Girl talk

"You guys are a couple right??"

Mae asks passively as both she and Ilara sat at the waiting area expecting news from the doctor after his examination of Dan.

"Huh, yeah we are… Wait who are you talking about?"

Ilara asks a bit confused as she was lost in thought before Mae asked the question jolting her back to reality.

"You mind seems to be elsewhere, worried about Dan's report?"

Mae asks as she notices the way Ilara reacted to her question,.

"Uhmm yeah, I kinda feel guilty for his condition since he is in this state because he was trying to protect I and Sai from Crow. Gosh I wish I wasn't so weak maybe then I would have been able to contribute more to the fight, I really regret slacking on my Variant training all because I felt it wasn't important."

Ilara laments as she bends her head down and places her hands to cover it.

"Well firstly, it's no your fault that your teammate got a bit hurt while trying to protect you, it's the enemy that you fought that caused his injuries not you, so blaming yourself unnecessarily just isn't right. Secondly you aren't so weak, I've checked your profile and even though your path level is abysmally low that doesn't mean you don't ha potential to get stronger, I mean even with your low path level you still fought alongside your teammates on equal footing all thanks to your wits and improvisation skills, if that doesn't mean anything to you then you have no idea what strength is all about."

Mae replies after which she places her hand on Ilara's shoulder causing Ilara to put her head up and look in her direction.

"You feeling weak now won't solve anything, so it's best to stand tall and walk towards getting stronger so you won't have to see your teammates getting hurt anymore."

Ilara nods her in agreement with what Mae had said and finally sits back up having regained her cheerful nature albeit slightly with her thoughts finally slowing down a bit allowing her to rest easy.

"Feeling any better now??"

Mae asks.

"Yeah I am, thanks… What was the question you asked before??"

Ilara tries to drown away her negative thoughts with conversation hoping it would make her feel better than she was letting on.

"Oh yeah about that. I asked if you and Sai were a couple."

Mae replies.

"Oh uhmm yeah of course, is it that obvious that we are a couple??"

Ilara asks.

"Well kind of but then I had to be sure."

Mae says.

"Had to be sure?"

Ilara puts up a brow.

"Yeah, don't get me wrong it's not like it was an important piece of information but after I and Yakob saved you guys I guess I just got a bit curious, you know normal girl intuition."

Mae replies with a chuckle.

"OK so what about you and Yakob, are you guys dating??"

Ilara asks drawing closer to Mae like as though she was about to hear a really important secret.

"Let's just say we are on and off."

Mae replies in a low tone as she played along with Ilara making it look like both women were conniving.