Class E Dungeon

Rose was walking down the street full of people, All races that don't belong to the human race were deported. She knew that a problem was now starting so she needs her plan to be in motion. She was finding a Dungeon, Luther told her that dungeons were divided into 6 parts.

From E, D, C, B, A, S The E class represents levels from 1 to 50, D class from 50 to 100, C class from 100 to 200, B class from 200 to 400, A class from 400 to 800, S class from 800 to 1000. This was the arrangement of dungeons and the arrangement of ranking was also similar.

As she was walking into the Adventurers guild. The Adventurers guild we're working for its own Respective empires. They were not an International organization, The adventurers guild would make your own Id as an adventurer. The organization did these in order to track the adventurers, If you have an Id you would probably be able to join dungeon raids. Most of the dungeons we're own by the government.

Rose was finding a dungeon to grind, she was very powerful but as levels difference do not matter anything in the early stage. On the later stage the Attr. given would be getting bigger and this would be the start of advancing. You can't easily beat a higher level than you.

After walking around, she found a dungeon suitable for her. It was a Level 50 dungeon. Many monsters here would have passed the 1000 Attr. mark, Since it's the upper level of E class. She looks around and saw many people in line, Rose knew she can't enter the dungeon since her level was not up to the requirements.

She walks around and pretended to bump into some adventurer. Rose marks them with her warp rift skill, Her skill unlike the Space teleport doesn't have limits. So even if the mark went into some other dimension it would probably still there.

Rose looks at the adventurer waiting for him to enter. After a while, the Adventurer finally completes the registration. The adventurer went inside the dungeon, seeing this Rose activates the mark and teleports there.

She looks around and saw a different place. It was a volcanic type setting, Rose saw the adventurer looking at her with fear in his eyes. He never thought that someone could teleport to him.

Seeing the Adventurer, Rose sighed and pulled out her Void eagle for the first time. She points it at the adventurer and fired.


[ you have gain Experience ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]



Rose could feel that her level increase by about 7. She totally forgot about the guys level, She knew he was on a level higher than him but he was too weak or her stats we're to Op.

She plans to enter level 50 inside this dungeon. She would probably need to stay for a week inside this volcanic area. She also finds that her Void eagle doesn't need a bullet since it was automatically regenerated using magic. She looks around and saw a Lava monster near a crater.

Rose ran to the Lava monster. When the monster saw her it quickly attack her. It uses its tail to swipe her but Rose dodges She uses her Eagle which would take about 1 mana every single shot. With this she spam the Eagle, It doesn't even have things like overheating. Every time the Lava monster attack she swiftly dodges, Rose knew that this monster probably leans onto strength and durability.

It took 30 seconds of spamming the Eagle to beat the monster. She could use her mana intake to become 1 to 10. which would make the penetration higher while making the firepower powerful. Rose could imagine using this with her sniper rifle, It could probably destroy ships.

[ you have gain Experience ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

Hearing the notification Rose continued.


It has been a week since Rose entered the dungeon. But thankfully she knew the possibilities so She sent a message to Luther. She had a Reason and it was because of the Family business. Although she said that Rose had no family but due to people unable to dig her identity she could spout bullshit and they will have no choice but to accept it.

During her time in the dungeon, she finally leveled her Level to 47. Rose only needs three levels to be level 50. And there were so many things she hadn't use like the gift packs, the SP, and CP. The urges she had to control was almost finished.

Rose was walking currently on the ground and saw two girls fighting a Demi boss Volcanic Golem. It was Nirvana and Aqua, Nirvana was a sword mage, while Aqua was a Dark mage.

The Sword mage Nirvana has was in the alignment of fire. While Aqua the dark mage but not evil, it was just their power to control the dark was powerful hence the name Dark mage.

Nirvana was currently fighting the frontline while Aqua keeps supporting her. Nervana was having a hard time against the demi boss, but due to Aqua supporting her she manages to keep the boss at bay. Both of them were level 50, Although they were always fighting. Both of them were BFF, the two of them knew each other since childhood.


First Person(Nirvana)

I was keeping the boss at bay, it seems that the demi boss was more powerful than I imagine.

Both of us came to the dungeon to break onto class C, although it was no problem in the future. The two of us wanted to be early so that me and Aqua can realize our dream.

Aqua and I met in our childhood when we met. We easily became friends, Both of us weren't loved by our family and were forced to uphold the family's honor. Our dream was to escape from this small world and explore the universe. We decide to go into this dungeon to break through the Class E.

We were confident, and As we defeated any monster that we're thrown into us. Because of that our confidence grew. And due to that, we were thrown into this situation.

As we were walking we saw a golem. We tried to kill it but it turns out to be a demi boss. Although we manage to cope with ourselves, our stamina was slowly dwindling. Thinking this I became depressed, But at that moment I saw a White haired girl with a scythe and the demi boss was instantly cut into half. Seeing this I muttered "Rose?"


When Rose saw her classmate getting slowly beaten by the boss she first decided to walk away but seeing the BOSS. It meant Exp so without thinking about bullshit she blinks behind the boss and slices it in half. She also heard a notification.

[ you have gain Experience]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

[ you have leveled up ]

She was finally leveled up to 50. Seeing this Rose sighed as her work was finally done, Days of hunting was gone and she decided to sleep for a day after this. But before that she looks at her classmates.

Nirvana got up and spoke "Thanks for your help Rose"

"Your Welcome"

Hearing her Answer Nirvana was about to speak but Aqua got in the way.

"Rose why are you here" She asked, Rose looks at her and answered

"Solo Leveling"

Both of them we're surprised since Solo Leveling was hard due to no supports. The trio talked for a while after deciding to separate Nirvana wants to talk more but was dragged by Aqua.

While Aqua was dragging Nirvana she saw the look on her face and grin. "Ehhh What are you looking at Nirvana-chan" Nirvana looks at her but quickly hid her face and said "Nothing" On Nirvana's answer Aqua grin grew wider.

Seeing the duo left, Rose thought to herself that both of them reminded her of her childhood friends in the orphanage but was adapted. Her lips smirked and arrange her status. She first opened the Level 20 gift pack.

[ you have open Level 20 Gift pack ]

[ you have gain: Class: Spacemarine, Mana regeneration skill, Magic Amplify, Semi-automatic Void cannon rifle, Body for sentient persona(Exmachina), Level 40 Gift pack ]

Seeing her Prized Rose opens the Level 40 Gift Pack.

[ you have open Level 40 Gift pack ]

[ you have gain: Ship girl System, Titan body, Battle cruiser(Starcraft 2) blueprint, Level 80 Gift pack ]

Seeing her this. Rose was excited mostly due to the fact she got a Battle cruiser blue print. Rose saw that her SP and CP were too many. But before she upgrade her status she decided to leave the dungeon first. Rose remembered that she marked Nirvana and decided to teleport to her.