Han x Okoye II

"I don't think so."

Okoye remarks as she held on tightly to the staff.


Han clicks his tongue as he lets go of the staff and attempts to use his elbow to slam into Okoye but she doesn't stand on ceremony as she quickly let's go of the staff before taking a step back and putting up an arm to block Han's attack.

"This match seems to be on building up to become quite an exciting affair."

Roman remarks as he stroked his chin.

Han and Okoye trade blows a couple of times, with the former bare handed as he went at Okoye.

Han moves in with a fist aimed at Okoye's chin but she quickly moves her face out of the way before landing a blow of her own on Han.

Before Han can recover from the first strike, Okoye quickly follows up her first strike with a barrage of blows to Han's torso with the latter feeling the impact from the attack as he staggered back noticeably while holding onto his stomach.

"Why you.."