"Are you okay?" Derek whispered low when he had the chance.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, turning my attention to Timmy and the fire. Aiden watched us closely, even though he pretended not to. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to get into any deep conversation with Derek, or anyone, at the moment.
We all laughed and had a good time roasting marshmallows in the fire. Trevor burned a couple of them before Jada finally showed him how to do it properly. Soon, he had golden brown marshmallows, too, just like everyone else. But then he'd burn the top of one on purpose just to see Jada's reaction when she rolled her eyes. For once, he was actually acting human.
Timmy laughed every time Trevor burned a marshmallow. "Cupcake!" Timmy said, pointing.
"Cupcake?" Trevor teased, incredulous. "I think your sister's not teaching you properly."