"it's the day after the Nye vs blitz battle and today it's going to be a battle of 2 strong people and its outside lets begin" said the announcer.Galatos and Strife walk up on the arena when galatos Strife immediately his baseball bat at galatoses head, before galatos could react strife quickly jumped towards galatos picked up the bat and swung it over his head slamming galatos into the pavement of the arena.Before strife could touch the ground galatos got up and punched strife in the gut than kneed him in the gut the uppercutted him in the chin sending Strife flying off into the sky and losing his bat galatos than grabbed the bat and threw it at Strifes head hitting him than galatos jumped up than kicked strifes back sending him flying into the ground than galatos grabbed the bat threw it at strife hitting strifes back galatos came down for the final strike but strife screaming creating a shockwave the knocked galatos back canceling the punch,galatos safely landed on the ground "That hurted my body and my ears!" said galatos "Its sound of course it did its sound" said strife "Hehe I have another secret attack" said galatos "another secret attack where was the first one?" said strife "Er not talking to you" said galatos "Ok ok fine" said strife.Galatos held out his hand and said "soul bomb" as he fired a huge ball of soul magic strife quickly reacted by jumping out of the way of the attack galatos said "drop" and the ball dropped onto the arena floor on impact it exploded hitting strife and destroying half of the arena "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT THIS IS A BRAND NEW ARENA DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH A 500 BY 500 ARENA COST?!?!!?" said the announcer "Oops sorry" said galatos "UHG just take a third of my savings" said shopkeeper "thanks this should be enough" said the announcer. While all of that was happening strife managed to get back on the arena and get his weapon back "volume 1" said strife as he sends a blast of sound hitting galatos in the chest sending him flying backwards galatos landed on his feet and charged towards strife with a grin on his face his body turned green and he phased into the ground "Where'd you go green eyes?" said strife,from behind galatos comes from the ground and kicks strife to the other side of the arena than he phases back into the ground and quickly moves to the other side of the arena and kicks strife back over to the other side of the arena galatos repeats this cycle 20 times before strife ended one the 21 kick strife used his soundmagic to propel himself into the air before galatos noticed he was kicking nothing strife in mid air said "volume 2" and blasted galatos with a mighty sound wave knocking him out of his green form.Galatos is on the floor wide open "Time to end this volume 3" said strife as he released a huge blast of sound magic that hitted galatos "I feel like my skin is going to come off my body STOP!" said galatos "I CAN'T UNTIL MY MANA RUNS OUT" said strife "THIS MACH SEEMS LIKE IT'S GOING TO END REALLY QUICK BUT THERE IS SOMETHING MUCH MORE IMPORTANT TO WORRY ABOUT OUR PRECIOUS CITY!!!" yelled the annoncer "I got this!" said shopkeeper "how?" said the announcer "like this GOD OF SHIELDS" said shopkeeper as he pulled out a shield that created a huge force field that protected the city which consumed the blast from Strife "How did you do that?" said the announcer "something called a shield that gods you that has another something called absorption magic in it" said shopkeeper "wow you know today you helped me the most" said the announcer "Yeah I don't know why all these powerful guys just stood around and watched this happen" said shopkeeper everybody but galatos,strife and the announcer looked at shopkeeper with a angry expression "YOU ALL KNOW IT'S TRUE" said shopkeeper."Im drained and dont have any mana" said strife "good now you can't stop me" said galaos "Who said I couldn't win?" said strife.Galatos threw a barrage of soul balls at strife,strife spun his bat and blocked all of the projectiles "dual homing soul bombs" said galatos as he throws two soul bombs onto separate sides of the arena before the smoke from the smoke from the soul balls disappeared "What did you say homing dual soul toms?" said strife.strife noticed the two floating balls on each side of the arena "Oh those things i'm just going to hit them away" said strife.galatos flicked his hands and both of the balls went towards strife,strife reacted quickly and smacked both balls of soul magic with his bat the same way baseball players smacked the baseball.the soul bomb didn't go far heck they didn't even move one inch away they came from the sides really fast and touched strife causing a explosion that destroyed the whole arena and knocked out strife."THE WINNER OF THIS BATTLE IS GALATOS ALSO MY ARENA IS BROKEN!!!" said the announcer "UGH take all my savings" said shopkeeper "Thank you,the next battle will be full of action the next battle will be shopkeeper vs Namuh see you later" said the announcer.