Loose threads


TIME : 8:48PM


"where am I??" Crow mutters to himself as he regains consciousness, the beeping of a pulse regulator can be heard and the atmosphere in the room is diluted with the smell of antiseptic and sickness.

Crow attempts to rise up from his bed but feels a sharp pain in his abdominal region, he looks down and sees a bandage around his left torso and reaches out to place his left arm on it.

"that damn kid, I'm so gonna make him pay" Crow detaches the tiny pipe attached to his right wrist, before he can place his legs on the ground, the door opens to allow a nurse baring a tray to enter inside… "guards!!....he is awake now" the nurse announces with a shock on her face.

Crow is taken aback by this and immediately rushes towards the nurse but is a bit slow in movement which enables the guards to come in and try to seize him, "stay back, I'm warning you… just stay back" Crow warns has he begins to move back towards the window beside his bed

"Mr Crow Ley, you are under arrest and for the time being will have to stay in this hospital so as to be able to receive medical care due to your injury" the guards begin to walk towards Crow but Crow seems to be having none of that has he struggles to stand up straight and point his palm in their direction, "watashi kara shuppatsu ( depart from me)"

a strong repulsive force blasts the guards out of the room along with the nurse inadvertently knocking them out, "I need to leave this place before I am caught" Crow looks around for a bit but then proceeds to use the window as an escape route seeing has more guards were heading up the building to stop him from leaving.

using the window ledge as a stable footing, Crow proceeds to propel himself to the neighboring building before he makes a run for it albeit with a little difficulty due to his injury.


TIME : 10:42PM


A hooded man is seen walking into a phone booth, it's hard to make out his face but his movements gave off an expression of pain due to his slow and measured steps.

Crow makes sure to avoid being noticed by so many people so he covered his face and body in a dark scarf, he takes out a coin and puts it into the answering machine, he dials a number and puts the receiver to his ear…

"hello, who is this??" a gruff voice asks over the receiver, "this is Crow, sir…" Crow replies in a low tone, "how dare you call this number??... You have some nerves after your unfortunate failure with retrieving just one scroll, how incompetent can you be??" the gruff voice resonates with anger and disappointment

"I'm sorry sir, I ran into more trouble than I had expected, I will retrieve the scroll, do not worry" Crow tries not to anger the other man with his words, "no you are no longer required to do anything, you are no longer trusted to be capable or competent enough to handle such a simple task, do not worry about trying to retrieve the scroll, you are relieved of your duties and are no longer under my pay, goodbye" the gruff voice says after which the line goes dead

"no, no, no, no….. What do I do now??... Where do I go from here??" Crow asks himself in confusion as he drops the phone and grabs his head after which the glass in the booth proceeds to shatter.