Its been a week since the entrance test, Lucas told her about Rose destroying the exam. She was a little bit weirded by Lucas's reaction, he was like a teenage boy. She woke up and went inside the bathroom, after taking a shower. She went down the stairs and cooks her breakfast. After cooking her bacon and egg dish, She put on her uniform.
Rose went out of her house and locks the door. It was her first day of school, she walks to the bus stop and waits for the bus. A while late the bus arrives and Rose went in.
After 30 minutes of traveling Rose arrives at her destination. She went inside the Academy to find her classroom, as she walks in the hallway. She founds a sign telling Class A-1.
Rose touches the door and slowly opening it. When she opens the door she heard the students full of chatter but after opening the door. All the students look at her, the students saw a white haired scarlet red eyes girl. Many of them knew her due to her performance in the test, many tried to dig onto her identity but none of them could find a trace. It was like she appeared out of nowhere.
She slowly walks and saw a corner near the window. While walking she could feel the stares after arriving at the chair, she sits on the chair and closes her eyes. Many people thought that she was trying to have a nap but she was half awake. Due to her racial skills, she could create her own virtual space every time she went in there.
Rose would talk with Exmachina, Their talks last for hours but most of it was. If she was staying in this Empire, hearing this She flatted out said No. She could see a sigh of relief in Exmachina's eyes.
Both of them made a plan so that after Rose becomes strong enough she would leave the empire. But what most plans need is that it is fast and efficient, it doesn't matter if it was good or not. Many plans were made but needed time to apply, The good plan was to be in the dungeon grinding while the not good plan was killing high leveled adventurers.
The good plan was simple while the second was complicated in order to ensure success Rose needs to weaken the adventurer before killing him or her. Of course, she could buy things in her item shop, She agrees with both of the plans. Exmachina didn't expect this but grin, They made a new plan that they would grind and kill adventurers.
Rose felt apathetic she asks herself 'Am I becoming a sociopath or Are these the Effects of race skills' She felt confused if something was wrong with her but decided to forget about it. There was nothing wrong with her, this was her thought every time she gets an identity crisis.
She heard a loud voice quarreling. Rose looks at the students that we're in a heated argument. Both of them were girls, the first girl was a red haired girl with golden eyes and a petite body while the second girl was a black haired with blue aquatic eyes and a mature body.
Both of them we're having an argument about something. Like who's who the mature girl told the petite girl a Loli while the Petite girl points her finger to the mature girl boobs and spoke about having a useless fat.
As she was thinking to herself a man went inside the room. Rose saw the man wearing a military uniform. The man walks to the table and spoke.
"My name is Luther Leonhearth, I will be your teacher for your whole academy years"
The students look at him and stand up together. All of them greeted their teacher. """Good morning... Teacher"""
Luther was looking at the students and nodded, he told them to introduce themselves. The students went silent until a black haired boy spoke.
"I am Ink Basilica, Nice to meet you"
" My name is Stone Forte, Good to see you"
The introduction continued until it ends with the last three girls. Everyone stared at them, Many of them knew their identities as the top 3, 2, and 1. The red haired girl introduces herself " Nirvana Phoenix " After the red haired girl. The black haired girl spoke "Aqua Hearthfilia"
All of the students looks at Rose and She spoke her name. "Rose Primaris Exmechanicus" Many of them had a shocked face, her name was too long. But after a while, they continued their class.
Luther told the class that they would have a fitness test this afternoon but before that he lectured them about races.
"Now... Let's talk about races, tell me about races you want to know" Students raised their hand Luther looks around and points one of the students had a question. Seeing him getting pick the student then ask.
"Elves... huh" Luther spoke with a distant gaze but quickly regained his face. Looking at the students he told them about Elves.
"Elves are a humanoid race with a slight difference from human form. Most of them had high pride but respect those that are stronger than them. The Elves came from the planet Eden, They thrive there but when the GATE arrive. A war started it nearly broke the planet but it held, They have the same history as humans but the difference was that they didn't split apart. They colonized a planet and name it Elvenheim"
The student nodded with a thoughtful expression, Luther told who's next. Rose raises her hands this attracted the attention of the students as well as Luther himself. He points his hand onto Rose.
"Sir.... Can you tell me things about the Fanatics and Locust"
When Luther heard her question he raised an eyebrow. He puts his hand onto his chin and thought deeply. The students were surprised they didn't know about the races Rose said. After thinking about it Luther decided to talk.
"Well.... Let me tell you that the galaxy isn't as safe as you think, the Fanatics are brainwashed living beings by the gods(faked). The characteristic they have is that any living they bite will be one of them. Some of them had intelligence while most are like a mindless beast, the race didn't have records of them and their race just appeared out of nowhere.
The Locust is a hivemind race. They advance by stealing technologies from their enemies while tactics never work for the second time for them. They eat everything that lives in this galaxy while the Locust conquered planets using their Locust Swarm Fleets. They were theories about them coming outside of the galaxy, They can be seen in the neutral sectors"
Luther after explaining the race decided to explain the whole galaxy map. He told them that they were 3 regions in this galaxy. The 3 regions' name which was the Core rim, Middle Rim, and Outer Rim. Most of the race are now living in the middle rim, the core rim which was very dangerous while the Outer rim or the Unknown region.
He told them about 3 sectors which were neutral, chaotic, and civilized. Neutral has civilization but not safe while chaotic was literally hell.
After the Lecture, all of them went into the gym to test their fitness. It took about an hour to finished the fitness test. After the test it was time to go home, the students were busy chatting with each other while Rose took a bus and went home.
[ Name: Rose Primaris Exmechanicus(PREMIUM)
Title: Xenos Slayer, First Progenitor, Mother of Techno Race
Level 15
Hp: 13660/13660
Mp: 14340/14340
STR-300->700 INT-317->717
AGI-292->692 VIT-283->683
Class: (Ultimate Soldier), Void Entity, Gravity Mage Level 1
Race: Techno
Racial Skills: Download, Upload, Copy, Paste, Edit, Programming, Hacking, Quantum Processor, Nanobots Producer, Connection, Network
Title: Pressure lvl-10, Control Race, Skill Giver
Super Soldier: PHY up lvl-10, STR up lvl-10, Aim lvl-10, Self-Defense lvl-10, Enhanced 5-senses lvl-10, Gun Grandmaster lvl-1, Fear nullification lvl-1, Stress nullification lvl-1, Danger sense lvl-10, Hostility Sense lvl-10, Concentration lvl-10, (Emotion cut), AGI up lvl-10, DEX up lvl-10, INT up lvl-10, Critical spot lvl-10, Super Regeneration lvl-10, Precision Shot lvl-10, Minimap lvl-10, Eidetic Memory lvl-10, Berserk lvl-10, (Experience:Empress), Mana Absorption lvl-10, (No Mercy) Shock Absorption lvl-10, Sword Grandmaster lvl-1, Dagger Grandmaster lvl-1, Spear Grandmaster lvl-1
Void Entity: Void Blink lvl-10, Void Warp Rift lvl-10, Void Corrosion lvl-10, Void Singularity lvl-10, Mana Sense lvl-10, Battle Casting lvl-10, (Equipment of Void), Void Storm lvl-10, Void body lvl-10, Void absorption lvl-10
Gravity Mage: Anti Gravity lvl-1, Crush lvl-1, Bind lvl-1, Hold lvl-1, Gravity domain lvl-1, Star collapsed(Black hole)
Personal: Bullet Maker lvl-7, Perception lvl-1, Weakspot lvl-1, First Aid lvl-1, Scythe Grandmaster lvl-1, Pain nullification lvl-1, (Titanium body lvl-10)