Our heroes continue their journey and stumbled upon a huge mountain."the path leads up this mountain" said Nye "Can't you just burn it down you destroyed half of a forest just to kill a metal bear you completely evaporated a huge lake and you murdered a dragon without any problem you could totally one maybe two shot this mountain" said galatos "Ok i'll try" said Nye.
Nye fired a huge beam of fire but it was blocked by a invisible barrier thats was around the mountain."W-What was that?" said Nye "It's a magical seal basically a spell used to defend stuff from magic and magic only so unless your 100% magic you can pass" said shopkeeper "Ok so uhm do we just walk in?" said Nye "Well I have to scan you before you walk in because if a 100% magic person touches the barrier they just die instantly like your body is not there it's just gone" said shopkeeper "Wow I really don't want to die like that what are we going to be scanned by?" said Nye "By my book" said shopkeeper.Shopkeeper takes out his book and points it at galatos a tiny beam of magic came out hitting galatos but doing nothing to him,shopkeeper turns around the book and checks galatoses stats "galatos you have 65% magic in you and your a demon?" said shopkeeper "Yeah im a demon and I guess because i'm 65% magic I can pass right?" said galatos "Yeah you can pass" said shopkeeper. galatos walks in the barrier,shopkeeper points his book at Nye and than Nye is hit with the beam scanning him shopkeeper looks at the book "Nye your 100% fire magic not even normal magic fire magic I don't know what that means but I will check in my book" said shopkeeper.Shopkeeper closes the book than puts the book near his head than opens the book turning to the right page "Nye it says your a elemental" said shopkeeper "What's that?" said Nye "elemental's are beings made out of one of the 23 types of magic they are immune to the element they can control the element and they can produce the element but im still stuck on the reason you have blue hell fire that just makes you more of a threat!" said shopkeeper "Ok can i pass or not?" said Nye "You can pass your not magic magic your magic" said shopkeeper "Ok how about you?" said Nye "I somewhat don't use magic all my weapons come with magic" said shopkeeper while taking a step into the barrier "See nothing now lets keep going" said shopkeeper "Um shopkeeper you have something on your leg" said Nye "Yeah it looks like a bear trap" said galatos "AHHH thanks for telling me i have so much armor on my body I could not tell" said shopkeeper while taking off the bear trap "Look ahead guys we have lots and lots of bear traps" said galatos "I'm flying again bye ICARUS WINGS!!!" yelled shopkeeper while growing wings and flying off "there may be no trees but i can still climb the side of the mountain" said galatos while jumping off the mountain than grabbing the side of it "I guess I will run..again" said whispeard Nye.shopkeeper was flying in tell all of a sudden 10 swords flew past his face "HOLY SHIT" said shopkeeper a sword bird appeared "another bird this is going to be easy" said shopkeeper ten more bird appeared "ummm y-you dont scare me!" said shopkeeper the birds charged forward "Ok enough playing HERCULES GAUNTLETS!" said shopkeeper charging forward.Shopkeeper through a punch hitting one bird but he does not want the bird to explode like last time so he just wants to simply kill the bird one bird flew towards him really fast but he managed to dodge it and throw a flurry of punches at it killing it and making it fall to a nearby forest 2 birds shot a sword at him he grabbed the swords the one of each of his hands and rushed forward he opened his arms and stabbed both of the birds in the head with swords he through the birds into the forest leaving 7 more left the 7 birds shot 5 swords a him he crossed his arms in a X shape than charged forward and hitted all 7 of the birds while blocking the swords the swords that he block fell into the forest stabbing all 7 by time they touched the ground."Yes easy now where is everyone else" said shopkeeper looking in all directions "Oh I see Nye maybe I should give him a hand" said shopkeeper while swooping down to get him.Shopkeeper swooped down and grabbed Nye,Nye reacted to this