As Merraid stood at the Trade firm with her 2 Maids and her Butler she says
"The Suekuni Trade firm just closed shop for the day."
With a grin said Gilberda "That means there´s nobody inside! Let´s go hog wild and make a mess of it!"
"We´ve already secured our Hostages. Let´s massacre the rest." said Merraid as she walks to the firm.
As Gozuki and Green sit on a Table to play around a bit Gozuki looks at Green and asked
"Hey Green, How´s Akame been these days? Has she been saying anything strange?"
Green just looks at the Table as he says " No, nothing that I can think of. As usual her only concerns are Food and her little Sister."
"I see. That´s good to know." said Gozuki.
"Why? Is something troubling you?" Said Green as he looks at Gozuki.
with a long sigh Gozuki said "It´s just that she´s so serious. If she says anything odd, I want you to tell me."
"Roger." said Green.
In that moment a bug tried to flew to Gozuki but Gozuki reacted and grabbed the Bug.
"Hm? What´s that Bug?" Asked Green with a puzzled look.
"Fast, we need to check Tsukushi and the other girls! This is the Enemy.. Shit. The moment we drop our guard.."
*KRAK* In that moment the door opened full of wreglers.
"It realls is an Enemy attack!" said Green as he swings around with his whip.
As he tries to kill every wregler one came to close but Gozuki rescued him as he smacked the Bug away.
"If they could dodge your Whip, these are dfinitely a Breed of Danger Beast.
As they walk outside the door they notice colleges of them that lie on the ground with bugs full in their body...
"Since they´re such tiny Danger Beasts, they can kill silently without causing a commotion..." said Gozuki with a grim face.
They run around as they try to find the other Team mates.
as they ran Green said "That might explain why it´s so quiet down on the first Floor..!"
"Let´s check it out." Said Gozuki.
More and more bugs appeared until they couldn´t escape them anymore Gozuki began to fight them as he says to Green "If Poney and the others aren´t here, then they must be in the Girls´ room on the Second Floor." Assemble everyone!!!"
"On it!" Screamed Green as he runs forward.
"Shit! This is really Bad."
Daniel punched through the wall, as Green noticed that
"An enemy!"
As Green wanted to confront Daniel, he noticed a thick Killing intent in the air he looks behind him.. Merraid from Ourburgh..
"This Girl...Is deadly!" as he thought that he jumps through the window to withdraw.
"Oh. He acted without hesitation. That manner of escape takes skill. He sensed my Presence...And has a healthy level of cowardice for an Assassin." Said merraid as she looks at Green.
"I´ll go after him!" Said Daniel as he rushes forward to follow Green."
"Yes. Don´t let him get away.As for me.." Said Merraid with a smile.
In the girl´s room Tsukushi, Poney and Gin were circled in Wrigglers Poney said with a disgusting face
"What are these things? They suddenly appeared out of nowhere."
Gin looks at the Bugs with a grim face as she says : Hiro explained it to us.. It has to be the abilty from the Leader of Ourburgh...
Tsukushi looked disgusted at the Bugs as she said "I can hear fighting downstairs, we´re completely under Attack! It is an Emergency we need to escape."
With a grim look Poney said.. "It´ll be though, but Dad´s orders are absolute... Let´s do it."
Gin slashes her Sword around as she said "All right, I´m gonna carve a path for us..!"
As Gin swings her sword around a Bug wall appeared and seperated Gin from Tsukushi and Poney...
"We´ve been seperated?! said Tsukushi with a shout...
"These thigns are actually Smart!" Said poney as she glances around to find a way to escape..
The two Maids appeared as Gilberda said "All right. Let´s Pummel them to dust!"
As the other Maid Cassandra says "It´s even- Two-on-Two."
Poney and Tsukushi glance at them as they said..
"These Guys..."
"Yeah... They´re Strong..."
The Maid Cassandra threw her Chakrams at them as Tsukushi counters them with her Guns...
The Maid Gilberda tried to threw herself at Tsukushi to kill her, but the moment she Jumped Poney appeared and kicked at her face..
Gilberda falls back as she says with a grin "Huh. Nice Kick you´ve got there, eh?"
Poney looks at her as she was on her knees with a calm look "... I was hoping I´d take your head of with that one."
Cassandra draws her Swords as she says "It appears these Opponents won´t be easy to kill."
Gin walked around as she noticed the Leader of Ourburgh.. Merraid..
"Tch... That was cunning of you, to split us up." As she said that she thought about the Information that Hiro said... She has a Teigu... On 1v1 even he didn´t have the chance and was played around.."
Sweat came from her head...
As Merraid saw that Gin was slightly afraid, she noticed the reason and with a big grin she said...
"So my little Toy told you my Strength?"
"He is not a Toy, he is a Teammate." said Gin as she tries to appear calm.
As Gin dashed forward Merraid said with a calm look
"I am the Fangs of the Reaper of Ourburgh."
