We under orders not to intervene in any way unless we plan to support ourselves in a war with Atlantis. It's a huge sacrifice of lives but it's necessary one to prevent a war with them.