On some mountain in a wood house..
"Gin and Green are gone, and Hiro and his team have been taken captive.. This is very,very bad.." Said Poney with a grim look..
Tsukushi with tears in her eyes.. "Green.. Gin.. And just when we´d started getting along.."
Gozuki calms Tsukushi down as he says "It would´ve been very bad if we´d all been wiped out, so it´s not the end of the world yet. Bedies I followed the Enemy and located their Hideout."
"Which means this time, it´s our turn to launch a surprise attack on them." Says gozuki with a grim look.
"Will we join up with another team, like when we took on the Gravekeepers?" Asked Tsukushi
With a calm look Gozuki answers "When it comes to such shady adversaries, guile is what we need. Even though they´re probably short on manpower as well. I have some friends in the Area. I´ve already asked for Support. They´re staking out the enemy hideout right now."
On a Tree outside of the Hideout from Ourburgh.. "They´re not making any Moves at all. Boriiing." Said one of the four Rakshasas from the Temple of the Imperial Fist, Mez. The daughter of Gozuki.
"Ninety percent of a mission is down time." Said one of the four Rakshasas from the Temple of the Imperial Fist, Suzuka.
They´re the Minister´s personal executioners. Gozuki was once a member of the four Rakshasas as well.
Mez looks at Suzuka as she says "Looks like some of our friends have been captured too. If we get closer, we could probably find some Information."
"No way. We´re as close as we can be in these circumstances. As long as the one with the long,black hair and her two Attendants are around, we can´t get anywhere near." Said Suzuka
"What about capturing anyone who steps out? Asked Mez
"No can do. If they don´t come back, It´ll raise the Alarm. We wouldn´t be able to surprise them then.
As met with realization, Mez says "Ah! Then what if we call on your super masochistic nature and let you get Captured? You´ll be tortured, but you can get in."
Suzuka gets a blush as she says "A fullcourse torture menu served up by masters of Assassination...Heh-heh-heh... I´d love that, but... The Enemy would be alerted if they thought to ask, "How´d you find this Place Anyway? You only just joined the four Rakshasas, so I know you´re eager for victory, but you have to be careful.
"Fine.. Oh...Somebody´s there. It´s my old man! ( Gozuki) What´s he doing walking right up to the place?!"
"No that`s not him. He´s not walking the way Gozuki does. It´s a fake." says Suzuka as she watches the Fake walking.
"I´m back."
"...Looks like you didn´t achieve anything." said Mera as she looks at the Fake.
"Nah. I tried walking around but nobody took the Bait." Said Chelsea as she transformed back.
"It appears they´re doing everything they can to avoid tipping us off." Said Mera as she drinks her Wine.
Cassandra the Maid says "We´ve used the full extent of our Information network to look for them, but... There´s still zero data on their surviving Friends."
With a sigh Gilberda the Maid says "That Natala guy is pretty stubborn. He won´t spill any Information."
Chelsea looks at Mera as she says "Glad as I am that the Rebel Army delivered a chrushing blow against the Empire´s spies.. I´d be happier if the Survivors were finished off too."
Mera smirks at her "understandable. After this, we´ll seek out any survivors. My little Hiro and Akame are precious, but the main Mission is more so. I´ll start looking into it this afternoon."
Chelsea gets a bit awkward as she sasy.. "Ummm... I feel awkward bringing this up at such an inopportune time, but... I´ve got a job coming up, so i´ve got to relocate...
"Oh, that´s too bad. Then can I have you do one last thing for me?"
I sit with Akame and Kurome in our Room as we talk..
"I hope Natala is well.. And he won´t get tortured..." Said Kurome as she was in concern..
"Kurome.. I am 100% sure that he gets tortured at the moment.. If not he would be here at us.. Sorry to say this but I don´t want you to be too sad if you see him bloody in a cage.."
Kurome gets angry at me and wanted to shout at me as Akame puts a hand on her shoulder..
"Kurome, he is right.. We are lucky that they want to recruit us that we can prolong it as much as possible.. That our team rescues us.."
I sigh as I saw them talking to each other, I took my shirt off as I began to train.. What else could I do in that cage? Think about how to escape? Not possible with the Bug in my body.. So to use the time efficient I train a bit..
As Akame noticed me train, she glanced at Kurome and noticed that she was lost in her thoughts, so she walked to me and asked me in a quiet voice.. "Do you think it´s true that the Empire is rotten in the core?" As I saw her looking at me with hopeful eyes.. I couldn´t just lie.. If some are precious to me in this World they are the entire team of us.. Kurome,Tsukushi,Pony and Akame.. And I don´t really want to lie to them.. Just as I wanted to find a reason to change to topic, the door opened.
