"Everyone´s memorized the map fo the Tomb´s interior, I hope." says Gozuki as he glances at us with his hand at his sword.
Pony just smiles at him and says
"Down to the last detail!"
"And you also know what im going to tell you, don´t you? As Gozuki looked at Poney
"Don´t let our guard get lax just because we have a Map... Right?" says Poney with a cheeky smile.
"That´s right. The Information we got from the captives... Matches what Guy brought us when he infiltrated, so we probably have it right, but still...With our Teammates still not back, there´s no telling what move the Gravekeepers will make. They could change the types of traps they use and such."
"You´ll be coming with us this time, correct? says Najasho as he looks at Gozuki
"It´s an especially dangerous Mission"
"Once the other unit´s begun their Feint, we charge in!" says Gozuki as he looks at us.
We rush in the Tomb as Traps begun to appear Lances thrown at us as everyone evades them Akame rushes in the front of us as Gozuki stays behind to see if everyone is keeping up.
After that we got in some kind of Labyrinth where Danger beats waited for us.
"GYAH! So gross!" with a disgusted face looks Poney at them
I go in front of Poney as I say "Get back" and flashed through them with cuts
as I think "tzk. I can`t absorb them right now it takes too long.. As we walked through the Labyrinth a Trap is coming rolling at us what else could it be a fucking big Ball
"WAAAAAAA?!" cries Tsukushi as Gozuki stays calm "All we can do is run to escape it..."
Instantly I turn around and run away
"I can`t slice it up its too big ..." with a disappointed look I at the big sphere
as we run away we got seperated from each other
I just look in front of me as I walk further in the Labyrinth. As I walk further in I saw a Gravekeeper that has black hair with blue eyes as he holds a sword in his left hand.
"Very well done getting this far on your own! Looks like mobilzing all the traps to split up your group was worth it." with the back to the wall he glances at me with a mocking smile
"Mh, just one Gravekeeper..." as I say that I mocked him with my smile
"Brat dont get cocky just because you came this far, im going to torture you and you will watch how your team mates will die!" With a dark smile he tries to provocate me
"Bastard how dare you! Lets see who dies!" As I acted to look like a newbie thats easy to provocate I notice that he is still very careful.
I thought that would work that lets his guard down.. looks like hes not a nobody.. I prepare my knifes as I throw 2 dagger at him as I try to discover his speed. I notice that he instantly appears in front of me with Mantis legs he kicks me as I fly through the Labyrinth
"I won`t kill you" as he glances at me he didn`t notice my knife in the air Instantly I teleport to the Knife and smash his head to the ground
"I won`t kill you" I mocked him just as try to cut his limbs off
With a speed of wind he appears to my side as I dodge I knew that my speed couldn`t keep up instantly I try to cut him as many times I cut him 5 times on his arms 3 times and on his stomach 2 times but nothing that really injures him much, well except me instantly I activate the Ability "acceleration" to speed up the Bleeding effect as he kicks me through the air.
"So that is your Teigu?" as he speaks he appears before me again to kick my head off I teleport myself to the other side with an unsteady breath
a few seconds and he won`t be able to keep up... I dont know if I can hold on just as I wanted to think through a plan I saw that he disappeared instantly I knew that he was behind me I kneel down and kick him with my feet in the air..
"You lost, you wont be able to walk anymore" As I try to talk to him to spend some seconds I calm my breath to appear unguarded. Total without any Kill-intent as I trained I appeared infront of him as the Gravekeeper notices that he thought "Its my chance" with his last seconds he activates
as I thought instantly I appear behind him as I dropped one of my knifes and used a knife that looked exactly the same as I cut through his head..
That was a close one I thought as I grab my "Human Knife" and put it in his Head as I absorb the Energy to heal myself..
I think about Cannon..
Tsukushi is most likely already captured...
Akame is searching for Kurome...
Poney fought some Gravekeeper..
She won if I remember right..No she won with the help of Najasho.. But something happened.. I can`t remember..
