Gozuki appeared behind Merraid as he saw Gin... He knew already what happened..
"You´re Merraid of Oarburgh.. That´s some disgusting shit you pulled on us there."
Merraid smiled at him as her Wrigglers fly around her ready for a attack..
"That´s how I kill targets that fit my Taste. It also gives me the chance to dote my little Bugs like they were my own Children.
Gozuki holds his Teigu.. Muramase.. As he sharply looks at Merraid and said
"I won´t let you kill any more of my Children.. You´re going to die here."
As gozuki said that Meeraid prepared a circle around her with her Wrigglers as she says
"I´ll kill you swiftly and without mercy." as Merraid said that, she glances at the Sword of Gozuki and thought... What a beautiful, mysterious blade... It must be a Teigu.. I should probably do what I can to avoid being cut by it."
Gozuki prepares his stance, as he says "I´m going to crush every last one... Of your puny Bugs."
Merraid just smiles at that as she says "They say 70% of all living things are Insects. Show some Respect."
"You´re lower than a Bug for relying on them." said Gozuki as he watches her with his sharp eyes.
"Then are you lower than that for losing to me?" Says merraid as she controls her Wrigglers to dash to Gozuki..
Gozuki cuts through every single Bug with a speed of Air
With a grin appearing on Gozuki´s face he says "You see that? Insects won´t penetrate my defense.
"And they aren´t even moving of their own accord. I´m the one orchestrating them. Not bad."
After they finished trying to provocate each other, Gozuki dashes at her with his sword in his right Hand and says
"Just roll over and die!!"
Merraid falls back as she controls her Wrigglers all around Gozuki to rush to him.
"You worm."
Gozuki controls his body like Gummi as he says
I´ll smash them all!" as Gozuki appears to be concentrated to kill the Bugs, Merraid appeared behind him as she says with a smile "What about when the Puppet Master herself attacks?"
Gozuki opened his mouth like a crazy Smile as he controls his tongue to attack her..
Merraid dodges but before she could falls back Gozuki controls his Toes to smash through Merraid´s Umbrella.
As Merraid dodges and treis to fall back, Gozuki began to control his Hair to attack and noticed that the control over he Bugs went less...
"You´ve slacked off on your control over your Bugs.!"
He stretches his Arm with his Sword in his hand and attacks Merraid as she dodges with her Umbrella.. They slash a few times the same way...
As Gozuki finally cut through her Umbrella he grins "Now Die."
Merraid forms a smirk on her own as her Bug stabs through Gozuki´s arm..
"Were you too taken with me?" as Merraid says that she kicked his arm away with her Foot, as the Sword appeared in the air
"Your guard against my Bugs was lax for a second there."
Merraid pushes Gozuki back as Gozuki evades, he controls his Hair to catch his Sword and slash at her..
"I purposely let go of my Sword." Grined Gozuki.
"...KUH!" As merraid falls back..
Gozuki snatched his Sword back and said with an annoyed face
"Tch. You´re not dead?"
with a smile on her face Merraid said "There are all types of Insects... And my children exhibit their own unique characteristics to an extreme Degree. For example, these are an especially toughshelled Breed. That´s why you can´t cut me unless you´ve got a really strong grip on your Sword. And there´s a moth-type That´s been shedding its Toxic Scales from above this entire Time... Though it doesn´t appear to be affecting you."
"Some insignificant little Poison won´t work on me..." As Gozuki looked at his Feet he noticed that a Bug appeared there.. "When did you sneak into my Shadow...?"
"While we were fighting, I completed surrounding you." Said Merraid as the Wrigglers rushes to surround Gozuki..
"Okay everyone. Strike all at once now." With a snap on her finger..
"I look forward to seeing if you can stave off this attack while being Injured."
As the Bugs began to attack, Gozuki knees down and each of his Hair rushed out like a Needle and stabs through every little Bug..
"This is a lot more efficient than crushing them one at a time." Said Gozuki with a grin.
Merraid looks at him with a calm look as she appeared beside a Window..
"I told you before. There are all sorts of Insects.."
"Did you know there are even Bugs that explode?"
As she said that the entire Shop exploded...
"Phew...Good grief. I´ve never had to use so many Insects to kill one Person before."
---------- At Green and Daniel..
Daniel looks at Green as he says "So you´ve run out of Stamina. Even though you´re my Enemy, I commend how much distance you covered in your Retreat.
With a unsteady breath as sweat falls down Green says..
"I ran... All that way... So how can you still be so composed...?"
"I am from the Grim Reapers Oarburgh. With my Transient mallet, I will lead you to hell."
"Not if I..." said Green as he grabs his Whip
"...Can help it!!!"
Daniel dashes forward ignoring the slashes from the Whip.. "So you still insist on pointless Struggle...
"These Whip strikes may sting, but they carry no weight. I just have to breakthrough before I take too much damage..."
"Like this" Said Daniel as he punches out..
As Green watched the punch coming... "I´m sorry Akame..." as he gots punched through his entire Body..
"Target Completed.." said Daniel as he takes the Corpse of Green with his whip and falls back.. But before he could fall back.. Daniel noticed in front of him.. Two girls coming.. "He didn´t run out of Stamina.. This was their meet-up point...He was waiting for his Friends!"
Poney let Tsukushi down as they noticed that Green lies there on the Ground.. But instantly they concentrate again..
"GO!!" Screamed Tsukushi as Poney rushes forward.. and Kicks at Daniel as he tried to block everything but the Power behind it was too much.. As he was too exhausted from all the Running with Green as he was an old man.. He didn´t notice Tsukushi shooting out.
As he finally noticed the Bullet.. It was too late..
Blood splashed out as he falls on the ground..
Tsukushi and Green couldn´t be happy on the defeat of him.. As they noticed the corpse of Green..
As tears began coming out of their Eyes.. "GREEN!!!" Screamed both of them.. But it didn´t help as he was already gone in the Afterlife...
Gozuki hides behind a Shop as he watches Merraid standing on a kind of House.. He saw the 2 Maids appear.. as he thought.. "So her minions have returned. I can sense them.. With the three of them together, there´s no way I can attack head-on. The Oarburghs are too powerful for that. The fight´s going into overtime... I´ll have to play like an Assassin" As he disappeared from the Shop..
"He sure made a real mess of Things. He´s quite the cheeky one, giving you such a hard time Mera-sama." Said Gilberda as she looks at the destroyed Shop..
"If he´s a Creature that can manipulate his Body at will... Then he really is one of the four Rakshasas from the Temple of the Imperial Fist." Said Cassandra as she watches it too.
Tsukushi looked from a high Boulder around as she says to Poney.. "Nobody´s come to the Rendezvous point...Yet..We just need to wait..Dad has to be okay.."
Poney looks at her as she says with a grim look.. "All we can do is wait for them here at the Rendezvous point.."