Your Father never forced you

"My father is here too?"

Jessica let go of her hug and looked around. Jessica had forgotten the last time she saw her father, was it 3 years ago or even more?

"I heard your father donated some items to be auctioned here. So I came here hoping to meet him," the old man explained, but anyone would understand the deep frown on his forehead better.

"Grandpa, don't be too sad, you must stay calm and happy always. We'll find him soon when the auction starts." Jessica led her grandfather.

Mr. Hartanto sighed and grumbled again, "that stubborn kid has completely forgotten how to respect his elders."

Jessica accompanied her grandfather around and greeted several people. However, until the auction was about to begin, they could not find Jessica's father.

So Mr. Hartanto and Jessica sat in their chairs ready to enjoy the day's auction.

Jessica looked around one more time, to see if she could find the person she was looking for. But the old man immediately advised her to sit down. "Umh, I didn't expect my father to appear. I was just looking for Hans."

"Are you here with Hans?"

Jessica nodded and still glanced around.

"He's probably with his father discussing marriage."

The grandfather was guessing.

"Is that so?" Jessica scowled, looking even more annoyed than when she couldn't find her father on the show.

"Are you upset about the marriage?"

"No, why should I be annoyed for him? I just feel unfair that he decided to resign as my secretary. Grandfather, you know he's competent."

"Didn't you make such arrangements yourself? You said you want a single man to be your secretary." If there was no arrangement for the secretary to be a single man, maybe Hans shouldn't go. But Jessica herself brought her to this kind of situation.

"Ah, is that right?" Jessica looked down embarrassed, it was her idea from the start. "I just don't want to bother men with partners, they must be busy with their woman anyway. I want someone who loves work as if it's their lover."

"What a lover? Don't make jokes to me. You want a single man to be your secretary or your soulmate? Your idea is worse, remember I'm not in a hurry and your father never forced you."

"Come on grandfather, I will also get married sooner or later. Don't you want to see your great-grandson first?

"I will live a long and healthy life. So just focus on your current job or I will demote your position."

"Grandpa ..," Jessica exclaimed spoiled at her grandfather. Jessica enjoys her current job and position. She likes to be an active and powerful woman in the industry.

They stopped arguing with each other and enjoyed the auction that weekend.

"Oh, father you were here?" Does Jessica find her Father?