Five Days Later, MarineFord
On a high scaffold Kong stood in the center. Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru and Zephyr on either side of him. Behind them the current three Admirals and two Impel Down personal Akainu, Kuzan, Borsalino, Magellan and Shiriyu. On the right of them Three individuals in white clothing and mask.
Below them all the vice Admirals, Rear Admirals and all strong soldiers. At the front of the soldiers several chained individuals with bombs on them could be seen. Some crying and begging for mercy while others remained quiet. Kong took the snail microphone and said
Kong: I know some of you have questions about what you're fighting for today. You think that fighting this fight is pointless. I'm here to tell it is not pointless. This fight was indeed started by others but we are marines. We are soldiers. We hold justice in our hearts and follow orders that need to be followed. Some of us will not be alive after today. Just know our sacrifices are not in vain. What we fight for today is for one reason. And that is Justice. For if we fall here today who's going to protect the woman and children. Who will rescue the destroyed towns and Kingdoms from Robbers. Killers. Rapist. Kidnappers. Today we fight for the future of the world. FOR JUSTICE.
Garp: They're here.
After he finished speaking shadows appeared in the sky.
Sengoku: 10, 20, 30, 40 50 ships. Susan, Bill, Salomon, Sasha, Josephine, Jeremy and James. The Minatour, Chimera, Basilisk, Griffin, Ogre, and many more. But these 13 are the ones we fought at that time. They've grown and become even stronger.
Tsuru: It's understandable. That tower is amazing. What's worse is that not all of them are here. The three on Sabaody and Fishman Island are still there.
Zephyr: That brat made a monster of a nation. Clyde, Rode, Ronnie, Linda, Will and the others aren't even here. What's more who knows how many more they have left over in Atlantis
Kong: Although its alot I'm satisfied Rode, Ronnie, Linda and Cindy aren't here.
Sengoku: Especially Linda with those explosive papers.
Garp: This is gonna be a really hard fight.
Sengoku: Yeah but we can't falter.
The ships landed on the sea as the air became tense. The Marines didn't bother using cannons or even arrow cannons. They wouldn't work on Atlantis at all. After the ships landed a man jumped off a ship as his body transformed. When he touched the water it turned into ice. If froze the entire bay.
The man is now 15ft tall with white hair covering his entire body. One could see the cold chill coming from his body As he stood still on the now frozen sea.
Kong: Another monster. And an Ice type at that.
Susan: Soldiers. Disembark.
Sword Elder: So this is her payback?
Elder1: No wonder Ryu chose her.
Elder3: Attacking the Marines in the light and also attacking our science research bases.
Elder2: One of us needs to get Vegapunk before they take him or worse kill him.
Elder4: I'll go. Do I kill the Ace Division member or bring him back alive.
Sword Elder: Neither. If we do that they may just really slaughter everyone on MarineFord.
Elder1: Should we tell the marines?
Elder3: No need ruining the momentum that Kong built. Despite it doing nothing to detour the danger.
Elder2: Sengokus idea of using pirates as bombs also failed.
Sword Elder: Seastone shields and weapons. That guy really has no qualms with giving such weapons to his people.
IM: Mm. That's what makes us different from him. He doesn't mind giving strength to his people while you fear your subordinates getting to strong.
All Elders: IM SAMA.
The elders kneeled in shock as they never expected for IM to come to this place. IM ignored them and looked at the projection. Then said
IM: After this give full support to the development of the Marines. And hurry to get that guy Vegapunk. As for the guy with the plans of Pluton. Bring him to me.
With that IM left the elders there kneeling on the ground. The elders stood after he left and immediately got to work.
At this time it was a complete one sided slaughter. Atlantis soldiers equipped with Seastone weapons are completely overwhelming the marine soldiers. As they inched forward in formation only dead bodies are left in their wake.
Sengoku: We need to step in. Their army are simply on another level of power.
Kong: You guys retreat to the boats don't interfere in the next fight.
Susan: Hold your positions and back away slowly.
Susan started to float in the air. Along with her another 49 individuals jumped off a ship. Some transformed into hybrid form or simply covered their hands or weapons in Haki. This would be the real fight. With the last soldier retreating to the ships. Susan looked at the several Marines.
Susan: I'll deal with Sengoku. Yeti you deal with Magellan. Ogre you take Kong. Bill you take Garp. Everyone else choose your own opponents based on your strengths If you find an opportunity to kill the opponent. Kill them.
Kong: Here they come.
The island shook with the clash of these monsters.
Magellan: Covering yourself in an Ice shield is a smart move. But how long can it last.
Yeti: It'll last longer than the amount of time until you have to use the bathroom again.
Sengoku: Susan you must know that the sea cannot be without our marines.
Susan: Yes I know. That's why I'm just stalling time. Right now several Ace Division members are destroying your scientific bases around the world. We'll also be taking Vegapunk off your hands. There is also another thing and it's gonna make your job a lot more difficult to do.
Susan: How difficult?
Susan: Almost impossible. So you'd better hope as many of your people can survive after this. Because you're gonna need it.
Sengokus heart sank as he heard the words. If destroying the scientific bases are tantamount to cutting off an arm or leg. Then whatever she has planned will directly behead them.
" Ryu was right. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. "
The fighting continued for another two days. Several rear Admirals and vice Admirals have died. Mostly those who are from Sengoku and Garps era.
Susan flew higher into the air avoiding Sengokus attack.
Susan: Is it complete?
Ace Division: We've taken all the research work of the Marines and destroyed several bases. However when we arrived at the island with Vegapunk the island was empty.
Susan: I expected as much. Go back to Atlantis and give it to the science division.
Ace Division: Order received.
Sengoku: Looks like you failed. We still have Vegapunk.
Susan smiled as she said.
Susan: The fact that they took Vegapunk confirms that they haven't figured out the true intention yet. Like I said. I'm merely stalling for time. They should be done soon though.
Sengoku has been constantly trying to think of what she has planned. He's hurt his brain on this for a while. And he's only come up with three ideas to her plan that'll hurt them. The first and least damaging is to destroy Eneies Lobby. The second is to attack Marejoia and free the slaves.
This one is considered smart as it would cause a lot of individuals who hate the celestial dragons and marines to pop up. The strong ones would be either pirates or worse join the revolutionary army. The third and one he feared the most is to have them free the prisoners in Impel Down. Then destroy Impel Down all together.
This would make the marines life he'll on earth. One should know the criminals on level 6 are all monsters. Bullet, Redfield and many others. However no matter which one it is. With their numbers and strength it should have already happened. There's no need to wait for another two days.
The stalling time caused Sengoku to know that no matter what she did it would be tantamount to shocking.
Susan once again separated from Sengoku. Sengoku didn't stop her. He wanted to know. Susan seeing the caller smiled and said.
Susan: Everyone stand down and retreat. Sengoku you should have your marines take a rest. They're about to be Extremely busy.
Sengoku looked at Kong
Kong: Everyone Stand down. That's an Order Akainu!
Susan: Is it done?
Rode: Yeah. It's completely done on both sides. With Bullet joining in a day ago it helped speed it up
Sengoku: Bullet? So you did do it?
Susan: Hehehe. Is Morgan's there.
Rode: Yeah he's currently writing an article aswell as taking pictures. Linda is helping manufacture the papers. The entire world is going to boil because of this.
Susan: That's the plan.
With Rode on the open sea 12 ships are currently floating together. 10 belong to Atlantis. One is filled with Fishman led by Jinbe. Another isn't really a ship but a floating balloon belonging to Morgan's. Everyone here is deadly tired aside from Morgan's who has the biggest smile on his face. Constantly muttering Big News.