She leans down into the bag she's brought with her, pulling out a black leather portfolio.
"Here you will see in detail not only the creativity that I put into each campaign but also how successful they were and how I tweaked them to improve their success within their given market."
"Did you find you had to tweak much?"
It's a trick question.
She smiles at me, laughter in her eyes.
"Of course. I tested everything and used the results to better my marketing approach. I'd have to be incredibly arrogant to not respond appropriately to the statistics I received from those tests."
I nod my head, happy with her response.
"Although, I think I've tweaked less the more confident and experienced I've become. It's fair to say that practice really does make perfect - almost at least."
"When did you decide to go into advertising and marketing?" Catherine asks her with a kind smile.