We walked outside of the House, as Mera began removing our ropes..
"I´m sure that was uncomfortable, so I´ve removed it."
She smiles at me as she gives me a kiss on the Cheek.. "If you value your life, don´t try anything funny."
Akame looks like she explodes as she watches her kissing my Cheek.. As she calms down and says "...I have no intention of betraying the Empire.."
"Me too." Mera hardly glances at me as she tries to look through me.. I appear calm outside but inside.. Did she notice something!? Did I exposed myself with something!?
"Seeing is believing. This might take a while, but you´re coming with me. If I lose sight of any of you, I´ll hatch your Eggs." Said Mera as she smiles at us.
I mock her with my smile as I say " I don´t know what´s going on but if this is a Race, you won´t beat me."
She looks gleeful at me as she blushes at her thoughts and says.. "Yeah? Then don´t fall behind." As she says that she dashes forward...
I follow close behind her as Akame says
"Kuh! Wait!!" I slow down a bit to be on the same speed as her..
"Akame calm down, okay?" I smile at her
"Fine" She pouts at me.
I was increasing my Speed to get faster then Mera but she was always keeping a exact distance.. So I speed further up but well then she did Speed up.. So she is already playing with me... argh..
With a smile she said "You kept your word!"
"We were raised in the Wild!" said Akame
Mera looks really happy at that and says "Then you´re just like me!"
After we run out of the Forest, Mera stopped as she says "I found a Village.."
As she said that I know already what she is going to do... She is "trying" to teach Akame the truth.. But I just hope Akame won´t be influenced by it..
"Haah...Haah...Haah...What are we doing here...?" said Akame as she steadys her breath.
Mera turns around and looks at Akame and then me with her sharp Eyes.. "Let´s go talk to the Villagers. Then we´ll go to the next Village and repeat the process. Traveling the Land and hearing the people´s Voices firsthand, you´re bound to learn something."
After she said that, we walked to the Village and Akame and me learned the situation from the Village..
We heard the voices of people in every Region. The Sorrow over the Aburd Taxes. The resentment toward the petty Officials who bullied them. The Local military that did nothing to curb the activities of Thieves. Each complaint clearly expressed dissatisfaction with the Nation.
After some Time we went back to the Forest, as Mera asked us.. "Well? Have you been getting a good look at reality? OR perhaps you´d already seen it before. AAs she said that she looks at me with a smug smile.. Then she turns back to Akame, The reason you allowed yourself to be deceived every time is because you´re a Child. Who wants to believe that the Empire is in the right."
Before Akame could say anything "Will you shut up already? You´re really annoying at this moment..And do you think we´re going to just swallow whatever you say so easily? As I said that I saw that Akame is really lost right now..
"Akame, remember what Father said.. Right now the Empire is in his Dark times, just because in a few Villages there are situations like that, it doesn´t mean its the same thing at anywhere else. We need to do our Missions nothing more."
Mera retords with "I´ll go to however many Towns it takes for you to understand. For now let´s head back. You probably want some time to calm down and think it over. And I´ll give you this extra lesson as a bonus." As she said that she grabs Akame´s hand and throws her over her Shoulder to the ground..
"I understand your state of mind, but you leave yourself too open. For an assassin, yoru emotions are all over the place.Such emotional fluctuations can give you explosive strength, but... They will lead you to an early Grave. Stay cool. That way you can draw on a Power that is consistent and stable.You don´t want to die and be separated from your Sister, do you?" Said Mera to Akame as she looks at me..
"As for you.." As she said that she appeared before me to kick me to the ground but I block it with my hand, as we keep punch and dodge, I got really excited in that Fight and forgot my surroundings.. Instanly before I could punch one more time out.. She kicked me in my Side..
"I learned so much from you from our first Fight, wanna know what?" said Mera with a gleeful smile..
I nick as she goes with her finger to her Lips i already knew what she wants.. I am not a TOY i thought, as I run forwards to her provocation and she kicks me again away..
"First of all you´re a real battle maniac, you love it to fight because of that you will forget the surroundings of you.. Second you stay calm, but if one finds the right words to provocate you forget everything else and just attack.."
I was flabbergasted as she told me my weakpoints.. It´s all true.. I lay on the Ground and noticed that Mera still looks at me..
"Thank you.." I say quietly.. But she heards it and "Haha, no problem little Hiro-chan" As she gave us her extra lesson as she says, "I´m going to become your Boss, and your Lover as she said that she looks at me, as she continues One day, so I´m starting your Training."
"HUH?!" I look really puzzled at that.
"I told you, I won´t switch sides, and beside Hiro isn´t yours!" As she plays with her arm around in panic!"
Mera just laughes at that "I´m going to teach you one more thing about the Empire´s darker side. And for that we have to head home."
As we walk back to the room of Kurome.. I have already an bad guess.. As we walk inside we noticed Kurome lying on the Sofa as tears came from her eyes and spit out of her mouth as she shakes all over her Body..
Akame instantly got panic and screames "Kurome!!" And runs to her.. As Mera explains..
"These are withdrawal symptoms from stopping her Medication. I had a feeling you didn´t know. You must´ve noticed your Sister constantly dosing up. It´s a perfomance enhancing drug that makes her Stronger, ...but it messes her up from the Inside out...When she´s kept from her Supply even for a short period, she´s reduced to this in no Time."
Akame screames at her "LIES! You did something to her!"
Mera walks to her and opens her left arm and says "Here I´ll give you back the Drugs kurome had on her."
"Deliver it to her with water inside her mouth and have her sawllow it. She´ll be back to her old self in no Time."
I gave her a glass full of Water as Akame opens her mouth and I put the drug inside her mouth with the water in it.. Instantly after she takes the drug, Kurome doesn´t shake anymore and stays asleep.
"I took away her medicine because I wanted you to see the withdrawal symptoms, but I´ll give it back now. Think it over, Akame." As Mera looks at me she noticed that I am still in shock of Kurome´s state.. I thought.. In manga it really is complete different.. It was really ugly to see at...
"Hiro-chan you´re staying here mh? Be a good boy and look out for Akame and Kurome. As she said that she comes to me I wanted to run away but I knew she was stronger then me so I didn´t do anything as she kisses me on the Lips.
After that she walks away and closes the Door.. As Mera closed the door the 2 Maids appeared on her side as Gilberda asked,
"How are they doing?"
Mera answered with a gleeful look "Akame is wavering But she´s been raised on her Ideology since childhood..It won´t be that simple. And there are her bonds to her teammates. As for Hiro.. I think he knew about the Situation all along.. But didn´t say anything as for why, I think he didn´t know where to go, so as long as we bring Akame over, Hiro will definitly come over too.
Cassandra looks at Mera and says "By the way, about earlier..You did that extra that you kiss him didn´t you? You knew that he doesn´t like that but still did it because you want to dominate him.
Mera looks really happy as she blushes in her Face, "He was so beautiful as he is so Shy and can´t do anything about it because he knows that Im stronger then him.. I´ll have him in a few days..