Morgans: Ladies and Gentlemen people watching from around the world. Welcome to the first ever Tournament Of Power. I'll be your announcer for this Two month long event. With the Revolutionary Army, WG and the other Warlords aside from Mihawk not participating in these festivities. The positions of Strongest will remain unknown. To kick off the tournament we'll be starting with the Strongest Bounty Hunter. To ensure fairness in this competition. All competitors will face each other and the person with the most wins will be the Strongest. The least wins will be the weakest. First two up are
At the table where Morgans sat a screen with two parts constantly changed names. The two names then stopped.
Two Days Later
Morgans: We are now down to three contestants who are still undefeated in the Worlds greatest sniper challenge. We have Atlantis Commander James, Marine Rear Admiral Tokikake and underdog of the Red Hair Pirates Yassop. Which of these great snipers will be victorious at the end of today. The first two to fight are James and Tokikake.
Six Fights later
Morgans: AMAZING AMAZING In an amazing finish the winner of the Worlds Greatest Sniper is RED HAIR PIRATES YASSOP
Two Days Later
Morgans: Todays round of the tournament is the fight of Commanders. We have, King, Katakuri, Marco, Ben Beckman and The Boogyman. Let's wish them luck in this fight
Two days Later
Four Days Later
Morgans: Here we are ladies and gentlemen. Four swords are left undefeated. We have Hawkeye's Dracule Mihawk, Red Hair Shanks, Flying Saint Susan and in a surprising victory over his cohort Admiral Kizaru. Shiriyu Of The Bloody Rain. Which of these four individuals shall become the Worlds Greatest Swordsman.
Four Days Later
Morgans: OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD HE WAS DEFEATED. DRACULE MIHAWK HAS LOST. After hIs amazing win over Red Hair Shanks he has been defeated by Saint Susan. From this moment forward FLYING SAINT SUSAN IS THE WORLDS GREATEST SWORDSMAN!
Six Days Later
Morgans: And there you have it folks with the best odds to win this round he did not disappoint despite the perseverance of Admiral Sakazuki. The Bane of Pirates, Mountain Crusher, Head Caver, The Hero Of The Marines Monkey D Garp is Officially The World's Strongest Marine. This Ends todays festivities. After a healing from Doctor Sherry. Tomorrow will be the beginning of The match for the position of Fourth Emperor of The Sea.
Two Days Later
Morgans: WHAT AN AMAZING FIGHT. With the win of today's fight against the Fiend Pirates. THE RED HAIR PIRATES ARE OFFICIALLY THE FOURTH EMPEROR OF THE SEA.
Ten Days Later
Morgans: BigMom has done it. She's defeated Shiriyu, Red Hair Shanks, the Admirals and now Bullet who put on an amazing fight. She has entered the Six finalist and remains undefeated like the other five. Now for finalist we have The current holder of the Worlds Strongest WhiteBeard. Followed by Garp, Redfield, Susan, Kaido and now Bigmom. Which of these powerful people shall prevail and become the Worlds Strongest
Ten Days Later
Morgans: AND IT'S DONE. RAINING SUPREME OVER THEM ALL. AND STILL HOLDING ONTO TO THE TITLE OF STRONGEST IS WHITEBEARD THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN. After him is Garp, third being Redfield, fourth is susan, fifth is Kaido, six is BigMom, Bullet is seventh, Shanks is number eight, Akainu is ninth and lastly Kuzan. To round off the top ten.
Cheers rang in the audience.
Morgans: This has been an incredible tournament hosted by Atlantis. Unfortunately The WG and Revolutionary Army did not participate in this matter. As well as the other warlords. However to commemorate this tournament. The design team in Atlantis made special cloaks for each and every winner. May the Winners of these events step forward.
A team of soldiers pushed in several things.
