Flashback ( Han)



TIME : 4:46PM


The board room is neatly decorated with a few pseudo agents standing guard, it had the feel of a courtroom, albeit without the judge, jury or lawyers.

Jeroam and Markov were seated in the high seat with Ham, Urch and Nia standing in witness boxes before them while Dusik stood a few meters away from them with a solemn look on his face.

"I gave a direct order and warning should anyone go against that order. Now explain to me why you decided to do whatever you liked, attacking a fellow participating team with intent to kill inadvertently placing two of them in the medical bay."

Jeroam asks with annoyance visible on his face, Han makes to speak but is cut short by Dusik with an angry look on his face causing the other two to keep silent.

"I understand that what my team did is unacceptable and I take full responsibility for their actions as I did not know that intentionally hurt other participants in such a gruesome manner, I apologize on their behalf."

Dusik apologizes in a calm voice with Han being visibly offended that he was shut down before he had a chance to speak his mind.

"Your apology does not change the fact that two participants are currently receiving treatment due to their actions, I have a mind to kick all three off this island right this minute."

Markov remarks.

"I understand that and I can assure you that I will punish them in the best possible way if you'll allow it. All I ask is that you don't kick then off the island, they are great prospects I can assure you."

Dusik asserts with Jeroam heaving a sigh at his words.

"They aren't great prospects in my eyes. Tell me one thing is there a reason you specifically attacked the variant amongst the team that you ambushed?... I would like to know."

Jeroam asks out of curiosity.

"Well nothing really that you should worry about, I promise that I will handle this in the best possible way."

Dusik replies trying as much as possible not to allow the trio standing in trial.

"Why do you not allow them speak for themselves??"

Jeroam asks raising a brow as he did so.

"Forgive my manners but I am worried that they might end up saying the wrong things and putting themselves into more trouble than they already are in, which is what I am trying to avoid by speaking on their behalf. They are inexperienced and need a lot of discipline."

Dusik replies.

"Hmm alright then, I won't be sending them away but they will still have to face punishment for their actions. You may take them and leave, I'll figure out the best punishment for them."

Jeroam dismisses Dusik and trio with a wave of his hand as he stood up to leave with Markov following behind.

Dusik walks out of the boardroom with annoyance visible on his face, the trio walk closely behind him in silence as they could tell that he was angry.

"Why didn't you let us speak??... Why do you keep on treating us like children??"

Han asks in frustration breaking the silence established amongst them, Dusik ignores his words and keeps on walking away from the crowded area of the Administrative building into the damp forest.

They walk a good distance into the forest with no-one in sight, Han was almost at breaking point as he awaited a response from Dusik to his question, he is about to speak again when Dusik turns around and lands a punch in his torso which sent Han flying a few meters back into a large tree trunk, Urch and Nia immediately back away in fear as they finally set eyes on the face of a fuming Dusik, his breathing was slow but steady with his chest heaving in anger.

"What the hell."

Han mutters as he stands to his feet.

"How dare you go against my very instructions and make such a big mess."

Dusik bellows in a deep voice.

"You are not the boss of me, I can do whatever I want and it includes making every single variant on this god forsaken island feel pain."

Han responds in like manner.

"You dare to talk back at me and which such insolence, I'll have to teach you some manners."

Dusik remarks after which he planted his right foot into the ground, Han was about to get into stance when Dusik suddenly appears in front of him and grabs his face.

"You will learn respect, one way or another."

Dusik whispers into his ear after which he raises Han off the ground while holding his face with one hand and slams him into the ground which such force as to shatter the earth beneath him, creating a miniature crater in the process.

Han grabs Dusik's wrist and attempted to take it off his face but to no avail as Dusik tightened his grip drawing a yell of pain out of Han.

"Do you have any other thing you would like to say??"

Dusik questions crudely as he finally let go of Han's face with the latter staring at him with hate in his eyes.


Han snarls with anger visible in his eyes.

"Good to know….what about the both of you, do you have anything you would like to say??"

Dusik asks turning his attention to Nia and Urch who stood not too far from where he was with terror and fear in their eyes.

"N…. No sir, none at all."

Nia and Urch stutter as they reply in unison to which Dusik nods and wags his finger at them.

"One thing I will not tolerate is insubordination, I will not spare anyone that messes up what we have going for us right now so I suggest you all check yourselves and not repeat this mistake again."

Dusik remarks as he goes to stand in front of Nia and Urch.

"Am I clear??"

"Y… yes sir, crystal clear."

Nia replies with Dusik stretching out a hand towards her, she immediately withdraws as her reflexes are heightened by the sense of fear that she was feeling at the moment.

"Be calm my dear, I will not harm you as long as you do as I ask."

Dusik assures after which he strikes her hair with a smile, Han coughs a bit as he attempts to get to his feet with Dusik looking in his direction.

"And as for you, do not repeat this ever again because the next time you attempt to act like an insolent brat with me again, I promise that I will incapacitate you and then send you off this island."

Dusik threatens with Han staring at him with hate filled eyes.

"Yes sir."

Han mutters with Dusik nodding his head in approval.

"I understand that you have anger in your heart but you acting out now would end up destroying all that we planned so you better check yourself and Nia make sure to keep them in line."

Markov says with Nia only nodding her head.

"Much better, now come with me, we need to prepare for what comes next."

Dusik says as he leads the trio out of the forest parchment.