Shopkeeper vs Namuh(never ending rivals)

"Hello everyone it's the day after galatos vs strife and today we are going to witness a battle of 2 humans with amazing arsenals shopkeeper vs Namuh after yesterday's fight we had shopkeeper put a magic seal around the city so it's safe THIS BATTLE WILL BEGIN" said the announcer.shopkeeper and Namuh walked onto the arena floor ready to start the battle once they got on shopkeeper instantly jumped back dodging a pointed rock the rose from under him "How could you predict my attack?" said Namuh "I listened to what the announcer said about your first attack" said shopkeeper "Ok but that will be the last move you will predict from me" said Namuh "sure buddy anyways imma look in my bag for weapons you can just sit there and wait" said shopkeeper "Ok" said Namuh "Oh here's something I can use odin's gungnir" said shopkeeper "you mean that fancy spear?" said Nye "Yes" said shopkeeper "so why did you call it gungnir?" said Nye "because that's what he named it I think" said shopkeeper "Ok by the way while we were talking Namuh made 8 giant rock golems" said Nye "wait what?!?" said shopkeeper "attack" said Namuh "screw this PANDORA'S BOX" said shopkeeper as he threw out a small box. The box opened and pure evil and madness came out of it turning the rock golems into the sand and making Namuh go insane "AHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME" screamed Namuh as he punched the air kept screaming and shouting at nothing until he fainted.

"Namuh fainted the winner of this fight is shopkeeper," said the announcer "k guys lets go," said Nye "actually today is someone's birthday on team 2 so imma stay for the cake," said shopkeeper "Yeah I'm going to stay for safety reasons catch up to you guys later," said Ukiah "I guess it's just me and you galatos" said Nye "Yeah so where are we going?" said galatos "I'm just exploring the next village," said Nye "Ok let's get going!" said galatos. They left the village and followed a nearby path heading into a forest." There are some strong looking foes there attack them" said a mysterious being hiding in the trees "Yes sir" said another mysterious being hiding in the trees.

the mysterious being jumped out of the trees and said "Hello my name is Iguwa most people call me Dagger I would like to duel you for my training!" said Dagger "Ok sure, but what's up with the blindfold on your eyes?" said Nye "it's something personal" said Dagger "Step aside Nye I will take this loser for you" said galatos "Ok can we start now!!" said Dagger "sure kid" said galatos. Dagger dashed towards galatos and took out a sword with accent markings on it and swung his sword multiple times galatos dodges all of the slash's and says "dude your slow".galatos flicks daggers stomach, dagger falls to the ground in pain "this was a waste of time" said galatos, a purple aura appears around Dagger and the sword gets a thick purple aura around it as well, Dagger quickly swung his sword at galatoses leg cutting it off "What the hell!" said galatos, Daggers aura disappears "Your dead" said galatos as he charges a ball of soul magic at Dagger until the second person hiding in the shadows came out it was a tall man with a small red box attached to his pants "evil magic: perfect hole size 8" said the man as he touched galatoses stomach.

a large hole appeared on galatoses stomach,galatos fell bleeding constantly Nye rushed to help galatos "GALATOS ARE YOU OK!?!" said Nye "Y-Yeah my demon heal should kick in by now" said galatos. galatoes body glowed green than his leg regrew and the hole disappears, he got up and said "where they go?" as he looked in every direction "I don't know but we should get going" said Nye, they rushed back to the village and joined everyone at the party.