
???: "So this is what the afterlife looks like. Although I was expecting it to be a bit bland, this wasn't where I imagined myself ending up."

The person in question was in a completely white space. He was currently sitting down, crossed legged, in a white field that stretched out into the horizon.

He was an American that had died due to his deteriorating health after he had graduated from university. He met with a lot of doctors and took every test they asked of him, some harmless, some painful. He let them take his blood, scan his body, inject him with liquids, swallow multiple pills, recommend and control his diet, and many more. However with all the things they did to his body, all of them couldn't find the cause of his failing health.

After a few weeks, he had become pale and decided to give up and let nature do its work after seeing how his the doctor visits and multiple examinations were amounting to nothing. Naturally, his family tried to talk him out of his decision saying stuff like "you're still too young" or "you can't give up now", but they couldn't change his mind.

Boy: "I don't want you guys to drown in my medical fees for a chance to live a little longer."

Even if he did survive, he wouldn't forgive himself for financially harming his family. The best case scenario at this point was that he would have to be continuously supported, meaning that his life would be their burden. Furthermore, this was shortly after he graduated from college, so he and his family was shouldering a lot of his student debts.

On the other hand, if he were to pass, they could use the money from his life insurance to more better secure their future, would be more than enough to take care of his debts, and help support his mother in sending his sister to college.

His family only consisted of him, his mother, and his little sister and his mother was just making enough for them to live decent lives. They weren't very well off, but they still lived their lives happily. Breaking this harmony was the ultimate taboo for him.

His dream and goal for this life was to be the best son and brother he could be and support his family with whatever decision they made, no matter what it took. But now with his condition, it seemed like the only way left to make his dream remotely possible was to trade it with his life, something that he wouldn't hesitate to do.

They were about to interrupt him and say that money wasn't an issue, but was stopped when he held his hand up.

Boy: "Even if I do live through this, there's a good chance that I'll have to take a bunch of pills, visit the doctor almost everyday, and be stuck restricting my life so I don't suffer a relapse. I don't want you guys to take care of me forever, when it should be the other way around."

In his mind, ending it soon was way more better than extending the pain he was causing to his family. He had always felt that it was his duty to pay back his mother for her years of support after his father left him and his sister when they were young. This was his one and only his goal in life. He determined from that point that he would do anything and everything to help his mother and sister even if it were to cost him his life.

Furthermore, he could no longer stomach the sad look they gave him each time they visited. They had tried to cover it with their smiles, but he could see right through them. His mother had the same look as she did after his father had left.

After making his decision, he chose to stay home to occasionally help his sister with her assignments and homework and doing chores around the house with what strength he had left, essentially anything he could do to help his family in his last couple of days.

He also started more, trying to gain back the muscle mass that he had. If he was going to die, he didn't want to do so as a skeleton. Plus, he went on a lot of trips with them, trying to create as much happy memories as possible to outweigh the sad ones.

And when it was finally time, the last thing he saw were his mother and sister were both kneeling on his left and right, desperately trying to hold back their tears.

Lying on the hospital bed, with his last strength, he rubbed his little sister's head who was smothering her face on the blanket and grip his mothers hand with whatever strength he had left, closed his eyes, and smiled one last time before his hand fell listlessly and a long beep could be heard.


It had only been a few minutes since the man had arrived in this white space, but without any concept of time nor any indicators, it had felt like an eternity. Everything around him looked the same.

Boy: "Well, at least this place doesn't look like hell. Can't hear any screams of agony and I don't feel hot or cold."

As he was thinking of some way to pass the time with only this thoughts, something bright sphere appeared in above of him. The thing shortly morphed its shape to that of a human and landed right in front of him. Before the thing could speak, he was interrupted.

Boy: "Such a cliché."

???: "Eh?"

Leaning forward, he rested his head on his hand and had a lazy look.

Boy: "If you're gonna drag me here, at least come sooner. I was bored as heck, waiting for something to happen. Even if you were busy, couldn't you've given me some snacks or a deck of cards to keep me occupied?"

The mysterious being took a second to reorganize his mind before crossing his arms around his chest.

???: "You're awfully calm and talkative for someone who just died."

Boy: "Heee... So I really did die. And here I was assuming that I was stuck in some virtual game I need to beat in order to escape. Sucks that I couldn't become a dual-wielding swordsman."

???: "Haha. I just remembered how much you like anime. If my memory serves me well you even masturbated to a lot of-"

Unlike his previous temperament, the boy quickly stood up and covered the being's mouth.

Boy: "WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Please stop speaking, you're bring up some dark memories, especially some painful ones."

Although he couldn't see it, he instinctively knew that the being had a very wide smile on his face. The being removed his had from his lips.

???: "Well, who told you not to lock the door? You can't blame anyone but yourself for letting your mother see you like that."

Boy: "Shut up! I just let my guard down for a second."

???: "Then what excuse do you have when you also got caught by your little sister? Granted, she was too young to understand what was happening, but you still got caught again."

All the boy could do was grit his teeth in silence against the snarky grin on the being's face. He sat down and resumed his initial stance with an annoyed expression.

Boy: "Cut the crap! I know you're not here just to talk about my past. I'm pretty sure that you're pretty busy being a God and all that."

God: "Ohhh. So your figured that out did you?"

Boy: "Not really. I just took a shot in the dark at the most probable possibility and there's the fact that you know my darkest secret."

God: "But still, you don't seem very surprised. I thought you were an atheist."

Boy: "That's because I didn't think you actually exist. I follow a strict 'seeing is believing' policy. Since you're standing here in front of me, I now know that you exist. Just to let you know, even if I now acknowledge your existence, doesn't make me a Christian or any other religious follower."

God snickered.

God: "Who would want a shrewd guy like you to be my follower? And how do you know whether I'm really the God that you know?"

Boy: "I don't, but at least I know you are someone of a higher power. Let's just say that calling you God is just a convenient way for me to identify you."

He chuckled at that statement.

Boy: "So? Can you now tell me why you I am here in the first place?"

God: "Oh right. Ahem. So I'm pretty sure that you already have an idea of why you are here in the first place. Yes! You have earned a chance to be reincarnated into another world!"

The boy just stared at him with the same bored expression he had in the beginning.

God: "What? I know that you had an idea about why you're here, but I thought you would be more excited. Don't you feel happy knowing that you're essentially an anime protagonist?"

Boy: "No, don't get me wrong, I am happy. But if this a similar scenario as in the animes I've watched and the mangas I've read, does that mean that you had a hand in the reason why I died in the first place?"

God jolted, face away, and then started whistling.

Boy: "I'm not mad at you."

He then saw God visibly happier and that annoyed him a bit.

Boy: "Okay, I may be a little mad at you. But, I'm pretty sure that you can't do anything to reverse the situation correct?"

God nodded.

God: "Sorry, but yes. That is correct. However, I'll make sure that your mother and sister will live the rest of their lives comfortably. You have my word."

This was the thing that worried the boy more than anything. If God had made a mistake the first time, there was a possibility that he could make another mistake and harm his family. Now that he had received God's word, he felt relieved.

Although there was another possibility for God to go back on his word, he felt like he (God) was trustworthy.

Boy: "Then everything is alright then. With your word, I have accomplished my dream."

God smiled.

God: "Then without further ado, let's move on to the details of your reincarnation. List the type of world that you would like to go to and your wishes. Due to your nature in your last life and how devoted a son you were, you get to have 5 wishes, but they must be reasonable to the world that you choose."

The boy had a wide smile.

Boy: "Nice! I was waiting for this!"

He then began to list everything in his mind to his hearts desire.