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As Sengoku foresaw. Susan after finishing the meeting got the news that a vivre card has burnt out. One belonging to a soldier that should be captured. With everyone still in the room and the snail phones still on. A deadly silence entrenched the room as everyone had angered faces.

Linda/Rode: I'll go.

Susan: All three of you will go. I want everything and everyone on that island to disappear. From every person to every grain of sand should be erased. Tina when you catch him bring him back here and hang him at the harbor of Atlantis.

The four of them left towards their respective ships. As they did that she said to a snail phone

Susan: Bill, Salomon and Sasha surface to the new world. Guard against the Navy and WG.

James: Should we Guard against Kaido and BigMom.

Susan: No they're not stupid

James: Then what about the two elders. I doubt elder WhiteBeard would want us killing kids. And as for Shanks and Scopper. Well it's hard to guess.

Susan frowned as she tapped the desk.

Susan: Then we can only wait and see. I'm not gonna allow a chance for someone to pose even a slight threat to Atlantis. Man woman, child animal or bug must be eliminated. If they get in the way then simply distract them long enough. 5 from the Ace Division will join blocking the entry and exit while another five joins Bill, Salomon and Sasha. Everyone else is on stand-by. Does the fallen have a family.

Ace Division: Parents are dead and the sister still lives. He has a son he brought back from a trip. The child is now five years old in school. The sister works in the hospital as a doctor.

Susan: I'll inform them myself before I inform the rest of the island. But I'm guessing most of those pirates and underground bosses already know this. Just not who.

Three Days Later

With the news of what happened getting out. The people on Oraba Island are panicking. The Royalty tried sneaking to escape only to be captured by citizens in revolt. They hoped that by giving the Royalty up Atlantis would spare them. Some people left on boats trying to take as many people with them as possible.



Salomon: With us no longer on Fishman Island we can't get the plans for pluton. They struck at the right time.

Sasha: This may just be a plot by them anyway.

Ronnie: Using a franchise country to distract us while they take the gold. Those people who started the revolt in Oraba should be Cipher Pole agents ready to die. Marbel may also be pirate under them.

Janice: Should I hunt those celestial dragons down?

James: We have no proof. Besides if we act without it. It'll put us in a bad light and make us just as bad as them.

Ace Division: If the squad on Sabaody leave it'll put the mermaids and children there in danger. Even if the squad on Fishman Island is to split up they won't be able to cope with the overall situation.

Susan: Ronnie if you can find any information that can link the government even if it's small as long it's evidence. Same for you Rode, Linda and Jeremy. Once even a small ounce of evidence is found I want you all to attack Marine Headquarters and the several islands where they conduct research. If they want to start something then we'll finish it. Hand me the box left by His Majesty

Clyde: The What if box?

Susan: Yes.

Clyde got up and grabbed it from a shelf. He then handed it to Susan. Susan opened it and several envelopes could be seen. Each one had a name and are separated by two rows. Already happened and haven't happened yet. OHara, Oden, Pluton, WhiteBeard and several others. Susan grabbed the one that said Pluton. Opening it she read it aloud

Susan: In the case that you cant get Tom or the plans he has. Ignore it. If he dies he dies its of no concern to us. However I still want the ship. If you want to find it then go to Alabaster. In the kings tomb the poneglyph with its location is there. If you've saved doctor clover and the scholars of Ohara. Then some one should be able to read it amongst you. Go get it after you've prepared enough after all Once it's found you'll have to fight the entire world. WG, Marines, Revolutionaries and Pirates. WhiteBeard would help but he's only one man. As for Shanks he's always been iffy. So prepare thoroughly to face the entire world. Sincerely Ryu.

They were all shocked as it seemed that his Majesty had already anticipated everything and even knew where the ancient weapon was at.

Clyde: His Majesty is Awesome. But I understand why he never tried to take it previously.

Ronnie: Yeah even with the array they may not be able to face the entire WG at that time. Plus it would be a hassle with his majesties usual style.

Rode: Do we continue or make plans?

Susan: First we bring our soldiers home. If we can't find any information then we'll back off the WG. However the Oraba Kingdom has to pay. We'll plan appropriately after this is done so everyone stay in your stations. Understand

All: Understand


WhiteBeard: Marco how is the situation?

Marco: Bill, Salomon and Sasha are at the recline. Rode, Linda, Jeremy and 10 Ace Division members are coming. But they may split up to fight against the Marines.

WhiteBeard: Is Oraba Kingdom in our territory?

Marco: No its in the space where Red Hair and Kangaroo Jack are fighting for supremacy.

WhiteBeard drank some liquor as he slipped into thought. He knew although as an elder he could stop this. But he also knew those die hards wouldn't listen. With Ryu sealed up he can't put some common sense into them. He knows Ryu did this so that they could learn how to run a kingdom and think from all angles.

But these die hards will take his rules as law and not put a second thought into it. He decided to see what red hair would do. The guy who came back with a broken arm. Can he convince these diehards to atleast spare the children.

WhiteBeard: Keep an eye on this situation. How far by the way

Marco: a day or less. Same for Red Hair.

One Day Later

Red Force

Beckman: Captain are you sure about this the lineup they have is really beyond imagination.

Shanks: Oh who?

Beckman: Linda, Rode and Jeremy with 10 Ace Division as support. If I'm not wrong they should split up. Five at least should go and support Bill, Salomon and Sasha while the other five deal with anyone else that might appear.

Shanks: I just want to make sure they don't go to far. Killing an entire island of innocent people isn't something Ryu would do.

Beckman: So he'd only destroy the royals

Shanks: No he'd destroy half the island.

Beckman:.... Is there a difference?

Shanks: He wouldn't kill kids even if he did destroy half the island. Atleast no one below ten.


Ronnie: Hehehehehe I've got them. However one guy is on Thunder Island.

Salomon: I'll go get him. Send me his picture.

Rode: The rest are on Oraba?

Ronnie: Yeah. they should be the rebel leaders. I'll send the pictures.

Susan: They need to be alive so make sure they can't kill themselves. Everyone else prepare for war. Kill who you will but Vegapunk must be captured alive and unhurt. They kill one then we'll kill thousands. How far out are you guys.

Linda: The island is in sight.

Ace Division: Shanks at 7 o clock

Jeremy: So he showed up anyway. Troublesome

Susan: Just make it quick and be sure to tell him that this is the WG plot to acquire the ancient weapon. If he still doesn't give up then you can only stall until things are done.

Ace Division: Yes

Rode: They're so dead!

Susan: What do you mean?

Jeremy: They seem to want to negotiate the royals and the soldiers.

Susan: Who?

Rode: The citizens

Susan: How's that bad.

Linda: In the case we don't agree they have swords and guns at the soldiers. We'll confirm it after we reach the docks.

Rode: I've found the CP guys in the crowd.

Susan: Capture them alive. Ronnie get in touch with Morgan's and ask him to release a paper as fast as possible.

Ronnie: I'm on it.

Ace Division: We've made contact with Shanks and are currently fighting. I can also see a marine ship in the distance.

Susan: Destroy that ship completely. I'm leading a few ships over to MarineFord right now. I'll meet you all their


Sengoku: It's started. Where is Garp?

Tsuru: He went out for some air

Borsalino: How Frightening. They'd even fight their own elders all for one soldier. Scary~



Sengoku: I don't know why but I've got this unsettling feeling for some reason.