
"Ahem, Group one…I'd there anything you'd like to say in your defense??"

Jeroam questions again jolting Han out of his thoughts.

"No sir, nothing at all."

Nia replies as she noticed that the other two weren't planning on answering, Dusik shoots darts with his eyes at both Han and Urch with both men keeping silent.

"Alright then if you say so, you may leave and take your seat amongst the other participants."

Jeroam says after which all three individuals step off stage in a solemn manner and take their seat amongst the audience.

"Anyways, now that we are done with that, I would like Head administrator Markov to come up here and announce to everyone available the remainder of the events to take place and also some facts about this exams."

Jeroam announces with the participants applauding Markov to the podium as Jeroam stepped back and occupied the central seat amongst the seated agents.

"Thank you very much, everyone settle down."

Markov says with the applaud dying down.

"Alright, that's good, now with me is a list of remaining activities that you all will be taking part in to get admitted into the esteemed ranks of the D.O.D. Due to the interruption that occurred during the team exercise, the points meant to be awarded would now be cancelled."

Markov announces with a couple of groans emanating from the participants.

"Excuse me sir but why is that??... What about those that worked their butt off to get an orb??"

A voice questions from amongst the gathered participants.

"You all should understand that the team exercise in the first place is not a part of the D.O.D's exam curriculum.

           The only reason we held it was due to Elder Jeroam asking for it to be held so we could then access the level of cooperation each team possessed and it's unfortunate that more than half of the teams here need work.

          Teammates endangering the lives of other teammates, participants charging in recklessly with no plan out in place, participants that ended up attacking their own teammates over a minor disagreement et cetera.

            The list goes on and this is not good for you guys so which means that even if you got the orb and brought it back here, the truth is you failed the real test which was a test of teamwork. I hope you understand what I am saying."

Markov explains with more groans coming from the participants.

"Anyways… over the course of two weeks, we will be holding different activities to test your team strengths and weaknesses, also individual abilities and rankings while also scoring your physical, mental and emotional states to see those that can work best under stress.

            So be prepared as the next fourteen days will be filled with impromptu tests and assignments which will be used to access your determination for a spot in the first batch of the D.O.D.

           Anyways after the activities, we will then hold the Combat test which will basically be your final test on this island."

Markov remarks with a flurry of voices emanating from the participants.

"Uhmm excuse me sir but what is the combat test and how will it work??"

A voice asks.

"Good question. The Combat test is the final test to be carried out, it is meant to test how you all will be able to carry yourselves in a real combat situation.

                At first we suggested that you all will fight against an already established agent of the D.O.D in a one on one setting but we ruled against it after we came to a conclusion that no-one amongst you here is above your fourth path for variants or C+ ranking for Weaponmasters so we decided it would be best if you instead fought one another so we have divided you all into three slots.

             It won't be a team affair as individuals would have to fight their own battles during this test, relying on your own strength and wit."

Markov explains.

"So what was the point of the team exercise and what will be the point of all the team based activities we will be taking part in if the final test is basically going to be a one on one affair?"

A participant asks raising his head up as he had placed it on the desk before him.

"Hmm, What is your name?"

Markov asks.


The participant replies casually.