Jenabas watched as the knights pushed back the demons. Unlike what had happened with them, the knights had no difficulties with the demons at all. Their teamwork was exceptional, and both demons were struggling.
The male demon was pressured nonstop by the knights and tried to fly away multiple times but the knights prevented this by shooting magic at him, forcing him back onto the ground where the knights' melee attacks would constantly pressure him to the point where he was unable to counterattack.
Jenabas glanced over at the other fight with the female demon. She was having trouble as well fighting another knight. It was the knight that saved her, and he was shaking down the house that she was standing atop of with his earth magic and had her pinned down. It was preventing her from being able to do anything. From what she heard and saw, the other knights seem to call him Lentis and he seemed to be their leader.
'Lentis, Lentis... where have I heard that name before...' Jenabas plundered her thoughts. 'Oh!' She remembered where she heard that name before. She had often heard that name during the war, but couldn't remember who he was exactly. Had they met on the battlefield before? No, if she had then she would have remembered someone who fought so fearsomely.
"Princess, what do we do?"
Jackel had woken up and limped over to Jenabas. He partially healed the wound on his leg and was holding onto his brunt shoulder with the red cloth that Jenabas had torn off from her cloak. Jackel looked at her with uncertainty. Should they help or not?
"There's no need for us to interfere. Go check on the soldiers," Jenabas told him. The knights looked like they had the demons under control so there was no need for them to join. In fact, she was pretty sure that they would be a hindrance if they tried to help. She didn't want to mess up their teamwork.
"As you command my princess," Jackel wobbled over to the fire mages first since they were the closest. As he walked off, Jenabas went back to watching the fight between the Silvians and the demons.
"Why you d*mned rats!" the male demon snapped. He jumped back to put distance between himself and the knights and quickly chanted something. In an instant, a large magic circle formed over the heads of the knights. "Dark Downpour!"
The magic circle expanded and dark bolts began to rapidly rain down from the sky.
Siegfried thrusts his greatsword onto the ground and yells, "Light's Sanctuary!" in response. A massive field of light formed and shrouded the knights, protecting them from the shower of dark bolts. The knights braced themselves as the magic bolts rained on them and the area around, destroying the nearby buildings and ground in a large radius.
The demon glared murderously at Siegfried through the storm. He was not pleased to see another light user, especially one that is able to use high-tier light magic. "I never would have guessed that you humans still have someone who could use Light's Sanctuary. I'll make sure to kill you then."
The demon poured his magic into the circle, increasing the power and destructiveness of each bolt that fell and also increased the rate at which they appeared.
"Ugh." Siegfried and the knights fell to their knees. Although they were all being protected by a layer of light, the force from hundreds of the magic bolts pelting them made it incredibly difficult to stand. Siegfried gritted his teeth. His magic was draining rapidly. In a few moments, the layer of light protecting them will break and they will be blown to pieces. He couldn't move at all. Even if he were able to, in addition to the ground being riddled with holes, the pressure from the magic bolts hitting them would make it impossible to walk out of the storm without tripping. The knights were trapped.
The layer of light surrounding the knights rapidly thinned. It was only a matter of seconds before they're doomed. Siegfried needed to figure something out fast. Just then, from outside the storm, Siegfred heard someone call out to them, but the sound of the bolts exploding as they collided with them and the ground made it difficult to make out what they were saying.
Siegfried directed his ears towards where the voice was coming from and he heard the voice call out to them again, but was still unable to make out what they were saying. It was still being drowned out by the storm.
Finally, the voice called a third time, and this time Siegfried and the rest of the knights all heard it clearly. "ROLL!" Without a second thought, they all dropped down onto the floor and began to roll around. The knights crashed into each other a few times, but they quickly found a direction to roll in that would take them out of the storm. The ground was littered with holes, causing the knights to bump up and down while escaping the storm.
Siegfried, despite being in the center of the storm, was the first one to roll out of the storm. One by one, the rest of the knights appeared from the edges. After the last knight got out, Siegfried dispelled his magic and took a deep breath, and fell onto his knees, breathing heavily. He was dangerously low on magic.
Siegfried took a few seconds to rest before he pushed himself up and found himself face to face with a woman. "Was that you who told us how to get out? You have my thanks," Siegfried thanked her.
Jenabas shook her head. "You saved us earlier, it's only fair that I do the same. Let's talk later, we still have to deal with those two demons."
Nina carefully took off the bandage from a soldier's arm and healed his cut. It was a rather small cut, but it was still a little too much for her to handle. After she finished, she immediately ran outside and held her stomach, barely keeping herself from throwing up. It was a good thing that she didn't eat anything or otherwise, she would have emptied her stomach multiple times by now.
She had only treated four soldiers so far including this one, and each time she did, she would feel extremely nauseous and would run outside to get some fresh air.
"Miss Nina, are you okay?" Nina turned around to find Heaths standing behind her. He still had the same innocent and clueless face despite having seen and dealt with far more gruesome injuries than her.
"I'm fine. I'll be back in the tent in a bit."
Heaths looked at Nina with a concerned face. "You don't have to force yourself if you can't stand seeing blood. None of them are life-threatening injuries anyway. A few bandages and stitches are more than enough to heal them."
From inside the tent, they heard a voice call to them. "Heaths, why do you keep running outside? We need you in here!"
"Sorry, I'll be right there!" he shouted back.
"You should go," Nina tells him.
"Will you really be okay?" Heaths asked worriedly.
"Yes, I'll manage. Thank you for worrying about me," Nina thanked him.
"If you say so..." Heaths turned around and quickly ran back into the tent, leaving Nina by herself.
Nina walked around a little bit and found her chair from earlier and sat down. She leaned forward until she was looking at the ground. She felt a little bit better now that she had fresh air again. It was a busy day and she felt tired. Nina rubbed her eyes, stretched her body, and then leaned back on her chair. 'I wonder if Kies is okay.'
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