A slight warning

"Well thankfully he is fine now. It's a miracle that he woke up so early and not only that most of his internal injuries are healed with no serious complications whatsoever."

The doctor said as she sat across from Mae and Ilara with the latter having a wide smile on her face as she heard the news. The office they were in was quite small as it spanned a total of a thousand and two hundred square feet with its interior design looking quite plain and the furniture were few but well made with a couple of pictures around the office on the walls showing the internal physiology of Razas, as well as the difference in the internal working between Variants and Weaponmasters, currently only the doctor on duty as well as Ilara and Mae were occupying the office.

"Thank goodness."

Ilara comments with a smile on her face as her worries began to halt after she heard the result of the medical examination carried out by the doctor on Dan.

"Thank you so much, Ino… I really appreciate what you have done with regards to getting the boy back in shape."

Mae remarks with a look of appreciation on her face.

"You don't have to thank me, Honestly I didn't do much. Dan is a fighter and so he was able to scale through this unscathed but I must give a warning."

Ino remarks as she ends her sentence with an ominous tone causing Mae to put up an eyebrow and Ilara to cease her joy momentarily.

"Warning??... What about, doctor??"

Ilara asks in a worried tone.

"Well currently Dan's variant genes are still young and capable of getting stronger obviously but you should try to stop him from performing techniques that are above what his cells can handle for now so as to avoid causing permanent damage to his variant cells."

Ino stares at the two women in front of her waiting for the duo to digest what she had just said.

"So all I need to be wary of is making sure that Dan doesn't overdo it."

Ilara surmises.

"Not only him though, all of you actually. Don't overdo it else you risk burning yourselves out."

Ino says on a final note.

"Hmm alright then Ino, I'm sure she understands what you are trying to say. Can we go and see the patient now??"

Mae asks.

"Of course, you may go ahead."

Ino replies with Mae and Ilara exchanging pleasantries before finally leaving her office towards the ward that Dan was in.

"Don't worry about what Ino said, you guys are nowhere close to burning up your genes."

Mae remarks in a bid to cheer up Ilara as she pondered on what Ino had said.

"What does it mean to burn up your cells, I'd like to know."

Ilara asks putting her head up to face Mae as they walked down the hall.

"Well as a variant, you have an extra set of cells; the VC ( Varying cell ). Those cells continue to develop the more you train and master your ability, the cells have ten stages of growth which is what we call the Paths of Power. Now if it were that as Variant you overuse your ability to the point of burning up your cells, you run the risk of losing your power permanently."

Mae explains.

"Thought as much."

Ilara remarks.

"Why do you ask though and how come you don't know that anyways??"

Mae asks.

"I had a basic idea of what it might mean but I had to be sure and anyways I slacked in my variant training as a kid, focusing more on good grades and staying fit."

Ilara replies as both women finally reach Dan's ward and knock, hearing no response they open the door to find Sirius fast at sleep.

"We shouldn't disturb him, leave him to sleep. We can get to know ourselves better with the extra time."

Mae remarks with Ilara agreeing as they both turn around and close the door behind them.