No Title

Rode: Sigh that was tiring. Thanks Elder Bullet. To think you gained such a Devil fruit.

Bullet: No need for the Elder part Rode. Besides this gave me a chance to use it for real. I couldn't use it before Garp tossed me into Impel Down.

Clyde: Ahhh. When we get back I'm gonna soak in the hot spring. Susan's really cruel having us do Manual Labor like this.

Rode: Jinbe thanks for the help. Without you guys helping things would probably have taken longer.

Jinbe: No problem. As much as Atlantis have helped Fishman Island this is nothing.

Rode: Morgans don't forget don't include Jinbe and the Sun Pirates in the story. Atlantis did this on its own.

Morgans: Big News, Big News.

Linda: Dont worry he's lost in the story but he won't mention it inside the paper.

Bullet: I gotta say though. This decision of hers will make things more fun for me. You said you'll be hosting a tournament of power right.

Rode: That's right Elder Shanks agreed to participate.

Bullet: That little guy became that strong huh? What about Buggy?

Rode: He's in east blue.

Bullet:... I'll participate aswell. I'm interested in the person who can go hand in hand with Shanks.

Rode: Susan may change the date due to this since well what we just did will bring in more Pirates. Not to mention those in Impel Down.

Next Day

No matter if it's in Marejoia, MarineFord or the rest of the world. Everyone is shocked of what Atlantis did.

MobyDick: Gurararara There's no way that little girl could think of doing this. That bastard Ryu must be awake early.

Marco: Pops this is amazing. By the way will we be participating in this.

WhiteBeard: Gurararara Of course. That guy Redfield is also out. I'm sure he won't sit it out. Remind Everyone to secure the islands things will become restless. Gurararara

Red Force

Ben Beckman: Well they didn't destroy MarineFord.

Shanks: Yeah. Sigh. No wonder she refused to tell me this. Regardless if I wanted to or not I would most certainly use my authority as an elder.

Ben Beckman: So Bullet is also part of Roger's crew.

Shanks: Yeah. This tournament is gonna be much more fun than I thought. Will you participate. Mihawk.

Mihawk: Yes. I wish to fight with the swordsman of Atlantis. Especially Susan.

Shanks: She may not participate. Though she certainly won't turn down a duel.

Totto Land

Katakuri: Mama I've given orders to everyone to be on alert and crack down under our territory. Aswell as the islands under our flag.

BigMom: Mamamama They really went crazy by doing this. I bet the WG and Marines are going crazy with this one.

Katakuri: Mama ill be participating in this tournament.

BigMom: Oh you're interested in the prizes right.

Katakuri nodded

Katakuri: That tower is amazing


Kaido: Worororororo Wororororo Worororororo

Jack: Captain has been laughing since he read the paper.

King: It's understandable. This is basically what he's been wanting for ages. A stage to show his greatness. The right to fight with his everything against other strong ones.

Jack: will we all be going


Elder1: We need to secure that area quickly.

Elder3: We don't have the manpower for that. More people are becoming pirates.

Sword Elder: Those from Impel Down are taking the lead. Redfield seems to be searching for something. Bullet is in Atlantis and others are causing trouble wherever they go.

Elder2: This is definitely not something that Susan will plan so thoroughly.

Elder4: Ryu or Grey must still be controlling things.

Sword Elder: We also have to assure the various franchise countries.


Kong has decided to stay at MarineFord instead of going back to Marejoia. Currently all the high level individuals that survived are here. Even Magellan and Shiriyu are here since Impel Down is gone.

Shiriyu: This is why we should have killed all the prisoners.

Akainu: I agree. Now that Impel Down is gone all criminals should be killed not captured.

Kong Looked at these two murderous guys with a headache.

Kong: You two go to that area and kill to your hearts content.

Sengoku: The Five old stars have decided to support us financially. Impel Down will be rebuilt and the headquarters fixed. As for how long it may take to rebuild Impel Down. It should be a few years.

Tsuru: While we're doing that we need to also prepare for this tournament.