Morgans: To the Worlds Strongest Bounty Hunter Tim. Atlantis presents this Grey Camouflage cloak with Bounty on the back. The arms have beli signs in the design. While the front is a blank and bloody head that you are holding. You also receive 500 million beli and any Seastone weapon you choose
Morgans walked towards Yassop and said
Morgans: To the Worlds Greatest Sniper. Atlantis presents this new state of the art weapon. The first sniper rifle Atlantis has made. Its called the Barrett M82. A recoil-operated, semi-automatic, Seastone made weapon It's 57in long and weights 28 pounds. It has an advanced scope that can see both at day, night and even can pick up heat signatures. It can see up to 30 miles easily. and adjusts all the way to 50 miles. It comes with metal and Seastone bullets. We also give you elbow and knee pads made from clouds in skypiea. Along with 800 Million beli
A soldier gave Yassop the rifle since Morgans couldn't touch it. Morgans then moved to katakuri.
Morgans: For the Strongest Commander under one of the four emperor's. Atlantis presents you a one arm vest made of Liquid metal and diamond. The right sleeve has the Jolly roger of your mother with a picture of your family. It symbolizes you as the right arm of the Big Mom Pirates and protector of your crew and family. Along with 1 Billion Beli
Morgans then stepped towards Sarah.
Morgans: Ms. Sara this cloak is also made from liquid Metal. It shows the above view of Atlantis with the caption of With My Swords I Alone Stand Supreme. As well as 2 billion Beli
Then he stepped towards Garp.
Morgans: As the Hero of Justice and the man who has fought pirates for over 30 years. The man who has held the heart of True Justice and demonstrates the heart of a real marine. Atlantis offers you a pair of specialized gauntlets made from liquid Metal and coated with Seastone. It has the words Justice engraved in it. You also get a special Marine Coat made from the hairs of SeaKings and Mulberry silk. On the back is the word Justice surrounded by the greatest moments in your career. The battles with WhiteBeard, Roger, Shiki, Rocks, Redfield and World. As well as the moments of kindness to children and civilians around the world. Along with 3 billion Beli
Garp held the cloak in shock as a round of applause echoed in the crowd. This applause was much louder than others. None could deny the Justice of this man. Of Course a certain group of bubble man didn't bother to care. Morgans walked to Shanks
Morgans: Shanks as the final member of the four Emperor's We will give you the same thing as we gave the other four. A Ring made from diamond engraved with emeralds with the word Emperor on it. A hat and cloak to signify you as the Domineering Emperor. As well as 4 billion Beli
The emperor's hat is the same as the ninja worlds Kage hat. Morgans moved on to WhiteBeard.
Morgans: WhiteBeard as the Worlds Strongest Man Atlantis offer's you and your crew the first batch of guns and ammunition recently made. As well as a specialized cloak with your jolly roger, crew members and islands under your protection. On the arms are the opponents you've defeated throughout your lifetime. When and if closed shows on the front The MobyDick sailing the sea. And 5 billion Beli
Morgans then looked at other contestants on the side.
Morgans: For specialized title's Atlantis has decided to bestow three specialized titles to Bullet, Redfield and Admiral Kizaru. First Kizaru will be deemed the fastest man in the World. A specialized Marine Cloak has been made as well as a sword. The cloak is golden in color and with your catchphrase. The sword is made from specialized metal and is covered in gold rings. Along with 2 billion Beli
Morgans then looked at Bullet.
Morgans: For Bullet Atlantis presents a pair of gauntlets along with a specially made cloak. It's black with purple and white stripes with the words Demon Heir on the back. It has you on the mountain top with bodies littered beneath you as you gaze upon an even greater mountain in the distance. Along with 2 billion Beli
Turning his gaze to the last one Morgans said
Morgans: And to Redfield. Atlantis presents you with a new umbrella. The screen is made from liquid Metal that has been blended with the blood of sea kings making it bloody red. They also offer a cloak with your title of Lonely Red on top. Below it is your ship sailing towards the sunset. All around you are broken and destroyed ships along with countless dead bodies. Beneath that it reads Loneliness Is Next To Godliness. Along with 2 billion Beli
After handing over the things to Redfield Morgans turned to the crowd and said.
Morgans: This concludes the Tournament Of Power. To commemorate this moment Atlantis will have a party on each island. You are welcome to stay or leave. As the saying goes in Atlantis May the odds be ever in your favor.