Chapter 15

Town of Sweun

"So they´re Traders here huh." says Merraid with a smile on her face.

"I see waht a perfect Cover and they can easily gather Intel."

"Shall we search the Area?" Asked Chelsea.


"Through there are more Enemies than I´d thought."

"Let´s keep our distance and investigate slowly and carefully."

"We don´t want them to catch on to us." said Merraid with a smile as she glances at Chelsea.


"Nothing really happened except Hiro fought with the Leader of ourburgh." As he said that everyone glances at me..

"Hehe I didn´t tell you?" with a awkward smile I said that.. Akame looks at me with concern but I didn´t notice it as I was too deep in my thoughts... I got totally destroyed.. BUT im not the FUCK going to be her toy.. NEVER.. I will slay her.. As I grit my teeth...

"They are strong."

"Really strong."

"Their leader played with me.. If im realistic no one here stands a chance against her except Father.."

I said that as I glance around with a grim look.

"He´s right.. If his Information is right she can control Wrigglers we need someone with a great range of damage.. I can kill her but if someone else has the same Power then it would be a problem.."

"Hiro are you sure that was a Teigu?" asked Akame

"I would notice something like a Teigu.. She just had a Umbrella in her hand that she uses like a sword but everything else falls at her on long-range attacks.."

"Oarburgh is going to be a hard enemy.." says Green..

"We´ll be on extra lookout for at least the next two weeks. If nothing happens, we´ll resume our regular activities." said Gozuki.

As he said that I walk out of the room with a grim look.. As I walk through the Town I thought about the entire fight... And I know.. She didn´t even used her real Teigu strength.. She can control thousands of them and she destroyed me with a few hundred.. I need something against Enemys like that.. Im perfect for 1v1 Fights but not against a Teigu user who can control Beasts...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn´t even notice Akame walking behind me as she watches me from far with concern..

After a while I went to the roof of the Shop and just lay there in Silence... As I keep my eyes open to see if someone watches the Shop.. Well, I can´t really check if someone watches us.. with her wringlers I wouldn´t notice one except they would be on my body.. After some hours I walk back and just went to sleep.

-----Three weeks later.

"The results of our investigation... Have given us the whole Picture surrounding the Suekuni Trade Firm. It has changed hands five years ago... Said Daniel as he glances at his Book with the Information.

"Just give me the bottom line, Daniel." says Merraid as she smiles at Daniel.

"Everyone working in the Firm is an Agent of the Empire on some kind of mission. As such... I don´t see any Problem trating everyone working there as a Target." said Daniel with a calm face.

Merraid plays with her wine glass as she said "That means we can launch an Attack without worrying about holding back. But I´d like to take a few of them Alive to extract Information. Says Merraid as she looks at Daniel with a grin.

"All right, then we´ll pull back until we´ve at least secured a few for Questioning." Said Daniel.

"Then we can kill anyone who´s left." said Merraid.

"Yes. Any day now, I except they´ll be lulled into letting down their Guard and resuming activities again."


Kurome,Akame,Natala and me walked on a road as Kurome started talking

"Awww, we have to start our search all over again from scratch..." with a sigh she said that.

Akame smiles at her and says "We have no choice. Let´s be thorough and take things one step at a time."

Natala walks behind them as he says "For now, we just have to decide which Towns to do our trading in. I think-


Merraid appears behind Natala as she stabs him through his body with her Hand right under his Heart..

"Sorry, won´t be play around with you this time."


Akame and Kurome pulls their swords out and prepare them for a Attack as Akame screames


I summon my knifes as I fall back, I saw 2 Maids and 1 Butler behind us waiting for a chance to attack. I eliminate my presence and watch for a chance to attack..

"Go, my Wrigglers says Merraid as she unleashes her Wrigglers she began to control them to attack Akame and Kurome..


Kurome and Akame slash through every single Bug as Akame says "She is the leader of Ourburgh as Hiro told us. They are her Teigu watch out Kurome."

As Akame watched in front of her she noticed that behind her a Shadow is coming, fast she knees down before she tries to cut Daniel down, I appear behind him and kick him in his side


As he flies through the air, I appear before him but before I could attack him again Merraid appeared before me..

"Little Toy, wanna play again with Big sister?" With a smile of her own she said that..

"Shut up.." I vanish and appear in front of her as I cut every wreggler down that tries to get in my range.. Akame came behind her as she said

"Rest in pieces!" as she slashed through she noticed that her Sword was full of Bugs.. Before she could think of anything else..


Merraid knocks her down


Akame gave me a chance, I throw my Knife at her at a blind point, as I was finally excited to Kick her ass, I didn´t watch behind as I was fully concentrated on Merraid


The Maid Gilberda punched me with her full strength, as I could notice that I won´t be able to use my right hand for now.. I thought.. "I need to escape and tell the others.."

"Ara ara ara, You won´t be able to escape." said Merraid as she appeared in front of me as she tried to slash me with her Umbrella.. I teleported to my Knife.. SHIT they knew it along.. Before I could think anymore


"Capture complete." Said Merraid as she looks at Akame and me.

"Im finished over here too." Says the Maid Cassandra. as she knocked Kurome down she said "This is a first for me. We Ambushed them, and still our targets counterattacked us."

"I´ve lived a long time, But I´ve never seen this happen before either." said Daniel as he had holes in his clothes..

"They did kill Babara and the others, after all." Said Merraid as she glances at them.

"Shall we torture them for Information?" Asked the Maid Cassandra ( The one with the four Arms.)

"That won´t be necessary. When these Kids are late getting back, their allies will sound the Alarm. That´s when we swoop in to attack. Besides if I can, I don´t want to turture the two. She reminds me of myself and the man reminds me of someone too... We follow Assassins need to get along" says Merraid as she looks at Akame and me.