"If Daniel still hasn´t contacted us by now..Then he must have been killed..." Said Merraid as she sits on a chair.
"He graduated fom life without even graduating from Virginity. What a way to life.." Said Merraid with a thoughtful look..
The two maids had grim looks at that as Gilberda says.. "I´m sorry Mera-sama. We were useless too...
Merraid smiles at that as she says "I´m just glad you made it back Alive. I consider it a plus that you carried out your Mission to the end." As she said that she thought.. But...having lost Daniel,Taeko and Babara...Im feeling the pain of these vacancies... I´d like some Reinforcements.."
"I just have the thing!!" Merraid said as she walks to a door..
As she opened the door, she saw Akame,Kurome and me there.. Akame and Kurome sit on a ground with a rope binding their Hands.. As for me.. She binded my Hands too..
I look at her appearing before me as she said "Ara ara ara didn´t you want to destroy me little Hiro?"
I stay calm at that provocation.. As I say "I didn´t have the chance yet.." As I smile lightly I notice that she got already the Information about our names..
Merraid glances at me with a thoughtful look and then she looks at Akame and Kurome and noticed that they a little in Panic.. She smirks at that and says
"You know.. That Boy with the name Natala is still alive. And I have no intention of torturing you Sisters or you little Hiro, so don´t jump to killing yourselves."
Said she as she throws me at Akame and Kurome and says as he knees down.. "If you´re Assassins, place your bets on the Possibility of surviving to the very end."
I smirk at that and thought.. "So she is going to try recruiting us.. Maybe not a bad choice to join Oarburgh.. But no I knew the end of Ourburgh from the Manga.. Merraid is a bit different from the Manga but I try my best to prolong it that it gets like Cannon...
I provocate her with "Mera-chan what are you going to do with us?" with a playful smile.. But I regreted it as soon I did it..
"Ara ara ara, little Hiro you´re already calling me Mera-chan? What a playful boy you are.. As she kisses me on the lips.. I just went blank.. "HUH?!"
Akame got really angry at that and said.. "What are you doing?!"
As she noticed my face and ignores Akame outburst she smiles and says "You´ve been brainwashed by the Empire. So i´m going to teach you the truths of the World and the right way to Love.. At the end she looks at me with a gleeful look.
She smiled and took us three with her to another Room, where the 2 Maids Cassandra and Gilberda waited with 3 middle-aged man with ropes on their Bodys...
She mainly looks at Akame right now and says.. "This Beat-up bunch is Bandits A-kun,B-kun, and C-kun. By simple virtue of our being girls, they spontaneously attacked unprovoked. Surely you´ve encountered such men yourself, right?"
Akame reminds herself of a Situation as she just says.. "Yes.."
Merraid smiled at that and says "They said,"We´re gonna kidnap you and make you bear our Children," so I kidnapped them instead. This might be a shock, but watch closely."
With her finger she snaps..
The bodys of the 3 Middle-aged man bursts open as they began burst open.. Many Bugs appeared out of them
We looked shocked at that Akame and Kurome as they saw it for the first time and me well, Reality and Manga are different.
Merraid smiled at that, "As you can see... I can control dangerous Insects. I planted their eggs inside these men. and...while you were passing out, I planted some inside you too."
Kurome was really in a awful mood as she screamed "Wha...!?"
Akame looks really disgusted at that "KUH...!"
I look calm at that as I say.. "So that´s because my Body feels so uncomfortable..."
"Once they hatch, there´s no saving you. You´ll be eating alive from the inside out, just like these poor saps..And die a horrible Death."
Akame looks calm at that threat as she says.. "...What do you want? Are you just going to torture us?"
Merraid ( Im calling her Mera now) smiled at that "No. I just want you to listen patiently as I explain the truths of the World. Because knowing you, you´d escape if given the chance."
Akame looks grim at that as I calmly think about the situation... She predicted our every move... Well that was clear.. She wants to explain the Truth of the world means the Empire that is rotten to the core... I can´t just say that I dont believe it and doesn´t want that Akame doesn´t follow her.. She would notice I knew it all along... It would be really hard to explain it to Akame..
"IIf you´re gonna talk to us...Then include Natala." shouted Kurome at Mera.
"That boy... Is done being treated and is now Resting. Later you can go see him all you like."
I just smirk lightly at at that commend.. You rather mean you finished torturing him..
Mera walks to a Sofa and sits there as she looks at me and smirks..
"It´s a long story, So let´s get comfy.. Snuggle up with me.. Hiro-chaan. The both of you too."
I feel my pride is going away as I hear her say that..I grit my teeth.. As she noticed that she waves with her arm around as she says
"If you listen to what I say, I won´t hurt you one bit. And for the record, there´s plenty more ways to make those Eggs hatch other than snapping my Fingers."
I sigh at that and looked defeated and saw that Akame and Kurome glance at each other.. I just thought.. Girls.. She is watching you know?..
