What was the mission description??

Yakob scans the outgoing participants due Sai and finally finds him going in the direction of the hostel with Dan and Ilara, he calls out with the trio turning to face him, Yakob beckons for Sai to come with him, Sai says a few words to Ilara before running up to meet Yakob after which Ilara turns to leave with Dan following closely behind.

"How was the meeting with the head administrator yesterday??"

Yakob asks Sai as he takes a sip from a bottle in his hand, both men sat inside the now empty meeting hall talking in low tones.

"It went well I guess."

Sai doesn't seem to interested in the topic but tries not to show it.

"That's good, for a second I thought it would turn out bad."

Yakob feigns ignorance over the events that took place during Sai's meeting with Markov, a minute passes by with both men keeping silent, Sai seeing as how awkward the talk was going decided to say something to ease the mood.

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew my father??"

"Because I had a feeling that it might stir up unwarranted emotions. I mean I know how it feels to grow up without a father to support you so I felt it better to not bring up the topic."

Yakob replies.

"What do you mean by you know how it feels??... Your father abandoned you as well??"

Sai asks with a curious look.

"Yeah something like that. It happened a really long time ago, I had a happy home then but everything changed when we found out that my father was cheating on my mother, out of shame he left and never came back, the pain and heartbreak ended up taking my mother's life. I was ten when I became an orphan."

Yakob replies with a chuckle.

Sai thought about prying further but instead decides not to push the topic as sensitive as it was.

"I guess it was good that you didn't say anything anyways. Tell me something, did you know that Markov called for me because he wanted to speak to me about my dad."

Sai asks to keep the conversation going, Yakob glances at Sai with the latter looking back expecting a reply.

"Yeah I did, though to be honest it was more of a speculation. I wasn't sure if he would bring up the topic in the manner that he did but apparently he did. It must have been hard for you to hear what Markov had to say."

Yakob remarks taking another shot from his bottle.

"Yeah it was hard. You know after my mother died and I was sent to an orphanage I honestly just stopped caring about him or even blaming him for anything I thought it better to forget about him and move on without ever thinking about my unfortunate past. But after the meeting with Markov, I have begun to question everything that I had thought about him once and I find myself with a desire to find him and ask why he left my mother and I to suffer alone."

Sai says as he tightens his fist.

Yakob sees this and immediately taps him on his shoulder, Sai releases his grip and then turns to face Yakob.

"I can understand why you'd be having such emotions and thoughts after the meeting. I can only imagine growing up with the misconception that he abandoned both you and your mother, hating him for that and then going on to not care anymore. It must have been hard."

Yakob remarks.

"It made it worse that he was well known thus it just fell on my shoulders, the responsibility of living up to the name of the great Ean Kisoka, tch."

Sai sighs with Yakob chuckling a little.

"I can only imagine."

"Did you know him well??"

Sai asks, catching Yakob off guard with the sudden question.

"Markov said that you guys were in the same team for a while, you guys were friends right??"

Sai explains with Yakob's countenance dropping slightly.

"Yeah I knew him. He was a great guy…. A great friend."

Yakob replies in a solemn tone.

"Would you mind telling me about him, I'd like to know more."

Sai requests with Yakob turning to look at him.

"Why are you asking??"

"Because I need to someone if I'm going to feel anything for them. My only desire is to know more about the man known as Ean Kisoka."

Sai replies.

"Alright then, I guess if that's your reason I have no choice but to comply. I'll tell you about your father."

Yakob says.

"Thank you."

Sai replies.

"Ean Kisoka. What can I say about him??... He was a good man, a hard worker, he always had the best interests of his comrades at heart. He loved the selfless and disliked selfish people, he always thought about others safety, never his own. At first I couldn't stand the sight of him due to how self righteous he was but as time went on, it seemed inevitable that I and Markov would begin to rely on him and as we did we became friends, close friends. He taught me quite a lot even though he was just a couple of years older than me. I am formed such strong bond with him which was I could not forgive Markov when I found out that he was the reason Ean went on that mission alone, his selfish intentions of not letting Ean leave the force to settle down ended up taking Ean away from us, now no one even knows if he is alive or dead and I carry myself responsible for not going with him on that mission."

Yakob takes another sip from his bottle.

"Is that the reason you and Markov don't see eye to eye, because you blame Markov for my father's disappearance??"

Sai asks.

"I know that Markov cared for your father same as me but I cannot just forgive him for convincing your father to go on a mission that no-one else dares to take up."

Yakob explains.

"What do you mean?... What mission did Markov send my dad on??"

Sai asks with a curious look on his face.

"No you misunderstand me, Markov didn't send him on the mission, he merely convinced Ean to take up the mission, worst part is he went in solo."

Yakob responds with a dry laugh.

"What was the mission description?"

Sai asks with his patience level dropping rapidly.