Mera walked in and noticed me without my Shirt, as she began to blush, she says to Kurome "Kurome you wanted to see Natala,mh? He is awake now."
As she says that we began to walk with her as we stood at a door, Mera opened it and there was Natala nacked till his underwear.
"Natala" shouted Akame, as she saw him fine she smiled a bit.
"He´s okay..." Said Kurome as she too got happy to see him..
I look closer and knew that it was Chelsea, I smirked a bit and said "Natala good that you are fine."
As Mera explains "I´ve stripped him down to his underwear just to prove to you that he´s not hurt."
"Let us talk to him" said Akame as she turns to Mera.
Mera turns serious as she says "Don´t forget you´re my captive. I´m not that lenient. What I do to him depends on your decision...Consider my offer to join my Team."
As Mera begins to smirk "I must say, you two sisters are awfully close, you care for each other that much?"
Both of them shout "Of course!!"
Mera looks at this a bit jealous as she walks to me and says "We´re gonan be like them.. So awfully close.. As the tries to Kiss me, I dodge the kiss.. ..I shouldn´t have done that..
Her aura flares up as she says "Hiro-chan come here." As she began walking to me, I couldn´t just escape.. She would catch me again.. How powerless I feel is unbelievable...
I just stood still and watched her coming to me and saw her Kissing me but this time with her tongue... I wanted to stop it.. But well if I would Im 100% sure she would do more than that..
So I endure it, as she walked us back... I just couldn`t get myself to keep my facade up to smile.. I got really angry at myself.. So Powerless.. It´s like the first world where everything is handled with Politics.. I can´t do anything against her.. As I gritt my teeth..
Akame walks to me and hugs me.. "Hiro we will get out of here please endure will you?" As she said that I notice that she flushed red, I smile and say "Mh, sure Akame."
After that Akame turns to Kurome and asked her "Kurome are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah I feel right as rain now." Answered Kurome with a smile.
Akame says to her with a grim look "I can´t believe how much you were suffering just because your medicine wore off..."
Kurome assured her as she says "I´ll be fine as long as I keep taking my medicine regularly."
As Akame appears to be in deep thought,
Kurome says "Do you think... There are really insect Eggs inside us?"
I say to her "Yep there are, I can feel them in my Body.. Its really uncomfortable. But I´ve already figured out the layout of the hideout, the surrounding area, and who´s guarding this Place. We´ll assess the Situation in a few days."
As Kurome sighs and says to us.. "This is a really serious topic to broach, but... We´re captured now. One of us might die.."
Akame instantly shouts at her "Why would you suddenly say that!?"
"When my medicine wore off, I thought to myself, wow, this Might be the end of me"... Said kurome as she looks in the air.
"So prepare for the worst, sis. So you can live even if I don´t. If I Die It´ll be because I just wasn´t strong enough. There´s nothing I can do about it. But I´d hate for you to die too...Because of me."
As I hear them talking I say.. "The world is strong eat weak. But, First of all we won´t die.. I´m sure that Gozuki found already the hideout from them. We just need to wait for someone to come to us that we can tell him/her the Information that we gained. So dont be negativ Kurome.
As Akame begins to cry, I give her a hug, as I say "But still Akame, be prepared for everything don´t be emotional in a real Fight, just like Mera told you."
"...Okay.." said Akame as I wash her tears away..
"That´s enough, Chelsea." said Mera.
"Is that really going to be enough?" Said Chelsea as she transformed back.
"As the boy, I could´ve convinced them to join the Team..."
"I have every faith in your powers of transformation, but... If you´d spoken and they´d caught on, it would´ve been disastrous. The real Natala is a wreck after being Tortured...I can´t show him in his current State."
"You´re really serious about adding Hiro and Akame to your team.
"Hiro will open his heart to me soon enough, I just need to dominate him a few more times.. As she said that she blushed.. Heh-heh..heh.. As for Akame, I need to show her more of the Dark side of the Empire, then she will join me too.
Chelsea thought about it as she saw the young man with Black eyes, muscular build and Ice cold Eyes.. "He is sure handsome huh.." As she thought that she began to blush hard..
"Heh-heh. What´s the matter, Chelsea? Jealous? He is mine.." Said Mera as she saw her blushing.