Prologue 2

The type of world he wanted was very simple, a world that contained the universes of various sports animes/mangas. One where there were many sports to be played and where prodigies/geniuses were abundant.

He also wanted them to all line up so he could experience each one of them without needing to make a decision if two different sports universe happened at the same time.

Sure a fantasy-type world or sci-fi-type world, would be more interesting, but those types of worlds were usually filled with many dangerous elements. He had just died and he did not want to experience it again for at least another 80 years.

That being said, he also didn't want to go to any world that was from any drama or slice of life anime/manga. As most of them were too depressing and lack any action.

Sports animes were like the best middle ground for these two types of genres. He wanted to feel the rush of the adrenaline when going against good opponents, to build good teamwork and friendships with his fellow players and rivals, and to strive to be the best of the best, beating all competitors that come his way. This was the type of life that he had wanted and dreamed of when he was young.

He had played competitively in elementary school before he died, but stopped when he entered junior high after his father left. And when he entered high school, he mostly focused on his studies, wanting to go to a good college, graduate, and get a job right away. However, that didn't really go according to plan.

Now that he was given another chance to accomplish his young dream and nothing to hold him back, he was going to make the most of it in his new life.


When God was told what kind of world he wanted to be reborn in, he was not surprised by his decision, but when he heard the wishes of the man across from him, he was a bit dumbstruck.

God: "Really? Those are your wishes? I could probably guess why you would want the last one, the other 4?"

Boy: "Yeah. I figured it's probably the best and most balanced skill set I can have. Are they not good enough or reasonable?"

God: "No there's nothing wrong with them. In fact they're probably the best abilities you can have in the long run. They just seem a little too plain"

The first 4 wishes he had asked for were all abilities/details he wanted his new body to have.

- Healthy body -

A body that will possess any fatal illnesses. If the user does get sick or injured, recovery is fast and immediate. Also gives the user a high metabolism as a side benefit.

- Boundless Potential -

Gives the user the opportunity to continuously grow to the very height of human possibility.

- Completely Balanced -

The body is always in total balance. Every muscle is developed equally and they all complement each other. When the body reaches a certain point, the muscles stops growing and starts strengthening.

- Perfect Vision -

Let's the user be able to see everything clearly within his line of sight. As long as it's within the user's sight, he can notice even the slightest twitch with enough focus. Can gauge a person, their stats, and abilities if the user is looks hard enough.

Except for the first and fourth ability, the other two were extremely conditional, meaning that they would be useless if he did not train. If he did nothing in his new life, all he would be is just an average healthy male with particularly sharp eyes.

Boy: "Anything fancy or special doesn't necessarily mean that its good. Plus, being a jack of all trades seems fun."

God: "Yeah, but wouldn't people usually choose abilities that help them become overpowered. Not to say that I would allow it without any repercussions, but still."

That is how most of these sorts of scenarios would play out, at least that's how they did in animes and mangas. The protagonist would usually get lucky and get some overpowered skill and then use that skill to dominate their opponents.

However, our main character realized that if he were to follow this sort of scenario, his life would revolve around this op ability, which could be harmful in its own way.

Personally he felt that growing up and raising himself like a normal person would be better physically and mentally in the long term. He would then be able to focus on all aspects and raise them all equally and not a select few, hence the Completely Balanced skill.

With enough hard work, he believed it would be possible to match his abilities with the best of the best and eventually surpass them with his Boundless Potential ability.

[A/N: Think of it like Himuro from Kuroko no Basket who refined his ordinary skills to the highest level, but capable of reaching the Generation of Miracle level and beyond.]

God paused and thought for a bit

God: "...I'm okay wish granting those wishes, but for your plan to work, you would have to put a tremendous amount of effort."

He shrugged.

Boy: "I don't plan to laze around while I'm alive and with Healthy Body, I can train more than the average person. Although I'll probably experience a different kind of pain from all the continuous training, you know how the saying goes, "No pain, no gain"."

God sighed.

God: "You saying it like that make it sound easy. Anyway, those 4 wishes of yours are within the grounds of being "reasonable" so have no problems with granting you those if you really desire them. Your last one would be a bit more tricky to accomplish."

Boy: "Ah. Before we talk about that is it possible to adjust the time in which I am reborn?"

God: "Hum? Why do you want to do that?"

God was confused.

Boy: "I want to reborn 6 years before everything starts."

God: "Huh!? Why do you want to do that? You know that if you choose to be born that early, you won't be able to play against the main characters."

Boy: "I know."

God was even more confused now.

God: "If you know that and still want to be born 6 years early, then why do you want to go to a sports world in the first place?"

He chuckled.

Boy: "Instead of playing against them like how anyone would initially think, wouldn't it be more interesting if I was coaching them instead?"

God: "Coach? You want to be a teacher in an anime world!? Wait. Was that the reason why you chose your fourth wish?"

Boy: "Yeah. I don't want to be the kind of teacher that could overlook someone sleeping or eating in class. Also, Perfect Vision should be very helpful when I begin coaching players. Wouldn't it be extremely cool to use that to teach the main characters and make them even better than they originally are?"

God had a weird look on his face in response.

God: "I guess it would be a different kind of experience, but why did you choose the first 3 abilities for your wishes if you don't want to go again strong opponents?"

Boy: "You can't expect me to coach anyone if I don't know how to play the game myself. I still plan on playing competitively until college or a few years into college, but I'll still be training everyday like hell. And it's not like I won't be ever facing strong players. I'm pretty sure there are more than a couple of guys out there that can give me a run for my money."

Constantly seeing his nonchalant attitude was annoying God a bit, but he couldn't say anything else given how adamant he was about his decision.

God: "I got it. I'll tweak your birth date a bit."

Boy: "Thank you and sorry for the trouble."

God sighed.

God: "Anyways, moving on. While your first 4 wishes are fairly simple to implement, the last one complicated to a whole other level."

Boy: "Really? I thought it would be pretty simple."

God: "The idea is simple, but implementing it is a bit more than hard since at the time when you are born, it wouldn't have been invented yet and you won't be able to explain how you were born with it."

If no one had guessed it, the last wish he had wished for was to have his old smartphone be with him when he is reborn. On it he want as function that is able to detail how strong, flexible, and nimble he is for his arms, legs, waist, shoulders, fingers, etc., and what areas he needs to train. Sure his Perfect Vision ability could do something similar, but not quite to the same detail. This would go a long way in helping him get strong faster.

Well, that was just one of the reasons. The main reason was just because he didn't want to part with it. His mother bought it as a celebratory gift when he graduated and he wanted at least something as a memento from his past life.

God obviously knew why he wanted to bring his smartphone with him, but there were a lot of things he had to consider: How does a baby recently born have a smartphone in the first place? How does he bring in new technology when everyone is still using a regular cell phone? What to do with its other functions (internet, app store, email, etc.).

Boy: "Then let's change the rules of my birth one more time."

God: "What now?"

Boy: "Instead of being born there, transfer me to a one or two year old kid and just disguise it as a toy or something for a few years. Then you can just set the phone to only be unlocked by my fingerprint or something and disable most of the features, at least until I become older."

Although it seemed a bit too more "supernatural" than the average sports anime, not all the happenings within the anime could be explain through the use of science.

At least that's what God told himself. This prologue was taking too much time and he had other things to do. Therefore, he decided to grant his last wish with the said constraints.

God: "That is more doable. And with that, you're 5 wishes are granted and you will soon be reincarnating into a young boy."

Boy: "Nice. So how long is "soon" anywa-"

Before he could finish his sentence, his body started glowing, flashed, and disappeared.

God: "That long."