Chapter 13

As both of the Teams came back they noticed that we were still not back

"Poney where are Hiro and Father" said Tsukushi as she looks around.

Poney jumps around as she said "Hiro found a suspicious man and Father went with him to ask him some questions..

As they put their stuff away and walk out of the room Natala,Green and Akame were left. Natala stands up and says as he glances at Green with a smile

"I´m going to go around and make our Introductions, see if I can get the negatiations started."

Akame looks puzzled at that and says "We just got to the Inn, can´t you do it Tomorrow?"

"..If I sit still too long, I worry to much." says Natala as he walks outside."

Green with a knowing look showed him a appreciated look "Thank you Natala" says Green in his thoughts

"I´ll be right back. You guys rest."

As Green gets something out of his bag


"well, since we´re free until tomorrow... I thought I might finish up this Guy."

"I don´t want to be trying to work on it while we´re on the Boat."

says Green as he puts a paper Boat on the table.


Akame looks interested at that as she stands on and sits down at the table

"Is this some kind of Paper craft? with an amazed look Akame said that.

with a grin "Yep. It´s a great way to keep my mind of things."

With a excited smile Akame said

"Can I make one too?"

"Sure, I´ll teach you." said Green


Just then Green stopped.. At that moment, electricity courses through him!!

as he thought.. "I was almost completely wrapped up in my Hobby, but... Could this be my Chance?!"


"Like this?" said Akame as she holds a new Paper boat.

Green claps with his hand as he says



"Very good Akame!"

Akame laughes as she says "You´re always so quick to compliment me Green."

as Green got red on his face and sweat rolled down from his face he says

"I can´t help being sweet to the Person I like... Haha..

"Green.." says Akame

"I-Im sure you´re surprised. But I do."

"I like you, Akame."

As they both stopped Akame thought.. "...Uh-oh.. I can´t tell him I already knew that.. And WHY does he appeares on my mind as we talk about this.. As she got herself red on her face..

Green complete unnoticed that as he says..

"A-And, well... Um.."

"I can guess...How you feel about me..."

Y-You see me... As just as a friend right?"

"You don´t acknowledge me... As a guy?".. says Green as he looks at Akame..

Akame looks at the ground as she looks at Green..

"...I´m Sorry that´s precisely it."

"I have my adorable little Kurome.."


"That´s the reason?" says Green as she looks at Akame..

Akame shakes her head as she says "I have finally gotten to see my Sister again. If you asked me Who I like Right now...I´d say my family.. But inwarldy.. Why does he appears again.. Do I like him?... I should ask someone about it..."

"I see.." As he comes to the realization he asks

"But at the same time, there´s no guy you have a crush on!!?"

"No, I-I dont Think so..." As she got a bit red on her face..

He didn`t hear anything else just the "No" was enough as Green stands up and says


"That´s all I needed to hear! Just don´t forget that I´m up for the Position"


"Well...Just don´t forget that!" says Green as he runs outside..

Akame just sits there and was lost in her thoughts..


Gozuki glances at us he remains for a bit at me before he continues to look at everyone

"Everyone´s here."

"Hiro captured a man and I got him to talk. We now know the location of their Saltworks."

They all turn around to look at me as I hold my book

with a weird glint Akame appears in front of me

"Good work Hiro"

Kurome jumps at me as she says

"You did it! That was great Hiro"

I smile a bit as I say

"It was nothing..."


"You Guys are competing in sales, aren´t you?"

"After tallying the Results..."

"Team Green wins!".

"Akame you guys are making a Profit, but it´s only so-so" says Gozuki as he glances at Kurome, Tsukushi and Akame.

"I´m sorry... I knew it. It´s all because of that crab..." Said Kurome with her head looking at the ground..

"Don´t worry Kurome!!" says Tsukushi as she shouted that.

"Well, Gin we lose."

"Sounds like you guys made quite a bundle." said Akame as she talks to Gin.


"Whatever." said Gin as she turns around.

With a puzzled look Akame says "... Did something happen?"

Natala laughed awkwardly and says

"I messed up a little... It´s no biggie.."

"We will go to Gappi Marsh, of all places.." says Gozuki with a grim look.

"That superous dangerous region where the most powerful Danger Beasts congregate!?" says Green as he shouts..

"That´s what makes it the Perfect hideout." said Natala

"Not a bad choice for Ourburgh.." I said that with a big grin on my face.

"I´ve been near Gappi once"

"It´s a little too dangerous... To be putting a hideout there."

"Since it´s a saltworks, there are probably a fair numbers of Labroeres... I´m impreseed they manage to keep themselves safe." said Green with a thoughtful look.

"I´d prefer to avoid fighting too many High-class Danger beasts myself, But.. This is our mission, so we have no choice."

"We´re going to Gappi!" said Gozuki as he glanced at us.

"And we´re going to crush the source of the Rebel Army´s cash flow!"

As he said that I thought about grinding some Danger beasts to get stronger... But It doesn´t seem that is possible.. I need to strengthen my body further.. Otherwise my Body would explode with the energy from High-rank Danger beasts..

----- Gappi Marsh..

"They´ve probably sniffed out this Place by now."

"I´ve run out of sparring Partners so I was just getting Bored anyway.. As she says that around her are corpses of High-class Danger beasts...

"I can´t wait to Meet my... Fellow professionals says Merraid Oarburgh with a grin on her face... Merraid was a young woman with long black hair. Under her left eye, she had a birthmark. Her fingernails were long and also lacquered in purple. In addition, she wore a purple free-flowing dress with a black and white plaid belt.


"More wine please." Says Merraid


"Yes, right away!" says Chelsea as he walks to her.


"You know, Chelsea" says Merraid as she touches Chelsea`s finger.


"I´m sorry to have headhunted you so soon after you resolved to strike out on your own."

"But with you here now my motivation has changed."

"I´m going to work hard to show you how Cool I can be." says Merraid with a grin on her face.

"Ahhaha". with a awkward laugh laughed Chelsea.

"Madam Mera, I think that´s enough Wine for now." said an old-man who wore a butler outfit.

"Having failed once already, we Oarburghs must restore the confidence of those who have placed their trust in us."

"We must take out our Targets."

"Is this what I think it is, Daniel?"

"You seek Vengeance for Babara." said Merraid with a smile as she looks at Daniel.

With a sigh says Daniel

"... You hit the nail on the head."

"I swear I will avenge Babara."

As he says that a Big Danger Beasts flies to them..



"I thought I´d wiped them all out, but it seems one has survived. says Merraid as she glances at the Danger Beast.

"It´s a king Gappi."

"Their Hearts are said to be Tender and Delectable." says Daniel.


"WEll then, Chelsea, if you´d be so kind."

"Im sorry. That´s asking too much!!" Screames Chelsea as she looks at the bgi Danger beast.


With a smile on Merraid`s face she says"Gil and dora then."

Two maids jumped forward one of them has green eyes and long blonde hair. As the maid rushes forward she grabs with her arm a Teeth of the big Danger Beasts as she stops him to push forward she punches with full power out.and completely destroyed the Body..

"Ahhh, that felt... So good.." She said with a light blush on her face.

The other maid has purple eyes and long purple hair, which she tied in two pigtails and she had four arms. She playes with her 4 Chakrams around one for each arm as she says

"Now doing the Final dinner prep."


With her chakrams she cuts the body in pieces.. Somewhere else...