Broken resolve

TIME : 4:00PM


Two vans enter into the building premises and stop at the parking lot, Sai and Ilara come out from the first van while Dan comes out from the second, Ilara notices the emptiness and sadness in Dan's demeanor.

"Something is wrong with him, I wonder what that is."

Ilara mutters under her breath.


Sai looks at Ilara as though he had heard what she had said.

"Never mind...uhmm hey can I ask a favor from you guys."

Ilara asks their escorts.

"What's that??"

One of their escorts asks has they pause in their tracks.

"If you guys could make it possible, I'd appreciate it if we could talk with that guy over there."

Ilara asks has she points to Dan.

"Uhmm yeah sure but that will be when you guys are inside….. Come along."

Their escorts take them into the building and sign them in.

Dan sits at a corner moping, he doesn't seem to care much for the activities around him and seems lost in thought.


Ilara sits beside him and tries to get his attention, Sai is right behind her has he stands in front of Dan, Dan doesn't acknowledge their presence and continues to sulk.

"He seems pretty broken, we should leave him."

Sai comments has he makes to leave.

"Sai… wait a minute OK, Hey Dan it's me, Ilara."

Ilara taps Dan causing him to look at her and he is greeted with a cute smile from the detective.

"What do you want??"

Dan asks gruffly.

"You must be the grumpiest guy I've ever met, what happened to the cocky Dan who tried to make us look like fools last time we met??"

Sai remarks with a smirk on his face.

"Sai stop teasing him he seems to have a lot on his plate already... I heard what happened to you earlier today, did you really burn down the motel??"

Ilara asks inquisitively.

"What does it matter to you??.. Why can't you just leave me be??"

Dan asks trying to hold back a tear.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think those people that were reported dead at the motel you were found at, are close to you and you know what happened to them.... Am I right or am I right."

Sai asks with an air of pride.

Dan looks at the detective standing in front of him and rises up to face him, Ilara fearing another confrontation between the two immediately gets up on her feet to interfere.

"You think you are so smart, don't ya….well you're not so come off it, OK. Instead of wasting your time thinking about me why don't you guys worry about getting yourself outta here, I'm sure some of the individuals locked up here would be holding a couple of grudges with the both of you."

Dan is about to leave before they are surrounded by a couple of the inmates.

"Oi ain't that the detective duo, Sai and Ilara, responsible for our current predicament, Pablo??"

One of the inmates asks.

"It's them ,boy….. Well well, it would seem that karma has brought you here to receive your punishment for putting us all in here, I think it's only right we give to you what you gave to us… take 'em out boys."

Dan attempts to leave but is stopped by one of the inmates.

"You ain't going nowhere chump."

Dan stares down at the arm placed on his chest and then looks back at the inmate that held him back.

"Take your hands off of me now."

The inmate smiles and looks at his companions then attempts to deck Dan but is unsuccessful as Dan ducks and fists his rib cage causing the inmate to yell before then proceeding to hold the arm that the inmate had used to try and punch him with after which he breaks it and throws him across the room, the entire arena turns silent, Sai and Ilara look around before exclaiming simultaneously.

"oh shit."

A free for all occurs as the entire arena is plunged into chaos, all fifty inmates inside the courtyard proceed to attack Sai, Dan and Ilara, forcing them to defend themselves. Ilara dodges a punch from an inmate and proceeds to kick his groin before then punching him on the face, another attacker comes forward and she blocks both jabs from him before landing a blow of her own, dazing her attacker before then turning around and giving him a back heel, she tries to move forward but catches sight of two inmates rushing towards her causing her to fall back and let out a bird cry stunning them before running towards them and performing a double scissor hold, throwing both men to the ground.

Dan dodges the assault of two inmates on him, he then uses one of the tables in the arena to clear them both also hitting four other inmates in the process, Dan loses focus for a few seconds and is punished with a kick to the stomach but he doesn't budge so easily has he holds the leg in place and then proceeds to break it using his elbow before dropping it and then landing a swift uppercut that knocks his attacker into another table.

Sai chops his attacker on the neck and then knocks him out with a quick jab to the jaw, two other guys come at him but he evades them both before proceeding to trip one and then grab the other by his collar, the inmate attempts to hit him but he stops him and then twists his wrist forcing a yell out of him before delivering a barrage of blows to his stomach and finishing him off with an uppercut, the other inmate attempts to stand but Sai sights him and stumps his head into the concrete floor, three inmates surround him.

"let's see you escape from this."

Sai keeps pace with their jabs and kicks before then doing a split and taking them off their feet with a sweep of his leg, all three men come crashing down and Sai leave their circle.

The prison guards are enjoying the spectacle but are forced into action upon seeing one of their superiors walk in on the fight.

"all of you stop that now."

The guards enter into the courtyard to quell the disturbance after which they seize Dan, Ilara and Sai....

"You guys have been here for what… five minutes and you're already causing a freaking brawl in one of the prisons arena, who the hell do you think you are??"

The prison warden yells at Sai, Ilara and Dan has they sit across the table from him.

"You can't actually be thinking that it's our fault the arena brawl occurred, right??"

Ilara replies the warden with a question of her own.

"OK that's it the both of you are not allowed to leave the confines of your holding cell to any of the prison arenas, am I clear??"

The warden says has he gestures the guards to take them away.

"This is the lowest of the lowest things to happen and right now I'm not even surprised anymore."

Sai says as he and Ilara are taken away, Dan makes to get up but is stopped by the prison warden.

"Prepare yourself" the warden whispers to him.

Dan is visibly puzzled by what he had just heard.

"Take him."

the guards lead Dan out has the warden sits down to take a call.


he asks into the receiver.

"Has he arrived??"

the voice questions over the phone.

"Yes and he made quite an entrance, I'm sure he will enjoy his short stay here."

The warden replies has he then drops the phone.

Sai and Ilara are sitted in their cell contemplating the next step to take in furthering their plans of bring down Cheng and his circle.

"What do you think would be happening out there right now??"

Sai asks Ilara in passing.

"Well if my guess is right then most likely; Cheng and his goons would be looking for Jace to tie up loose ends, my dad would be trying to get me outta here and whoever signed for us to get thrown in here would be hoping we don't get out."

Ilara replies calmly.

"Yep that about wraps it."

Sai says with a smirk.

"I've got a plan to break outta here but I think we might need Dan's help."

Ilara looks at Sai with a smile.

"What exactly do you have in mind??"