Chapter 14

Gozuki sits on a boulder as he talks..

"We´ve indentified the location of two separate Saltworks."

"They probably have two, so that if anything happens to one, they´ll still have income from the other." says Akame as she holds her chin with her right hand.

"Not if we can help it."

"We´re gonna to attack both at the same time and take them out."

"We´ll split into teams."

"Akame,Green,Tsukushi and Kurome Team 1"

"Hiro,Gin,Natala,Poney and me." says Gozuki as he looks at us.



"You´re not fully recovered so don´t overdo it!" Says Akame with a concerned look.

"I know."

"I promise I won´t drag my Team!" Says poney with her cheeky smile.

With a grin on my face "Let´s go Poney."


I mask my aura as my Grin couldn´t disappear on my face.. I thought "Im so excited!" The Leader of ourburgh.. Lets see what she can do..


"Not even a Danger Beast to be seen."

"What a disappointment."

"All I seem to have lately are disappointments." Says Gin with a annoyed face.



"I´m sorry." says Natala with a slight smile.

As they talk to each other I trail behind.. Perfect bait you two.. As I look at them.. Instantly behind her appeared Merraid Ourburgh.. I couldn`t keep my excitement and Instantly ran forward with my knives to cut her to pieces..


"Ara ara ara I didn`t know that there was a man hiding..." Says Merraid as she looks at me with her usual grin.

"You´re not bad yourself.. I didn´t even notice you before you appeared." I said as I look at her with her umbrella in hand.. She came in front of me to attack me but I parried with my Knife as I knew that she has Wringlers around her..


I hit her umbrella with my Knife as I fall back to keep a distance.. I can´t allow myself to fall back.. as I thought that I rush forward and throw 2 Daggers at she that she reflects with her Umbrella I try to cut her but I couldn´t get into her range without her wrigglers touching me..

As we fight Gin and Natala finally noticed our fight..

"Hiro!!" says Natala as he tries to help..

"Idiot! Dont help you can´t help with that fight.. Get Gozuki" I say to him.. Because he would just stay in my way to fight.. I would need to protect him.. What a burden tzk..

"Let´s go Natala! says Gin as she turns around and runs to get Gozuki.

"Are you sure you can turn around to look at him?" Says Merraid with a smile as she kicks me in a wall..



I breath unsteady as I spit blood.. What my arrogance... Im so stupid.. I couldn´t believe that I thought I could fight my strength against her.. She is way over my league.. And she still smiles at me... For my first time on a Mission I got really angry... REALLY angry...

"Fuck you, im not your fucking Toy!" I scream at her as I throw my knife at her... she dodges as I thought she would think I panic now and make mistakes.. Instantly I appeared at the Knife that was at her side.. I kick her with full strength..


Before I could connect my hit.. She dodges..

"Ara ara ara little Kid, do you really think Im that stupid? I long ago knew that you have a Teigu.." she said with a creepy smile..

I calm down as I thought about her movements... She is playing with me.. She tries to get Information out of me.. And Information about my Teigu..

"I really overestimated myself.. I thought I could fight you easy on par.." I said with a grin on my face..

"But that is the real FUN part.. Merraid Oarburgh.. Im going to destroy you.." I say to her as I run away..

"He is really fast.. But well he was a great Toy.." She said as she disappeares...

as I run away I noticed that Gin, Natala, Poney and Gozuki are coming my way..

I breath calmly as I saw them coming..

Poney is looking at me with concern as she says "You have been wounded, come im going to bandage you.."

"You got something from the fight?" Says Gozuki as he looks at me calmly.

"Yep.. First of all.. my arrogance.. went from the heaven to earth.. Her strength is abnormal.. She played around with me as she tried to get Information from me.. She can control Winglers.. And she was the leader of Oarburgh.. Merraid Oarburgh.."

He puts his hand on my shoulder as he says "Good that you didn`t die.. At least we have now Information about the leader.. Come with me I have to show you something.. Maybe you could get a power-up.."

"Huh?" I say as I follow him..

"..There´s a huge pile of Danger Beast carcasses just up ahead.. Maybe you can absorb the "Energy" from them to heal yourself and Strengthen your power..

I walk forward as they Protectet me I absorbed 1/10 of the Energy.. first I heal myself.. and as I put the Energy on my body and strengthen it.. I notice that after 30 Seconds I couldn`t absorb more.. Because I would literally explode.. I grip my hand as I stand up..

"This is bad. There´s a good chance we´ve walked into a Trap."

"We´re getting out of here" said Gozuki as we run away..

"There´s no one around... Was everyone devoured by Danger Beasts?" asked Akame as she looked around.

"But there are none of them either." says Tsukushi

"It seems like this place was functionaly not too long ago...Maybe they all just ran." says Kurome.

"Should we check out Neighboring villages? They might be Sheltering them there. Asked Green as he looks at Akame.

"...You think the village might...Aid the dissidents?"

"I don´t want to consider it, but that might be a possibility."

"It´s really only a small portion of the Population that´s thriving...Life´s though wherever you go." Said Akame as she walked around.

"Sonner or later, the good guys will do something about it." said Kurome as she looks at Akame.


"...You really think.. They will?" asked Akame with uncertainity.

"We´ve visited all sorts of Towns as we´ve gone about our Trade, but... Everywhere we went, people complained about the Empire...

"But Dad´s always telling us that´s not something we should worry about." said Tsukushi with a smile.


"We only need to focus on our Mission." said Kurome with a similar smile.

With uncertainity Akame said..

"That´s true, But...

"I dont know if it´s really the right thing to do..To leave it at, "We dont have to worry about it."

"After all, our efforts are meant to bring smiles to the faces of the People...

With a blank face Tsukushi says...

"What´s the matter Akame?"

"It´s a little Strange for you to be talking like this don´t you think?"

With a smile Kurome said

"You´re so serious, sis. You tend to read too much into things. Don´cha think?"

with a strained look she just says


Green who is with his back to a stone wall says..

"Akame... I understand what you´re saying."

"Green..." says Akame as she turns around to him.

"BUT Father would be mad if he heard you talking this way."


"So don´t dwell on things like that."

"Just focus on staying Alive."

"It´s for your little Sister´s sake too."

with a sigh she says..

"...You´re right."


"Pony, is anyone coming after us!?" asked Gozuki..

Pony jumps in the air as she jumps backward..

"Nope! If there were, I´d see them!"

Just as they run.. on Natala´s leg.. There was a wriggler..

"There´s no need for us to Panic and go after them."

"We´ll track them to their hideout and take them out at the Root."

"Heh...Heh... I can´t wait.. My new Toy just wait that Sister is coming to get you.. As she smiles..

"It feels like the Night before a Picnic.."