Lofty dreams / My closest friend

"Tell me about yourself."

Mae says.

"Well there's nothing to say about me, that you don't already know by now."

Ilara replies.

"Well yeah I have read up on your file and know a bit about you but I'd like to hear it from your own mouth using your own words if you don't mind."

Mae remarks.

"Alright then, so what do I start with; my name is Ilara Kanamara, my parents are politicians and I have a sister that's a pain but whom I love with all my heart. I'm nineteen years old and the youngest ever graduate from the Calos City police academy. Total of over fifteen tough cases solved with my biggest solve being the Harlem case which indirectly affected so many other cases that had been closed prior to the case being solved. In a relationship with Sai Kisoka, going on four years now. Aspiring D.O.D candidate and a girl with crazy dreams. I think that's about it."

Ilara says with a smile with Mae just nodding her head as she let the influx of information sink in before finally speaking.

"Why are you here?"

Ilara is taken aback by the sudden question but still manages to answer.

"To get accepted into the D.O.D of course, why else would anyone be here??"

Mae smirks seeing as how her question had left Ilara a bit flustered.

"If you manage to pass the exams and get accepted, what will be your goal?"

"To help those who can't help themselves and mete out justice to all those deserving of it."

Ilara replies with a certain level of self righteousness that made Mae cringe a little.

"Isn't that goal a bit too lofty for you to attain."

Mae asks.

"Maybe It is, maybe it isn't …I won't know until I've tried."

Ilara replies.

"I'd like to see how that works for you. If you do manage to pass the exams, come to me and I'll train you."

Mae says.


Ilara asks with a glow in her eyes.

"Yeah of course, but that's only if you manage to pass the exams and mind you, the team building exercise you guys took part in is nothing like the main exams so buckle up for a rough couple of weeks."

Mae says causing Ilara to mellow down a bit.

"That's a bit scary."

Ilara mutters to herself. both women stay silent for a while with each other pondering on their thoughts, the silence is finally broken when the doctor walks in on them and invites them to his office for a little discussion regarding Dan's examination.


Sai and Yakob go up a flight of stairs, running into a few agents along the road and exchanging pleasantries as they walked past. They finally reach the top of the building and walk up to a door with the tag of 'head administrator' written boldly on the door.

"I'm guessing this is the office."

Sai remarks as he walks up to the door with Yakob.


Yakob replies passively as he knocks on the door.

"Who's there??"

A voice from inside the office asks.

"It's Yakob, I brought the Kisoka kid for you as instructed."

Yakob replies.

"Oh alright send him in and you may leave." The voice says with Yakob feeling a little insulted at how he was dismissed.

"Well you heard the man, you can go in. I'll be leaving now."

Yakob says with a slight annoyance running across his face.

"Alright then."

Sai replies awkwardly with a half baked smile, Yakob immediately walks away and rushes down the stairs swiftly in a fit with Sai wondering what had gotten him so worked up.

"Come in."

The voice responds after Sai knocked in the door once, He turns the knob and enters into a spacious office with wonderful aesthetics and neatly carved furniture, Markov sat at the end of the office table with a large window behind him which spanned the same length as the long office desk before him, the room is well lit with a couple of light bulbs placed in the right places with fan in the middle of the ceiling rotating at mid speed as the room felt quite ventilated.

"Afternoon, Mr Kisoka. Take a seat."

Markov says calmly as he points to the seat in front of Sai, Sai hesitates before finally deciding to seat as instructed.

"How are you feeling now?? seem to have recovered from most of the injuries inflicted by Crow's assault."

Markov asks in a bid to make small talk before jumping into the real reason he had asked to see Sai.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better now. Thanks for asking but I don't that's the reason you called me here, right??"

Sai asks as he was quite curious to know why he would be summoned by the head administrator when he knew he had no business with him.

"Oh wow, impatient just like he was. I was only trying to make small talk so that you would be comfortable when we talk about the real reason I called for you."

Markov replies as he relaxes on his chair.

"Well making small talk would just increase my curiosity do it's best if you just told me why you called for me. If it has anything to do with if my team is fit to continue in the exams I'm just going to tell you outright that I and my team are fit and ready to continue whenever the exams resume."

Sai remarks boldly with his words bringing a smile to Markov's face as he was quite amused by what Sai had said.

"What??...did I say something funny."

Sai asks with a raised brow.

"Well not really, but looking at you brings back fond memories of an old friend."

Markov says with a bit of sentiment present in his voice.

"My voice reminds you of an old friend??... I am so lost right now."

Sai says with utter confusion present across his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm guessing my ramblings is starting to get on your nerves."

Markov says.

"Yeah kinda."

Sai replies nonchalantly.

"Do you know who your father is??"

Markov asks as he adjusted in his chair.

"Uhmm is that the reason I was called up here??.. To talk about a man that I hardly know anything about??... Honestly if this is some kind of joke, it would be best if you cut it out because I'm not ready to joke about such a thing."

Sai says as he makes to rise from his chair and leave with annoyance written across his face quite boldly.

"You really hate your old man, don't you??"

Markov remarks with a serious but mildly sad tone in his voice as he gauged the way Sai had reacted with a calculative gaze.

"Hate??.. I don't even know him well enough to say that I feel anything for him, now enough with questions about my father I'm really starting to get pissed."

Sai replies with the anger not only visible on his face but also audible in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I understand how you must be feeling about this topic and how I brought it up. I just thought I'd get the chance to speak with the offspring of my dearest friend."

Markov remarks in a mellow tone with Sai calming his nerves a bit.

"Just tell me what you want to tell me already, I have to get back to the hospital to meet up with my team."

Sai says calmly as he relaxed his nerves, "Do you know anything about Ean Kisoka??"

Markov asked with Sai batting an eyelid as he heard the name.

"Apart from the fact that he is my father and that he worked for the D.O.D at some point before disappearing a couple of years ago, I don't know anything else that could be of interest to you. Why exactly are you asking about him anyways??... Is there any reason why you called me up here to ask me about my father??"

Sai replies trying his best not to blow a fuse as he spoke on such a sensitive topic.

"The truth is that I knew your father, he was my teammate and most of all he was my closest friend."

Markov replies with Sai staring at him wide eyed as the revelation hit him like a wave.