
Two Days Later

Susan and Linda sat inside the castle and read the news while sipping tea.

Susan: So they captured the Fiend Pirates Making them the first residents in the newly built Impel Downs Sixth Layer.

Linda: Apparently Vegapunk created something for Magellan to stop his constant diarrhea.

Susan: How about Bullet, Redfield and Dragon.

Linda: Bullet left yesterday. Said something about visiting his old kingdom and so did Redfield. Dragon is still inside the tower with his army members.

Susan: Mihawk?

Linda: Said he'll be back to challenge you eventually.

Year 1522, Water Seven

Garp: Do you have any idea what kind of pirate that bastard Red Hair is. He stands amongst the cream of the crop as one of the Four Emperor's. Him, BigMom, Kaido and WhiteBeard are. Hmmm.

Garp turned around

Garp: Ace Division. Why are they here and a Giant. Wait no this giants aura is familiar. Where have i seen it before

Luffy: Gramps what are you talking about. You didn't finish telling me about Shanks.

However instead of paying attention to Luffy. Garp looked at the incoming people as he said

Garp: Luffy tell me honestly did you offend anyone from Atlantis recently.

Luffy: Atlantis? What's an Atlantis? Can you eat it.

Garp for the first time in his life felt his grandson was to stupid.

Robin: Luffy, Atlantis is a powerful Kingdom in the New World. It's so powerful that even the WG is said to have lost to it in the past. It's the home of the World Greatest Swordswoman. They have power houses on par with the four Emperor's in strength called the Saints of Atlantis. They are also the one's who gave your grandfather the marine coat you see on his back. They also nearly destroyed the Marine Headquarters with only a few of them as well as put a hole in the Red Line leading to the New World. They are deemed a powerful force that no one dares to offend.

Luffy: Wow their that strong.

Garp: And this is the Ace division. Its like the WG Ciphor Pole but on a whole different level. The Ace division one normally sees is equal to if not stronger than the three Admirals

This shocked Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Ussop and Zoro.

Nami: You mean these guys are as strong as that Aokiji and you.

Garp nodded

Minotaur: It's good to see you again Hero Garp.

Garp: Did my grandson offend you somehow. Or are you here for something else.

Minotaur: I'm here to escort these guys to see Nico Robin.

Luffy: Are you guys trying to take Robin to?

All the straw hats got ready to fight again.

Saul: Derishishishi. After watching for so long it seems you've finally found your true friends Robin.

Garp/Robin: SAUL.

Robins tears fell from her eye's as she looked at the giant who hasn't changed.

Robin: How?

Olivia: Atlantis saved us during that time. However after hearing Sauls words and with Atlantis convincing us that they would watch over you.

Dr.Clover: We decided that letting you see the world would be for the best.

Robin who saw her mother and Dr. Clover ran into her mothers arms and cried.

Luffy: Shishishishi

Garp: So that's what happened. I'm guessing the citizens on the boat Sakazuki blew up are also safe.

Minotaur: That's right they are citizens of Atlantis.

Garp: Is Ryu awake

Minotaur smiled as he said

Minotaur: His Majesties seal is nearly over. From what Susan has said. It should be soon

Dr. Clover: I've been waiting to meet him for years now. Building such a Kingdom as powerful as Atlantis. Such a man should be seen at least once in a persons life.

Garp: Humph that bastard isn't as great as you make him out to be. He's bound to make things hectic when he comes out.

Minotaur: Garp you old bastard don't go insulting His Majesty. Otherwise no one will save you if Susan hears about it.

Garp: Humph. Who's scared of a little girl.

Few Days Later

Ace Division: Elder could it be you're selling yourself again.

Rayleigh: Hahahaha I couldn't find you and i needed the money.

Luffy: Thanks for saving my friend.

Ace: No. thanks for letting me know. To think the slave traders are still trying to capture mermaids. And you Rosward should understand that mermaids and fishman are not to be captured sold or bought.

Saint Rosward: Don't speak to me in such a disrespectful tone. I didn't didn't put her on the auction stand so this matter ends here.

