Training team fighting

After several months of training our heroes set off to find a new quest,they came across a huge city called namuto village where they found something interesting."Hey guys every now and then you call me Arin my name is Eren not Arin k?" said shopkeeper "Woah Woah Woah you was so up front about us only calling you shopkeeper now you want us to pronounce your name right?" said Nye "Yeah I don't get how you can't hear Arin over Eren how is that possible you can't even tell the difference i feel like i'm just saying Arin over and Over again" said galatos "I can tell if my name is being said wrong" said shopkeeper "I kinda miss that chutder guy" said Nye "Why?!!? he almost killed you TWICE" said galatos "I just felt like we didn't get to know him that much that's all" said Nye "You two shut up I found a flyer that's talking about some guild stuff" said shopkeeper "give me that!" siad Nye while snatching the flyer out of shopkeepers hand "it says the guilds name is called the dark doors there will be 3 teams we are going to test who is going to be the strongest 4 people i the team" said Nye "really or was the a bad explanation of what it really says?" said shopkeeper "No that's what it said"said Nye "Well we need 4 people so where are we going to get a 4th person?" said galatos "Simple we just search for someone" said Nye.and they searched for a new member for there crew to be continued...