Han x Okoye III

Han uses his staff to strike Okoye on her shoulder causing her to yell out in pain before then taking a few steps back.

"I will make you feel pain."

Han remarks with a wicked grin on his face forming. Just then a dark aura began to emanate from Han's body with the air between him and Okoye getting choked with killing intent.

"Something is wrong with me… Did I take something bad??"

Okoye thinks to herself as she tried to steady her uncontrolled breathing.

"His aura has changed. The Eater must be eating at him. Damn it what the hell am I doing??"

Okoye thinks to herself as she grits her teeth.

Han takes a few casual steps towards Okoye before breaking into a sprint and appearing in front of her within a second.

Han opens up his palm and strikes Okoye in the torso with it.

What happens next is unexpected as Okoye grabs a hold of his wrist and pulls him in closer.

"What are you doing??"

Han asks in low tone.