Girl talk II

"Why do you think Sai got called to the administrator's office??... He has been gone for quite a while now."

Ilara asks as it seemed as though she and Mae had been discussing for quite some time.

"Well most likely must be relating to Sai's father and their past together."

Mae replies not thinking too much about it.

"What are you talking about??... Sai doesn't know much about his father, so why would the administrator be asking about him and why Sai anyways, I don't understand this."

Ilara remarks.

"Not to ask Sai, I'm guessing at this point but I have feeling the administrator wants to discuss with Sai about his father because Sai's father and the head administrator go way back, like all the way back to when he was still about to take the exams with Yakob."

Mae replies leaving Ilara with more questions.

"Wait Sai's father and the head administrator knew each other??"

Ilara asks wide eyed.

"Well yeah, I'm not privy to all the details but if I remember correctly; Markov, Yakob and Ean were all in the same team when they took part in the defense exams years ago. Markov and Yakob came in as a duo and Ean signed up as a solo act, the instructors at that point were biased and so ended up placing all three in the same team as they felt that they were weak and wouldn't be able to make it far, funny enough they proved the instructors wrong and ended passing as the best team.Yakob admits that Ean did most of the heavy lifting and is not shy to admit that when they had first started out, they didn't really like him but by the end of the exams they had become best friends, even partners."

Mae recounts like as though it were her own memories.

"Whoa, that's totally unexpected. Sai doesn't really know much about his father and he doesn't even like talking about it it's always a touchy subject with him. I can't say I blame him though, he doesn't even know who he is."

Ilara comments with a solemn tone in her voice.

"To be honest, I never actually got to chat with Ean who was touted as the best Weaponmaster our realm had produced with numerous successes in the most difficult missions. He was always this guy with an air of accomplishment around him though we only crossed paths a few times."

Mae said.

"Can I ask you something??"

Ilara asked.

"Yeah of course, I'll answer the best way I can so shoot."

Mae replied.

"Do you by any chance know what happened to his father?"

Ilara asked.

"Well I'm not too privy on the details but it's something along the lines of a case of Missing in action; He went out on a covert mission and never came back. Some agents say that Markov had a hand in his disappearance as he was that convinced Ean to go, anyways that's all I know."

Mae replied.

"Oh so it was never proven that he died during the mission."

Ilara remarked.

"Most likely, yeah…. They just lost communication with him and then the agents that went out for him never brought back anything useful."

Mae said.

"What are you thinking about??"

Mae asked noticing Ilara's changed facial expression.

"Well I'm just thinking about how Sai would react with the whole topic about a father he never knew, I'm worried over what he might do."

Ilara replied.

"Then go and look for him."

A voice remarked in a rather firm but cool manner Ilara and Mae turned to see who had spoken and laid eyes on Dan out of bed wearing his signature red hoodie with a black shirt underneath followed up with brown trousers, Mae batted an eyelid as she was actually taken in by Dan's looks.

"He is quite the looker."

She thought to herself before letting go of it as quickly as she had brought it in.

"Dan what are you doing out of bed??"

Ilara asks with a worry as she immediately rose from her sitting position and rushed to Dan's side.

"I'm okay now, I couldn't stand staying inside that ward any longer so I asked the nurse if I could leave and she obliged saying that I was fine so I left."

Dan replied.

"Even if the nurse said you were good to go at least you could have called for me, I've been out here waiting for so long. At least respect that."

Ilara remarked in a vexed tone.

"I didn't want to bother you so I thought I'd come to you. You have already done a lot for me, I can't let you do more."

Dan said putting Ilara at ease.

"Anyways glad to see you out of bed and ready for action, You shouldn't push yourself though since the damage to your cells is not yet fully healed."

Mae chimes in with both Dan and Ilara looking at her before finally looking back at each other.

"I heard what you guys were saying about Sai's father. You should go to him if you are so worried about him, I'm all better now so you don't have to worry."

Dan remarked with Ilara half surprised that Dan was actually showing concern although he tried to hide it.

"You really are full of surprises."

Ilara thinks to herself, Mae excuses herself to check on someone saying she would be back soon with Dan and Ilara nodding in agreement.

"So are you going??"

Dan asked.

"Yeah but I have a request."

Ilara replied.

"What's the request??"

Dan asked half hoping that it wouldn't be a request for him to follow her.

"Stay here and wait for Mae to come back after which you are free to go wherever you feel like, can you do that??"

Ilara asked.

"Hmm, was actually expecting you to ask me to come with you, thankfully you didn't. I'll wait for the agent, you can go."

Dan replied reclining on the bench on which they sat.

"Alright, thanks."

Ilara chuckled a bit before finally leaving to locate Sai.