Hope we see you again

Dan kneels down beside Cheng's body, "it's so unfortunate I had to do all this, at least I have done justice to all those that have fallen at your hand and that I am satisfied with, nothing else matters now, nothing at all".

sirens cans be heard in the distance and then they stop, Jonah and a few other officers clamber out of their vehicles to behold the government house in ruins, they move in and see Dan kneeling beside Cheng, "arrest him" Jonah orders the officers who promptly move forward and take a hold of Dan

Dan doesn't struggle much and instead smiles at Jonah, "you're gonna be spending a long time in jail for all your crimes mister, know that now" Jonah remarks after which the officers take Dan away in cuffs.


TIME : 12:14PM


A gate opens and Dan emerges from the other side with his red hoodie jacket over his shoulder, Sai and Ilara are seen waiting for him with a car behind them. "well hello stranger, how you been??" Ilara asks has Dan reaches within a few meters from them.

"I'm guessing you guys are the reason they let me off early" Dan comments has he takes a good look at both of them, "well yeah, your plan actually worked, well cause we actually found evidence to prove Cheng's corruption and also cause Ilara wouldn't rest until we were able to prove your innocence, you're really lucky she likes you" Sai says with a tinge of jealousy.

"and that doesn't upset you in the slightest" Dan puts up an eyebrow, "oh c'mon, I only did all that cause we owed you that much, I mean you took all the blame when we were actually a part of the whole thing" Ilara replies with a blush, "you guys didn't kill anyone ,you were only doing your jobs has detectives so you didn't have to suffer" Dan says with an expressionless look , "but honestly though, thank you… your plan worked perfectly, I can't believe a maniac like you could do something so selfless" Sai remarks with a grin

"I wasn't being selfless, I've told you that whatever I do I do it for my own selfish reasons and that's that" Dan responds in similar fashion, "don't we all??.... I mean in the end no matter how selfless an act is, someone can still read an act of selfishness in it so you don't have to make it look like you were completely selfish" Ilara takes note of the scar on Dan's fist before looking at his face

"I guess you're right. Anyways what's happened in my absence??" Dan asks trying to change the topic of discussion , "well… the elections have been pushed forward and will be happening soon, most of Cheng's businesses and warehouses have been confiscated and Crow is still at large…. Oh yeah lest I forget, I and Ilara quit our jobs at the force to open up our own private practice" Sai makes a mental list as he speaks, "that's nice, good luck with that… well then I guess I'll be taking my leave now" Dan begins to walk away from them, "so what are you going to do now??" Ilara asks with a bit of concern, Dan turns to face them before replying them, "well firstly I'm going to have to give Hermit and his family a befitting burial so that they can be laid to rest finally and after that, I'll just stick around for a bit"

"and any ideas on where you'll be staying??.... You could come stay with us for a while if you want" Sai says, "there will be no need for that, I'll find my way, you guys just take care" Dan is about to walk away when Ilara calls out to him and then hands him a cell

"keep this with you, we might need to contact you for another mission or maybe just so we can keep in touch. either way you should have it" she says with a smile, "alright then" Dan takes the cell and walks away. "c'mon, let's get going" Sai beckons to Ilara after which they get into their vehicle and drive off in the other direction.