Shit in my last live I should have read the Manga again..
Can`t worry right now. I stand up as I run through the Labyrinth.
somewhere else..
"Listen up, prisoners. Im going to have you bear my Children. Strong children who will continue to protect the Great king of Putra´s Tomb..." Says a middle-aged man with long black hair with brown colour with a grin.
"Hmph...I was wondering what kind of Person this boss guy was... You`re just a dirty old man." Says a young girl with silver hair worn in a long ponytail. She wore a sleeveless trench coat with a dark belt, black tights, boots and gloves.
"Im pleased. The matter of my successor is of grave importance. I was just starting my search for a mother strong enough to bear the Burden..." says the middle-aged man with a thoughtful look.
"Couldn`t you find a local to do the Job?" with an unsteady breath says a young man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a zipped-up jacket with a belt with several pouches attached to it, as well as regular pants and shoes.
"I can`t involve ordinary Humans in this. Ireally ought to thank you for coming here to attack us." as he glances at the Prisoners he stopped at Kurome
"I´ll take you. I can tell you´re the Strongest of the bunch here. My men can have the rest."
"My name is Weneg."
"My Hobby is developing nonperishable abilities."
"In fact, I´m the type who makes this health top priority. I may be old, but my body is as fit as they come."
Kurome just looks at him with an puzzled look
"I´m telling you about myself. I need the woman who´s going to be my Wife to know who I am as a person..."
"Watch as you see how I will beat the man who´s been lying in wait, hidden below ground." As Weneg looks in front of him at the ground.
"...You surprise me."
"You actually noticed me."
"Is the Animal you Transform into one with a good sense of smell?" asked Guy as he jumps from the ground.
"I´m the Boss. The Number one Gravekeeper."
"The minute I decide to transform into a beast, you`ll find yourself Dead.." says Weneg with a wicked smile.
"It will make tearing you apart all the more worthwhile!" As he begins to transform
"What the...?" With an uneasy look Guy looks at the creature.
"I dont recognize that Creature... Is it a Danger Beast?"
"I am Nubis!"
"The Divine beast worshipped in this Land!"
"His destructive Power and Restorative ability are beyond compare!"
"Generation after Generation, it´s one of the forbidden Powers that only the Boss can use!" with a face that looks prouds explains Weneg.
After he finished explaining with a Flash he appears before Guy with a fist he smashes him in the stone wall
Guy with his hard body it doesn`t even tickle him as he tries to punch out Weneg dodges it with his palm of his left hand as he strikes out with his Knee to let him fly through the entire room.
As guy flies through the Room Weneg appears behind him
"I´m already right behind you" with a mocking smile he punchs out on Guy´s head as an stone crater appears right on the ground.
Guy smiles on the ground as he says
"That´s a surprise compared to the other Gravekeepers you´re seriousy a cut above..."
as Guy said that he grabs Weneg´s arm with a smirk
"I´m all fired up now."
"WHAT?" says Weneg with an unbelieveable face.
"When it comes to Leg strength, i´m far Stronger! as he pulls his Leg in the stomach with Weneg.
as Weneg falls to the ground he smiles "If you´re so fired up... Then I´ll do you a favor and really light you up" as he sprays Flames at Guy
"GUHAHAHA! Victory is mine!"
Guy with his armor of Earth he walks through the Fire and kicks Weneg to a stone wall.
With a blank face "It´s dangerous to get cocky...I´l
"l turn my walking cane into a spike to pierce you" screames Weneg as he throws his cane to an Guy that was a Earth clone.
Guy appears behind him with Rock on his right hand he smashed it in Weneg´s right cheek.
"He did it!" smiles Gin as she looks at Guy
"How can he be so strong without even doping up...?" with an surprised face Natala says that."
"That´s the select team for you..." says Kurome with an grim look.
"That´s quite some Muscle for one so young... You´re a formidable opponent"
"...The Tomb of Putra´s King has a long History there have been skillful Tomb raiders like you before but without exception every last one of them met certain death."