A burning question / A walking disaster

"We had gotten in for concerning a coalition of criminal organizations working to overthrow the central government. We weren't sure if the Triad were the ones planning it or it was another new group, so he was sent in to gather Intel and return to base. Ean succeeded in getting in but then after that everything went dark, the only thing we recovered from the track recording before it got cut was 'Dark Circle'. Up till today no-one has been able to figure out what it means; is it a hidden message or is it the name of the organization planning to overthrow the government."

Yakob explains with Sai listening attentively and taking everything in stride.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. I guess the chances of him being alive is quite slim."

Sai remarks.

"If they found him out, they would most likely have killed him. For a while I believed that he would still be alive but now I don't think so, I suggest you don't carry any hopes of ever finding him."

"Nope, I'm still going to look for him, I mean he still has a lot of questions to answer for."

Sai replies with a chuckle.

"And what if you end up searching your whole life??... What if what you find is his decayed remains??... Think about all this outcomes before you commit yourself to such a task."

Yakob assets trying to dissuade Sai from going after his father.

"Even if I wanted to, Ilara won't let me just abandon him now, as far as she is concerned, it's only right that I find him and ask him why he abandoned me before I hate on him, I can't blame him if it turns out that he has a good enough reason."

Sai says with a smile.

"You really are crazy…. And determined. So what I and Markov have told you is not enough to forgive him for not being there for you??"

Yakob questions in a sharp tone.

"Do not misunderstand me, Yakob…. I do appreciate what you and Markov have told me so far about my father, but the question that is burning within my heart hasn't been answered just yet and so I must embark on this mission."

Sai replies calmly with a smile coning to rest on his face, Yakob stares at him for a while as he took in his features and let his words sank in.

"He looks and sounds just like his father."

Yakob thinks to himself with a smile also encroaching on his face.

"What was that??"

Sai asks like as though he had heard what Yakob was thinking.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Don't worry about it."

Yakob says as he shook his head.

"Hmm. I have another question."

Sai says.

"What is it??"

Yakob sips his drink.

"What is the real reason you came to Calos to recruit I and Ilara??... Does it have anything to do with the relationship you shared with my father??"

Sai asks with Yakob letting out a sigh.

"I guess you were bound to ask that."

Yakob remarks with a light hearted expression.


Sai gestures with his hands for Yakob to reply him.

"Partially yes, I came to Calos to recruit you because I felt like I owed Ean's son an explanation for not growing up with a father and I guess I also wanted to make myself feel better by finally setting eyes on his son. Though to be honest he wouldn't really approve of you being here."

Yakob replies.

"What do you mean??"

"Ean never wanted any of his children to enter into the D.O.D, he always said that he'd make they studied hard and get into a line of work that doesn't involve them risking their lives every single day."

Yakob chuckles as he takes another swing at his almost finished bottle.

"I guess I can understand that. I'd never want my kid to get involved in such a dangerous line of work but what can I do he was never there to tell me what to do."

Sai shrugs his shoulders drawing laughter out of Yakob.

"That's very true, true indeed."

Yakob and Sai walk out of the hall and face each other, Yakob shares a few words with Sai listening attentively as he nodded his head in agreement after which both men shake hands and move in opposite directions.


Dan and Ilara are standing at the entrance to the hostel, staring blankly at the massive building split in two to accommodate as many as a hundred people without issues. Dan attempts to move forward but Ilara takes a hold of his arm causing him to turn towards her.

"What is it??"

Dan asks with a firm voice.

"Are you scared??"

Ilara asks in a shaky voice.

"Scared of what??"

Dan puts up a brow.

"I don't know…."

She replies weakly with her face bent down, Dan looks closely and notices the vibrations across Ilara's being as she stood next to him.

"Are you scared??"

Dan asks with Ilara putting her head up in surprise at the question, she stares at him for a little bit before her surprised expression changes to one lit up with a bright smile.

"No, not really. That's what I'd like to say."

Ilara replies facing the ground one more has her smile died down.


Dan probes further.

"You won't be happy to hear it, it's best to leave it be."

Ilara mutters with Dan letting out a loud sigh, Ilara puts her head up but find Dan already looking towards the hostel.

"You are an ex cop. What exactly would be causing you fear now??"

Dan questions.

"I guess you really can be caring when you want to be."

Ilara mutters under her breath with a smile.


Dan turns to face her again.

"Never mind."

Ilara replies with a chuckle.

"Are you going to tell me or do I leave you here to stand by yourself and continue staring at the hostel."

Dan asks in a gruff tone.

"Oh, sorry bout that. I guess it's just a case of the jitters. Even when I entered into the police academy, I got really scared, maybe because I thought I won't be able to pass or that I won't be good enough as a cop. Even now I'm scared that when I need it the lost, my abilities would fail me and I'd fall flat on my force due to me lofty ambitions."

Ilara remarks with a chuckle.

"I cannot claim to know how you feel but I do know one thing."

Dan says as he removes his hand from Ilara's grasp and places it in his jacket pocket.

"What's that."

Ilara asks as she places her hands behind her back.

"That you are a good person with a noble goal and no matter what, good things always happen to such people. So you can be scared but don't let it hold you down, you may doubt yourself but don't let it keep you from your ultimate objective. That's all I have to say."

Dan speaks with righteous abandon causing Ilara to giggle uncontrollably at the strange act she had just witnessed.

"What's so funny??"

Dan asks with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing really, just that I've never seen you speak in such a noble manner. I guess there's a lot I don't know about you Dan, I'd really like to rectify that."

Ilara says with a smile causing Dan to blush a little.

"W… W… well…"

Dan stutters as he tries to regain himself.

"You look so cute right now."

Ilara remarks with a childish grin, Dan turns his face away from her and looks in the opposite direction.

"Anyways, is that all."

Dan asks with Ilara's expression returning to normal.

"Yeah that's all. Thank you very much for making me feel better."

Ilara replies.

"Y… You're welcome. I'm going in now."

Dan says as he begins to walk towards the hostel gate.


Ilara calls out, Dan turns to face her with a tired look.


"Have you decided what you goal is for this exam and moving forward as well??"

Ilara asks with a curious look.

"No, not yet… I don't think I'd ever be able to find anything that I'd be willing to focus my whole life on like I did my revenge on Cheng."

Dan replies with his head down.

"Don't lose hope just yet, I know you'd be able to find your way soon enough. Remember you are part of a team now and as team leader I hate those not willing to take a chance and progress, I believe in you Dan."

Ilara asserts with a bright smile after which she walks into the female branch of the hostel leaving Dan standing and ruminating over her words.

"I'm a walking time bomb, Ilara. You shouldn't believe in a guy like me, you might regret it later."

Dan mutters to himself as he looks up towards the sky looking for peace in the clouds.