Chapter 47: Adelaide's Excitement

Logically she knew he was right. She was not responsible but it didn't make the guilty feeling go away. Trying to distract herself, she turned to Adelaide.

"Are you looking forward to going back to Laoshi?"

Adelaide grinned enthusiastically, her smile lighting up her entire face. Adelaide was definitely the sensible one of their fourteen siblings and yet here she was, smiling like a five-year-old who had just been offered a slice of cake.

"I can't wait," Adelaide replied. She continued on for a good twenty minutes, telling everyone who would listen about all the awesome things they would see in Laoshi. She barely stopped for breath, much to Bae and Armel's entertainment.

‘I bet she passes out before she stops speaking,' Armel was saying silently as Adelaide continued to tell them about the giant libraries.

Bae stifled a giggle before replying, ‘You'd like that, wouldn't you?'