As I began walking to her she is smirking at me to provocate me.. As I stand before the Sofa.. The next step is my Defeat.. She just waits that I sit down..Akame and Kurome sat already on her left side down with Akame next to her and Kurome next to Akame..
Akame notices the tension between us as she glances at me...
I sigh and sit down.. Mera smiled brightly at that as she began to hug me and Akame..
"Heh-heh-heh... I´ve got a flower in each hand.." said Mera.
I was looking really lost as I was never so defeated..
"Hiro-chaan you are really my cute Prince, and Akame you and Kurome you are really too cute..
As she begans to play with us I notice that she is checking our Body out.. But she strokes me a bit more than Akame.. as I notice that her arm is going in the middle... I got slightly red as I hit her hand away...
"Ara ara ara, Hiro-chan are you a bit shy?" Said Mera as she looks really smug.
"I think that is enough playing around don´t you think?" I say as I try to keep calm...
Akame says at that.. "I dont care what you do to me.. But don´t touch Kurome!"
"I´m just helping you loosen up.. Relax, Relax." As Mera said that she thought.. Hiro and Akame have the natural build of an Assassin. It makes me want them even more.. As she looks gleeful at me and Akame..
"Why don´t you three join my Team?"
"Never" shoutes Akame and Kurome
"Nope" I said it calm and noticed it was a failure.. She noticed that something was different between me and the girls..
Mera glances at me and Akame as she began to hug me even more..
"Then why do you work in such a Shadowy Trade?"
Akame looks agitated as she says "...Because it´s our Mission."
I try to say something to help Akame but just as I want to say something Mera stops my mouth with her finger..
"That´s all? Be Honest." said Mera as she looks at Akame and Kurome.
Kurome suddenly appears happy as she says "The harder we work, the more people will be Happy."
Akame looks puzzled at that "We have to stop those trying to start a war."
I calmly say "To stop the ones who are trying to destroy the Empire."
Mera closes her eyes as she nicks with her head and says.. "I see, I see. So that´s what you tell yourselves. From where I sit, I´d have to say... No matter how hard you try, people won´t be happy. That´s because the Empire using you is itself rotten... That´s the truth of this World."
Kurome instanly screames at her "BULLSHIT!"
Akame calms Kurome down as Mera continues.. "You´ve seen a number of Towns through your missions, right? Didn´t you see the poverty yourselves? That´s because the Empire isn´t doing its Job properly."
I say nothing as I knew already that but didn`t let it notice on my face as Akame says "I know that"
Kurome looks at her "But the people in high positions will take care of that."
as Kurome says that I just thought.. Oh Kurome.. You really got brainwashed from them.. Oh damn..
"That´s impossible. The Person with the most power in the Government, Minister of State Honest, is the root cause of the Rot and Corruption. The Minister manipulates the emperor as he sees fit and has made the Palace his own."
As she said that Akame looks lost in her thoughts.. As she stopped talking to wait that Akame registers it.. I thought.. I can´t really argument against anything that she says to stop telling Akame the truth.. I wish I really had the Power to escape right now.. As Akame begins looking at Mera she continues..
"To get in his good graces, you need to Bribe him. That´s why he´s sneaking behind the scenes to squeeze Taxes out of the People. His actions have left them strapped and stretched to their Limit. All you´re doing is taking out those who would stand in the Empire´s - and more specifically the Minister´s way, dont you see?"
Akame said nothing as she appears lost in her thoughts I continue to look at Mera with a interesting look.. But the Brainwashed Kurome..
"Hmph..That´s just what a Traitor would say. To betray the Empire is the worst thing possible!" As Kurome said that
Mera thought.. Kurome´s been heavily brainwashed. Compartively, Akame´s brainwashing is lighter...She´s already questioning her Stance.. She´s thought about this before. She might be easier to sway than I thought.. As for Hiro´s brainwashing.. It´s a lot lighter than Akame´s and that means he either knows about it already.. Or he is questioning it too.. I will need to watch is reaction more.. Soon I will have my little Prince in my hand and my Little Flower in the other..
Mera blushes at her imagines as she continues with a smile "...Of course, I am an Assassin, so to be honest, I´m in no Position to comment on the Government and their Intentions. But it´s just so Pitiful to see you being raised on biased Lessons and working for a Lie."
Kurome screames at her again as "They´re not Biased...We´re doing what´s right!"
As Mera begans to stand up and walk to Kurome.. "Let me have just a little Taste." As she began to lick her with her Tongue..
Akame shouted at her "Kurome!? Knock it off!"
"You´re a little overprotective, Big Sis." said Mera as she thought.. "Kurome´s taste... I´d heard that Drugs were found among her Personal effects, but.. They must be perfomance enhancing drugs.. It´s already too late for her.."
She stands up as she says "Akame and Huro-chan come with me. Kurome you wait in your Room."
Kurome looks with concern at Akame "Sis!"
Akame looks at Kurome "I´ll be fine, Kurome."
Mera, turns to Cassandra as she says. "Dora. Keep an eye on Kurome."
"Roger." said Cassandra as she watches them leave.