Selection ceremony XXVI ( Next course of action )

"The fact that he merged his ki with the immense aura from the monster within him helped to boost his stats even further. This would prove to be an entertaining fight indeed. I must gauge his speed and strength first before I begin my counter attack."

Yakob thinks to himself as he got into a defensive position.

"I was really hoping you would attempt to block my punch instead of completely evading it. I would have loved to hear a few bones snap."

Dusik remarks with a sneer.

"Hmm, you are going to have to move faster than that if you want to lay a finger on me."

Yakob replies.

"Fine then, I will give my all to this encounter."

Dusik says as he plants his feet into the ground and charger forward again.

Yakob doesn't stand in ceremony as he quickly moves in as well.

Both men clash with their fists, the force from their collision dispersing the air around them.

They proceed to exchange a barrage of blows between themselves.