Ace Division: No matter. But if this happens again don't blame me for the outcome. I'm dreaming of killing another one of you for while now. Don't push me. And you Disco should know that putting anyone affiliated with Atlantis on Auction means death

Disco: I didn't want to do it i tell you but my boss wanted it done.

Ace Division: You're horrible liar Disco


Ace Division2: The marines are here sir and do wanna hear a joke.

Another Ace Division member walked in with a newspaper.

Ace Division: A joke? I'm up for a good joke say it.

The person unfolded the paper and read

Ace Division2: Second Division Commander of the WhiteBeard pirates Portgas D Ace is set to be executed in ten days time.

Luffy: Ace! Ace is gonna be executed.



Robin: Luffy did you forget. Your brother is part of the WhiteBeard pirates. He's been the Strongest Man in the world for over 20 years. He's also an Elder of Atlantis as well as a friend to the King.

Sanji: To you it means Ace is in trouble. But to them+0

Zoro: It's nothing more than a big Joke

Ace Division: That really is a good joke.

Luffy: Come on Ace is in a place called Impel Down. Lets go save him.


Ace Division: It's better not to do that kid. Your life wont be guaranteed in this type of fight. But i like your fearlessness so I'll give you an ultimatum. If you can touch any part of me in the next nine days I'll take you personally to save your brother. Otherwise I'll have to cage you up until this is over so you don't interfere.


Susan: Morgans do you want some Big News.

Morgans: I'm always looking for news Ms. Susan.

Susan: I want you to release three things. One is that Portgas D Ace is originally named Gol D Ace. The son of The Pirate King Gol D Roger whose an Elder of Atlantis. Second is that Atlantis has found the Location of The Ancient Weapon Pluton. Third and lastly. His Majesty will leave seclusion in a few days.

Next Day


Sengoku: Is this a warning.

Garp: Obviously

Sengoku:... Do you think he'll really share where Pluton is

Garp: Who knows. I'm leaving.

After Garp left Sengoku called the five old stars.

Elder1: Ignore it Sengoku. Even if Ryu comes out we'll be able to handle the situation.

Sengoku: Are you sure about this? Ryu is no fool. If you continue with this he'll know you have the confidence. And that means.

Sword: We know exactly what that means all you need to do is follow orders.

Sengoku: When this is over and if im still alive. I Quit.

Nine Days Later


WhiteBeard is facing Kong in his Giant ape form. Kizaru, Aokiji and Akainu are facing Chimera, Basilisk and Griffin. Sengoku is facing Minotaur while Shiriyu and Magellan faced two other's. A new guy named Green Bull faced Ogre. While the Marco and other Commanders faced the Seven warlords and their crew.

Others from the Ace division and Atlantis Army provided assistance along with facing the other marines. The entire MarineFord is nothing but a battle zone. On a scaffold one individual sat on a throne chair while six others stood around him. Below them several figures kneeled in chains.

Jinbe, Ace, Mihawk, Issho, Dragon, and Garp. The first seven are IM, the five elders and Redfield. The reason for the last six being in chains is because they refused to participate in this battle. So as punishment they will be executed along with Ace and their crew or army in Jinbe and Dragon. IM wanted to get rid of anyone that wasn't under his control.

Or posed a threat to him. Looking out at the crowd he saw Luffy on a ship in the distance along with Nico Robin. These two also needed to die. Now he only needed to wait on Ryu and he could begin this cleansing once and for all. Once he was done with Ryu the various races and others who opposed him would be next.

Just as he was about to deliver the order he found that those in chains had disappeared. The next moment at the bay area of MarineFord they all appeared. Behind them a purple portal released an extremely terrifying oppression. This oppression caused the very air to crack, The waters rose as MarineFord began to rock and tilt. The sky twisted and split

All marines below the Vice Admiral became unconscious. The Vice Admirals felt their hearts being squeezed by something as they could barely stand. IM stood up as he looked at the portal as if trying to see through it. Everyone who saw the portal understood one thing. Ryu had finally arrived.