Don't you dare

After what happened earlier, the others met with us at the Town Central. They immediately rushed to our meeting place, which was by a fountain, the moment they saw the red fogs looming over the town. After Lavi cleaned up all the mess with just a flick of his wrist, we decided to head back to the inn immediately.

We were now in my room. Althea and I were seated at the side of my bed while the four of them stood in front of us.

I played with Shire's tails on my lap, distracting myself from the thought that this felt more and more like an interrogation.

"So you're telling us," Erion exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That there are two Phantom 'Thieves' and that they're Ventus?"

"And that they somehow know that Calla is Sol… and Althea is a Bloodshredder—which means what again?" Lavi said.