"All Intruders fall at the hands of the Royal family´s Curse." says Weneg as he stands up
"You just killed them."
"That´s all."
"I´m not going to die." said Guy as he looks at Weneg.
with a grin on Weneg´s face
"Oh yes, you will."
"The Stronger you are, the stronger the curse."
"Haha!, All this blabbering is just so you can buy more time to Recover."
"Well, im not going to give it to you" says Guy as he rushed forward
"You ought to listen to your Elders" with a grin as Weneg closed his eyes he appeared in front of Guy as he smashes his Fist in the stomach as he thought "I´m still the faster of the two of us. I´ll stay on the move to take him down" Before he could move again he notices that a earth hand grapped his foot.
"Act like a man and stay like so we can have a proper fistfight!" As he wants to knock him out with his sheer Strength Weneg tried to attack with a concealed weapon right before his eyes Guy gripped it as he rages
"Using concealed weapons is no way...FOR A MAN TO FIGHT" As he takes the weapon and takes grip of Weneg´s shoulder.
"So you´re planning to hurl me against the Wall...?"
"I wouldn´t do that if I were you. You´ll only end up dead." says Weneg as he looks at Guy
Guy with a big grin shouts "I´m going to end your life with this!"
"So get ready!!"as
"Time to say goodbye. says Weneg as his skin turned dark with strange characteristics.
"..It´s finished." with an unsteady breath Guy says that as he looks at them
with a grin Gin says " He beat the Boss."
"...Amazing" said Kurome with a calm look.
With the biggest grin of all of them Tsukushi "That´s my Guy-kun!"
With a proud smile "It´s no big deal. This is what you call the "Strongest contender."
"Now to save you guys..." As he says that a big wound appeared on the back of his head..
Natala,Kurome,Gin and tsukushi looked puzzled at this
"It´s started."
"It´s the curse."
"You`re dead says Weneg as he rubs his shoulder.
"What do you mean... Curse?
"Dont mess around..."
As he tried to stand up...
"If you´re.... still standing..."
"..Then I´ll..."
"..Take you out again..."
..He fall down..
As Weneg looks at this he thought "It´s the Secret Art that can only be used by the Boss. The "Royal Family Curse" that channels the damage I take into my opponent."
"So long as I have it, I can`t be beaten..."
"I´m though enough that I´m not about to die so easily, but the opponents I battle are fragile Humans."
"The Stronger they are, the sonner they take themselves out with their own attack."
"GUYYYYYYYYYY!" cried Tsukushi
Weneg walks to them as he thought "They probably can´t fathom what just happended, but.. Now that they´ve witnessed the Secret Curse art work, I´d better kill them all - except my Wife.
Slowly but steady Guy stands up
"Just you wait." Slowly he reaches Tsukushi as he smiles one last time..
"Either way..."
"...It doesn´t look like... we can win this one..."
With steady eyes Guy says
"The least I can do is..."
"...Keep my promise to save you..."
"I couldn´t call myself a Man..."
"GUY!!!" screams Tsukushi..
Guy kneels down as he says
"Tsukushi... Look at my head.."
With tears in her eyes she thought .."Uhh! He´s in such a bad shape... He´ll never make it..."
Guy glances at the hole he came from..
"Get out through the hole I came in from."
"And think about my Wound... Figure out why I got Beaten..."
"The Damage was so sudden.."
With tears rolling on her faces "I´ll tell... Najasho and the others."
I appear in the room as saw Guy on knees as he bleeds out of the head..
With ice cold eyes I glance at Kurome,Gin,Natala and Tsukushi
"Tsukushi what happened here?" I glance at her and instantly snap her binding
With tears in her face she looks at front of her is her Teammate as she notices how cold his eyes are and the tense Killing intent is.. As it is waiting to be unleashed...
"Th..The..The Gravedigger Boss is behind that wall.. Guy tried to protect us one last time.. Guy had him nearly finished but then suddenly something happened... Just before Guy hit him in the wall the Boss had weird Black characteristics and the attack suddenly countered right back to Guy.. The Boss said something like a Curse..
"I-ii think that he has a Curse that he can activate to repell the attack that he gets.."
I try to smile and give her a Hug as I say
"You did well Tsukushi.. I take over here.."
"HRMPH!!!" Weneg punches out as he finally got through the Stone wall he notices that a new young man is standing there with black Eyes and blue eyes that are Ice-cold.. He notices that in the air is a high Killing-intent to be unleashed..
