The morning after the Claiming, the whole of Kumai seemed to be lined up outside of the Fort, eager to meet the Kumari. It was tradition that the Kumari would hold court after the Claiming.
Bae was sat in the Kumaian throne room. The room was so far apart from the last throne room she had sat in. The Cankurian throne room had been carved from cave rocks and even the throne had been a beautiful example of the Cankurians' exceptional skills at stonemasonry. The Kumaian throne room was more like the jungle below it. Somehow, presumably by magic, trees, bushes and vines were growing upon a bed of grass.
Bae couldn't comprehend how it was possible without the light that was undoubtably needed. What few windows there were, were almost completely obscured by the growing foliage and yet not a corner of the room looked dark.