by punching shopkeeper in the face knocking back shopkeeper "HEY IM TRYING TO HELP YOU" said shopkeeper "Oops sorry" said Nye.shopkeeper grabs Nye once again and flys off "Wait where is galatos" said Nye "I see him!" said shopkeeper.shopkeeper spots galatos running from 5 queen bees on the side of the mountain "Lets try to make this less of a repeat of last time Nye shoot a beam of fire" said shopkeeper "but that is kind of a repea-" said Nye "SHOOT THE FREAKING BEAM OF FIRE" said shopkeeper interrupting Nye .Nye shot a beam of fire killing the queen bees "Nye,Arin Down here!" said galatos "DON'T CALL ME ARIN CALL ME SHOPKEEPER" said shopkeeper "eh whatever can you get from down here?" said galatos "No I cant hold 2 6ft men you guys are heavy and tall you know" said shopkeeper "How do you know you know our height?" said galatos "I saw you guys bounty's not going to lie you guys are brutal!" said shopkeeper "We were framed" said Nye "Ok-so" said shopkeeper Nye sighed and jumped out of shopkeepers arms "galatos and shopkeeper meet me on the ground I don't see anymore traps" said Nye "Ok" said galatos and shopkeeper.they all landed on the ground and continued walking on the mountain until galatos spotted someone wearing spiky clothing boots with spikes on the bottom of them and sharp claws "Hey you!" said galatos "You guys are the ones who killed my animals" said the spiky person "AND YOUR THE ONE WHO OWNS THE BIRDS WHO TOOK OUT ONE OF MY EYES!" yelled shopkeeper "ignore him who are you?" said Nye "Im Chutder" said Chutder "CHUTDER GUYS WE NEED TO TURN THIS GUY IN!" said shopkeeper "Why?" said Nye "Hes apart of the evil 7 there like the 7 but evil hes in for 25 million coins" said shopkeeper "Ok LET'S GO" said Nye.Nye shot a fireball at Chutders chest but before it could hit him he sliced it in half with his claws from above galatos through a punch at him but Chutder side stepped and scratched galatoses arm making galatos lose his balance and fall before Chutder had the chance to do anything to galatos a boomerang hitted his hand when the boomerang came back it hitted his hand one more time "damn thats a fast boomerang...useless" said shopkeeper Chutder shot his hand at shopkeeper revealing a chain that's attached to it he grabs shopkeepers neck and yanks it pulling shopkeeper towards him than he through him of the mountain Nye than setted his hand on fire and tried to punch chutder and missed than chutder grabbed Nyes arm than snapped it breaking his arm "AHHHHHHHHHH" yelled Nye "Why do we always have to get beaten up like this" said galatos.Shopkeeper flys up with his wings and took out a bomb and threw it,it was a smoke bomb it exploded causing smoke to go everywhere "ARTEMIS'S BOW'" said shopkeeper chutder extends his hand once again and pulls shopkeeper than he slams shopkeeper on the ground breaking the cliff causing everyone to fall.They hit the ground before the pieces from the rocks touched the ground after they hitted the ground the rocks fell on them chutder was standing up still galatos was on the ground on his back Nye was standing up and shopkeeper has on his stomach laying down "End of the line kid" siad chutder Nye raises his hand and sets it on fire and swipes it at the ground causing chutder to fall over chutder extends his hand and slashes his chest Nye touched his chest and blood was on his hand he stared at his hand and fell down chutder walked over to Nye slowly galatoses left eye was glowing he shot a small laser beam from it shooting through chutders chest paralyzing him for a short time shopkeeper grabbed his legs "NYE DO IT...DO IT NOW!!!" yelled galatos Nye gets up and presses his palm on chutders chest and fired a huge beam of fire evaporating his close,skin,blood and organs leaving his bones."We only got like 6 hits on this dude what the hell happened he was just some person with claws and a sharp vest" said shopkeeper "this is like a repeat of the fight against the raid king" said galatos "Aren't you just glad we killed him and now have his skull?" said Nye "Yeah but we looked like jokes out there we need to train" said galatos "Ok we will do just that" said Nye.so Our heroes first turned in the bountys than went of to train what will happen NEXT TIME ON BOUNTY TRAIL!