A traitor amongst us

Jeroam sat at a desk rummaging through some files as he chumped a biscuit with a merry look on his face, he seemed to be thoroughly engrossed in what he was doing as he hummed a weird tone in his head.

His demeanor had none of the supposed class and courtesy an elder was supposed to have with the office he sat in not helping matters with how run down it looked but it was obvious Jeroam didn't mind as he went about what he was doing with not a single care in the world.

A knock is heard on the door breaking Jeroam out of his flow though he didn't seem to be bothered as he invited in whomever had knocked on the door, The door knob clicks and Yakob comes in with Clark and Tara peeping in like little kids.

"Ah, Yakob you are here."

Jeroam remarked as he reclined on the chair he was sitting on.

"You had asked that I bring in two agents that I trust to meet with you because you had an assignment to give them."

Yakob reports as he walked up to the desk in front of Jeroam and performed a slight salute with Jeroam waving it away.

"And I'm guessing those are the agents."

Jeroam remarked as he shifted his head a bit for his eyes to rest on Clark and Tara still staring at him as they stood by the door.

"Are you guys going to keep on standing there or you're gonna come in."

Jeroam asked with Yakob turning to face both agents with a stern face.

"Can you guys stop fooling around and come over here right now."

Clark and Tara take the hint after which they move towards Jeroam's desk while trying to hide their inner joy.

"That's better."

Jeroam comments after which he reclined back in his chair.

"Do you need me here??"

Yakob asks.

"Not really, you can stay though but I don't there will be any need for that."

Jeroam replies.

"Alright then, I'll be taking my leave. I have some other things to take care of."

Yakob remarks after which he takes his leave with Clark and Tara watching his back as he stepped out of the office and closed the door behind him.

"So what are your names."

Jeroam asked after Clark and Tara had gotten comfortable in his presence as they took their seats in front of him.

"Agent Clark and she Is Tara."

Clark replies trying to sound professional.

"Sir I just want to say that it's an honor to be here right now."

Tara remarks with a glow in her eyes causing Jeroam to chuckle.

"We must seem like jokers."

Clark says with a hand to the back of his head.

"Not really. I know how it must feel to be in front of someone that you have heard myths about but I must let you know that I am no deity that should be worshipped or be awed just be being present. I'm just a Raza like the both of you so you don't have to act like as though I'm greater than any of you in any way. So how about we concentrate on the reason I called for agents like yourselves in."

Jeroam says after which both agents coordinate themselves seeing that Jeroam had gotten a bit serious with his demeanor.

"Of course, we understand completely. We apologize for our behavior."

Tara replies.

"It's no problem at all, so can we get to the matter at hand before we are interrupted."

Jeroam remarks with both agents nodding their heads in agreement.

"What is the reason you called for us anyways??... I mean there are already a few high ranking agents on the island, why call for outside help."

Tara questions.

"Because we have a traitor on the island."

Jeroam replies making both agents uneasy as he said so.

"Traitor??.. What are you talking about??"

Clark asks wide eyed.

"Exactly what I mean by that but you shouldn't think too much about that right now. I called for some outside help because I need the agents that are all currently on this island to be investigated, there is a traitor amongst the agents present on this island who plans on sabotaging the exams and I want to find out who it is but unfortunately I cannot do so by myself anymore so I need your help with investigating the other agents and bringing back any information you gather on them."

Jeroam says with both agents listening in awe with everything he said, a minute passes after Jeroam had spoke with silence reigning as both agents allowed what they had just heard to settle in them after which Clark speaks up.

"But what if we are the traitors or maybe by any means we are working with the traitor, are you willing to take such a gamble??"

Jeroam chuckles a bit before replying.

"Well for one if you guys worked for the traitor or traitors, you wouldn't have just asked that question but of course if that's the only thing I was riding on then that would make me look really naïve. You don't have to think too much about this, just investigate and report. If it does turn out that you both are working for the traitor then I will know, if not then you both will prove really useful to me."

Jeroam replies with both agents looking more confused.

"But then…"

Tara trails off as she realized that Jeroam wasn't planning on entertaining any other questions.