"It appears a new young man came to die.." says Weneg.. Before he could say more..
I look at him.. Instantly I summon my knives and rush to him with my Killing-intent unleashed..
I rush right in from of him to see that he can keep up with my speed I slash at with as I notice one Injury at his left arm.. I instantly activate acceleration before he notices that I know about his curse..
Weneg saw the young man unleash his Killing-intent as he summons weird knives he appeared instanly before me and tries to cut me but I evade to hit him back.. But just as I had a cut I noticed that I would lose blood faster then ever..
"So you have a Teigu mh?" As Weneg tries to talk with me I notice that he tries to activate his Curse I instantly jump in Action again before he could activate his Curse I cut him a few times again to make him bleeding but as I slash more and more I notice that I would too get injuries..But before I could think about a Plan..He kicks in my side
as I fly through the air I notice that he is faster then I fly..
I throw a knife at him that he naturally dodges.. I saw the smirk on his face.. He totally thinks I panic.. Before he could hit me I teleport to my knife I turn around and kick him on the ground
A small crater appears but before I could think anything else..
*SPLAT* I vomit blood as I notice my injury.. Damn he really can return everything..
But as I notice the small blood pool at him Instantly I throw my Knife at him as it hits him arm..
"ABSORB" I scream to my Teigu as It absorbs everything from him.. Hes not dead.. Hes alive but I still can absorb the Energy from him.. Because my Knife is in his arm..
As Weneg notices that everything gets absorbed as he loses more and more strength.. He tries to stand up.. But before he could Kurome appeared before him and kicks his head from him..
As the brain splashes around us I concentrate to absorb the Energy.. As I thought.. I can absorb the Energy with the Monster and Human knife.. Because hes half Human and half Danger Beast..
"Hirooo!!" Tsukushi jumps at me as she hugs me..
"Now everything is fine Tsukushi" I smile a little at her as I notice Kurome, Gin and Natala coming..
"Thank you for the rescue Hiro" Smiles Kurome with a light blush on her face.
"Thank you for the help" Says Gin and Natale together.
"Haha it`s not a problem.. Just let us search for the others now." I smile at them as I looked at the corner of my eyes at Guy.. Guy you were strong.. But not strong enough.. You can just blame yourself for being too weak..
We walked through the Labyrinth I noticed that on our way through the Labyrinth more and more Gravediggers appeared as we slashed through them one by one we finally come to an End where we could turn left as Kurome said with a smile
"Sis...ter?" Akame and Green fighting with an old man and a man that has Squid-arms. Kurome instantly runs to the side of Akame as Gin said with a mocking smile
"An ending that be-fights the crimes of the bad Guy!" As she kicks with her feet in the Eggs of the squid-man
"That´s... not even... Funny. You´re the ones... Who came bargin in here to destroy us..."
"If we´re the bad guys... Then you´re... The Archvillains." with the last Breath he died..
As the old man looked at Akame as he said "We Gravekeepers kill any who meddle with the Tomb. Besides that, we´ve lived in Peaceful Solitude... And yet the Empire barges in here for the treasures that Slumber within...
Akame just retords with "It´s the other way around. You guys didn´t have enough offerings, so you stole from the Empire."
"...So that´s the Story they´re telling their Soldiers, is it?"
"We are the ones being Robbed."
Before he said more I killed him with the thought.. "You are weak.. You just got eaten up by the Strong." But I smile in the outside to Akame: Akame don´t let him fool you. Think about what Father said, "dont listen to what the Enemy says."
With an calm face Akame said "You`re Right."
As Gin appeared she said "That Squid guy said the same thing before he Died. Accused us of being the ones who pillaged Them. So their Stories match up, huh?"
"But why would we even believe you Guys? You put us through Hell." as she glances at the old man
"...Then look into it yourselves. You´ll realize the Empire´s been Lying soon enough."
"Assuming you get out of here Alive... of course."
"This Place is still crawling with Gravekeepers. They´ll crush you by sheer numbers alone."
"They´ll swarm this Room soon enough." Just as he said that a big number of Gravekeepers came in but...
"The Enemy´s Reinforcements are too Strong.."
"We´re done for" with that he died..
I couldn`t stop my smile appearing to my face as I thought about the injuries that were caused from Ice.. Esdeath the Nr.1 from the Empire.. She is really strong..I want to beat her...
As the thought that somewhere else..