Selection ceremony XXV ( Yakob vs Dusik )

Both Dusik and Yakob are transported to the western side of the island in the middle of a massive clearing with a thick jungle all around.

"It would seem the invaders have not touched this part of the island. Well it would be a wild feat for them if they actually covered up every part of the island."

Yakob mutters as he looked around for a bit, Dusik having calmed down.

"Oh nice, you are no longer screaming. That's good, I was starting to get a headache."

Yakob remarks, rubbing his forehead with his left arm.

"Hehe. So you actually did what I expected."

Dusik remarks in a low tone.

"Huh, what did you say??"

Yakob asks with a raised brow.

"I said that I am going to bury you here."

Dusik remarks as he put his head up, Yakob laying eyes on a sinister grin plastered on Dusik's face.

"The hell are you smiling about??"

Yakob asks, a bit confused by Dusik's sudden character change.