Chapter 114: Magical Heritage

Bae stood in an amphitheatre, her mates around her. It was amazing to think that such a big, open space was even possible so far underground.

Her eyes were undoubtably wide with wonder, as Bae looked about the auditorium.

The Dixian throngs were quiet but their silence held a buzz and Bae wondered if it was only quiet for her and her companions. The Dixian Ren were known to be gifted in the ability of speaking telepathically. It was completely plausible and almost entirely likely that the crowds were not as silent as Bae believed them to be. She could sense their excitement even though they did nothing to show it.

Following Princess Maindor?d?'s instructions, Bae made her way towards a solitary seat in the centre of the circular chamber. The seven suitors entered the auditorium, for the most part looking sheepish and stood off to one side in a small cluster.

Princess Maindor?d? stepped forward, addressing the crowd.