Kong: You mean

Tsuru: Yeah. We'll need the media representation of it. Let the world see that we are still the symbol of Justice.

Kong: Alright. For now Akainu, Shiriyu and Kizaru will take the section that was destroyed. Tsuru, Zephyr and Kuzan will handle paradise. Magellan you'll go and see Vegapunk. Maybe he can help with your problem. Garp and Sengoku you'll be in charge of coordinating the various Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals in handling the new world. We need to find a new G-1 Base aswell.

Everyone was quiet but accepted the orders. Even Garp whose mostly carefree didn't act out and took this seriously. After all they'll be spread extremely thin with this outcome.

The newspaper that's spread around today is the reason. On the front page of it shows the redline with a large section gone. It goes on to explain that the hole encompasses part of the calm belt aswell. ATLANTIS RETALIATES is the title. On The next Page is Impel Down Before and after. It tells that instead of killing those inside Ace Division set them free.

It then shows multiple pictures of the most iconic ones. First two on one split page are Redfield and Bullet. It tells of their past bounties and actions. The next page showed Catorina Devon, San won wolf, Emperio Ivankov and other prisoners. It goes on to explain that Rode, Clyde, Linda and several flame type zoan users of Ace Division destroyed the redline.

It also list Bullet as elder who came to help after being freed. The last page shows Fight Island. It talks about how Atlantis will hold a Tournament Of Power in a year. It will bestow several titles to those who can come out on top in the end. It's an Event that'll last for several weeks. Tickets will need to be bought at Atlantis instead of free Access

These three consecutive News made the entire world boil. Seeing the world's strongest fight for supremacy on a stage for all to see. This caused the royals and those merchants to rush to buy tickets. Even the celestial dragons bought tickets. The titles are Numerous. The World's Strongest, Strongest Swordsman, Strongest Sniper, Strongest Bounty Hunter, Strongest Marine, Strongest CP Agent and Strongest Revolutionary.

It would also be battle of Powerhouses. This is to establish the Fourth Emperor Of The sea. There's even the strongest Warlord title and Strongest Emperor Commander. This was setting up to be a battle of the ages.

Six Days Later

In Atlantis a large fleet of Ships are coming in. This is the returning Susan and company. The citizens and everyone cheered when they saw the people returning. Ronnie and the others who stayed behind welcomed them with drinks and food.

Susan: There's more food and drinks on the ships. We caught a few sea kings and other sea creatures on the way back. Now

All Of Atlantis: LET'S PARTY.

Castle Meeting Room

As the Saints, Commanders and Ace Division are drinking and eating Ronnie ask

Ronnie: You're planning to use that hole in the redline to better transport Pluton?

Susan: Yes. Although I don't know how big it is so I had them make it like so. If it's bigger then we'll have to destroy more of it.

Vivian: It shouldn't be so big?

Susan: Who knows its an ancient weapon after all.

They all nodded and continued to party and talk. Eventually Susan left and went towards the Tower Of Power. After entering she went to the place where Ryu and the rest are sealed. After entering she saw the closed eye's of the various individuals. Stopping at Ryu she smiled and said

Susan: Leah I would like to speak to his Majesty.

Leah: Yes Madame Susan

Ryus body shook as something came out from his body. Looking closely it was a clear image of Ryu. More precisely his soul protection.

Ryu: Is it complete?

Susan: Yes I had them double the size though. Bullet also helped after setting him free.

Ryu: Oh where is he now?

Susan: He's gone to search for something. He didn't say what.

Ryu: Mmh. Remember to handle the safety of Atlantis for the Tournament Of Power at maximum.

Susan: I will.

Ryu: Those old guys?

Susan: No actions so far.

Ryu: If they haven't done anything now then they won't do it at all. I'm guessing you couldn't get Vegapunk right.

Susan: No. I'm sorry

Ryu: It's fine I expected as much. IM places importance on him. The other things can be lost but not him. However pay attention to his location. I'll get him myself once the seal expires. I plan on taking him with us when I leave. By the way. How is Stussy?