"My Blade of Death and I...Will pray for peace and order for you in the Afterlife."
"Get out of my way, Bitch!!" Said Gin as she tries to slash with her Sword at Merraid..
Merraid laughed at her and said "You can call me Mera."
"Hiro was right.. I am not her opponent.. Tzk.. I need to escape FAST."
"You´re probably thinking you can fight me while you can think an escape route for yourself.. But that´s the wrong Strategy.. When an Assassin is driven into a corner, she mustn´t Fight. She should flee without any hesitation.." said Merraid as she draws the Umbrealla out and spins it around in the direction of Gin..
Gin was shocked as she noticed it.. "Hypnosis! not Good!" Gin jumped in panic as she tried to hit Mera..
"Wrigglers." Said Merraid with a grin as Gin tried to slash the Wrigglers down, she said
"As if I´d let some Bugs be the end of me!"
"Sadly for you, they will indeed be your End." as Mera gets a cut through the skin of Gin..
AS Gin falls back Merraid says..
"Most people are wary of my Umbrealla and can´t help but be given Pause... I didn´t expect you to charge right for it."
Grin smiled at that with sweat rolling down "Like they say, "Desperate times call for Desperate measures."
"Had you been a good little Girl and let the Hypnosis take effect, you could´ve lived a little longer. Assassination isn´t the kind of career for someone impulsive like you. If you let your heart control your Body you´ll end up dead." Smiled Merraid at her.
As Gin got a Potion out of her pocket, she drinks it as she says "Says you."
"I´m not using Poison." says Merraid as she says that...
Gin jumped at her with her sword swinging at her...
"Now. Out of my way!" as she said that she didn´t notice that blood is coming out of her Eyes...
Merraid thought with a smile.. "The match is already over.."
------ At Tsukushi, Poney and the 2 Maids Gilberda and Cassandra
As they all thought about how to Escape or how to kill her...
Tsukushi throw a Smoke screen at the ground
The two Maids stayed outside the Smoke as Cassandra said to Gilberda
"You think she bailed on us?"
"Maybe...For just a kid, she´s confident and coolheaded.
Tsukushi smiled as Poney carrys on her back
"It´s a good thing we were able to make a break for it!"
Poney too smiled at that as she runs.. "In any case, no matter what happens, we´ve gotta get to the rendezvous Point. We can´t hold our own against those two."
As Tsukushi glances behind her.. "Poney look!"
"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" said Gilberda as she runs with Cassandra on her back after them.
"Hold it right there, you shitty little Brats!!!"
Poney looks shocked at that as she says "They´re catching up with me!?"
Gilberda grins at that as she says "Once I cancel all my limiters, this is a breeze for me!"
Tsukushi summons her Pistols as she shots at them..
As Cassandra threw her Chakrams at them..
They cancel each other but one Shot connectet through Gilberda´s knee..
"Makes sense.. You aimed for Targets dora would have a hard time deflecting and shot me.. I expected that, so I tensed my muscles.. But it still hurts.. says Gilbarda with a "Ow."
Poney screamed at that.. "She got off with just an OW!? She´s still running!"
As Tsukushi plays with Cassandra´s chakrams she says "Phew... It´s a good thing I´ve got such good eyesight..."
"She stopped my Chakrams by catching them..." Cassandra looks shocked at that..
with a steady Breath Gilberda says
"I knew it. We need to get closer. Here goes my last spurt!"
As they finally saw a forest Poney jumped in it as she says
"We´re going this way Tsukushi!"
Gilberda screames at that "You´re not getting away!"
As Poney runs she reminded herself of the fight at the Gravekeepers.. as she jumps from one Tree to the other with a speed of wind.
"Geh!" If I weighed less, I could do that, but..."
"It´s my weapons that are making us heavy. I´m sorry..."
"You really are too kind, Cassandra..."
As Poney and Tsukushi jump through the Forest Tsukushi looks behind them as she says
"Wow, Poney they´re not coming after us!"
------At Gin and Merraid
As Gin tries to slash at Merraid, Merraid dodges easily as she says "What´s the matter? You´re not putting any power behind it." as she grins..
Gin has an unsteady breath as she bleeds out from her eyes...
"It´s just about time." says Merraid.
"I knew it... You Poisoned me...Earlier." says Gin as she tries to stand still...
"It´s not Poison. I planted Insect eggs in you." says Merraid with a grin..
Gins stomach bleeds all over.. as Bugs appeared from the Stomach..
"This is goodbye..Let´s hear your finaly words.." says Merraid
"Yes. You´re going to die now. Without question.."
Gin walked to Merraid as she tried to slash one last time at Merraid.. Every bug appeared out of Gin´s body...
"When faced with death, people usually call out the name of a loved one. You truly are lovely for continuing to attack right up to your last Breath. You made a marvelous incubator. It took only a small swarm of my little Children to full you up." Said Merraid with a grin..