The Kanamara family

"How did you get arrested??.... I thought you put criminals in here and not that you enter in yourself."

Ilara's sister, Nara, asks with amusement.

"Stop teasing your sister, Nara, she really is in a pickle at the moment."

Nia retorts in a harsh tone.

"Please Nia don't try to protect her now, this wouldn't be happening if she had listened to us and joined in the family business."

Kame remarks passively.

"nice to see you too dad."

Ilara has a sheepish smile on her face.

"See mom, even Ilara is not taking this seriously, so why are you attacking me for teasing her a bit."

Nara sits aside and sulks.

"Oh, come off it."

Nia rebukes her sulking.

Ilara was always amused by how her family behaved; a father who loved her wholeheartedly but will always be in disapproval of her career as well as her romantic choice, a mother who always struggled to keep the family together despite all the differences and a mischievous younger sister that was a pain in her ass but whom she loved dearly, she felt lucky to have them all together.

"Unfortunately we can't bail you out at the moment."

Kame announces with a sad tone in his voice.

"Wait what??"

Ilara, Nara and Nia exclaimed in shock.

"You heard right, you might be spending some time here Ilara."

Kame replies with sadness written all over his middle aged face.

"But why dad??"

Ilara asks wide eyed.

"I spoke to your superiors and they told me that you along with Sai have been charged with serious offences so bail won't be that simple, but they agreed to move the both of you to a better holding cell after I had made a few phone calls."

Kame looks at his daughter behind glass and couldn't help but feel more sad.

"Wow this is serious, sorry sis I guess we'll be seeing you later."

Nara says with a sad expression.

"You take care of yourself, OK."

Nia says as she places her hand on the glass wall separating them, Ilara does same and they stare intently at each other for a while.

"Your time is up Mr. Kanamara, it would be best if you take your leave now."

One of the prison guards announce to the family.

"Of course….. Stay safe Ilara, I'll do my best to get you out soon."

Kame says to Ilara has he with Nia and Nara get up and leave.

Sai waits patiently in the cell for some good news but is appalled when Ilara walks back in.

"Wait what happened, how come you're back??"

Ilara takes a seat and looks at Sai.

"We are not gonna be able to get bail any time soon."

Sai is wide eyed by this revelation.

"Wait what….. But why??"

Ilara turns her face to look at the ceiling of the cell.

"I'm not sure but my gut tells me that it has something to do with our investigation."

Sai nods his head in agreement.

"Of course, whoever got us locked up must not want us to get released any time soon, it must be that we'll only be released after the exchange is completed."

"So what do we do now??... The only way we'll be able to stop it now is if we.."

Ilara trails off as she looks at Sai and catches him smiling mischievously.

"Don't tell me we are gonna…."

TIME : 12:17PM


"Hey you, get them out…. We'll be taking them to the penitentiary."

Sai and Ilara hear a voice from outside after which their cell door is unlocked and two officers enter.

"What's going on??"

Sai asks the officers.

"We'll be moving both of you to the penitentiary, orders from the higher ups."

One of the officers reply as she gestures to Ilara and Sai.

"Are we the only ones being taken??"

Ilara asks has she and Sai are escorted out of their cell.

"Well we do have one more addition to the party."

The officer responds.

"Who's that??"

Sai asks has they walk out of the building into a waiting van.


The second officer points to another man being escorted by two officers.


Ilara and Sai stand wide eyed as Dan is escorted into another van.

"You guys know that ghost??"

The officer asks has they enter into the van.

"Yeah we had a run in with him come he is here??, what happened??"

Ilara asks with peaked interest while Sai looks on suspiciously

"Got a call in about a forest fire, sent some officers to go check it out and they found him there, dude was laying over a burnt house with charred bodies, locals id'ed the bodies as the owners of the motel that had been burnt down, called it in and the higher ups ordered for him to be locked up till further notice."

The female officer responds after which she hits the back of the driver's seat.

"Let's go ,we ain't go all day."

The vehicle starts up and begins to move, Sai and Ilara look at themselves as though they were trying to communicate mentally after which they look away.....

TIME : 2:00PM


"How long before the package arrives??"

Crow asks has he seats across the room from Karan.

"Due to some interference we had to delay it's arrival but do not worry the exchange will be possible within the next five days, I would ask for you to be patient."

Karan replies after which he takes a sip from the wine glass before him.

"Alright then…. I hope those interference that you encountered have been taken care of" Crow doesn't seem too interested in his drink as he pushes it aside.

"Not yet, but you do not have to worry about them for we have made plans to stop them from interfering in the future."

Karan replies with a sinister look on his face.....